
Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

author:Speak to the world

Recently, extreme weather has continued to occur across the country

In Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, etc

Heavy rains in the south

Ping An Property & Casualty has received a total of 5,522 cases so far

The estimated claim amount is 114 million yuan

The amount paid is 13.61 million yuan

In order to do a good job in catastrophe claims and rescue services

Ping An Property & Casualty dispatched 419 emergency rescue vehicles

Mobilize the "Safety Guardian Emergency Rescue Claims Pioneer Team"

A total of 223 people rushed to the front line

Ongoing underwriting information checks

And participate in the rescue under the overall deployment of the local government

Comprehensively assist in emergency rescue and disaster relief

In Hubei: wading rescue, all-out rescue

"As long as I arrive a minute early, the customer is less risky"

At noon on June 22, the customer reported that the engine was damaged due to wading in the water on Xishan Niuer Road, Caidian District, Wuhan City. After receiving the customer's report, Xiao Shanyong, a claims adjuster of Ping An Property & Casualty, immediately contacted the cooperative maintenance unit and the exclusive rescue vehicle to rescue the customer. He firmly believes that if you arrive one minute earlier, the customer will be less risky. Due to the bad road conditions, Xiao Shanyong, on the premise of ensuring his own safety, also waded into the puddle to assist the cart and help the vehicle be towed to the maintenance station. Whether it is the speed of rescue and the temperature of service, the customer is very satisfied and gives Xiao Shanyong a thumbs up.

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

"You go to the safe area first, and we will take care of the vehicle"

In the early morning of June 22, there was a sudden rainstorm in Jingzhou, and some sections of the urban area were flooded. The customer's vehicle was besieged by floods and he called Ping An 95511 to report the incident. After receiving the report, investigator Lu Lei immediately reassured the customer: "You go to the safe area first, protect your personal safety, and leave the vehicle to us." Then he patiently explained the rescue process while arranging rescue. Knowing that the customer was in urgent need of a car, despite the heavy wind and rain outside, Lu Lei put on a raincoat early in the morning and put on rain boots to go to the repair shop for vehicle damage assessment. With Lu Lei's conscientious, responsible and methodical efforts, it took only one day to complete the closing payment.

"Don't be afraid! The rescue vehicle came, any discomfort to tell me"

On June 22, some roads in Xianning urban area were seriously flooded in a short period of time, the roads were blocked, and many vehicles were trapped. Ping An Property & Casualty's Xianning Central Branch immediately activated the emergency plan for the disaster, and investigator Huang Gaozhi immediately notified the rescue vehicle to rush to the scene of the flooding after receiving the report. When he arrived at the scene, Huang Gaozhi saw that the vehicle had been flooded to the seats, and was worried that the owner would feel claustrophobic in the car, and was afraid that the rain would drift into the window, so he appropriately opened the windows on both sides for the car owner, and then hurriedly pushed the car out of the flooded place with the ambulance driver. Afterwards, customers and surrounding car owners praised Huang Gaozhi's efficient and high-quality service.

In Fujian: Always be prepared for efficient rescue

"It's all muddy, and there's no place to put your feet!"

In the Longyan area of Fujian Province, under the influence of the low-level southwest jet stream, a rare heavy rain was encountered from June 16 to 17, and some areas were hit by extremely heavy rainfall, and the rainfall in 24 hours hit a record high. In the face of this sudden natural disaster, Ping An Property & Casualty quickly activated the emergency plan, worked closely with its branches, and fully devoted itself to the rescue and disaster relief actions.

"It's all muddy, and there's no place to put your feet!" This sentence is a true portrayal of the environment in which Fan Zhongsong, a surveyor of Ping An Property & Casualty, is located. At 8 a.m. on June 17, when the client urgently reported that his vehicle was flooded by heavy rain, Fan Zhongsong walked through the mud and went deep into the accident site when the road was not completely clear.

Fan Zhongsong not only demonstrated his professionalism as a surveyor, but also the courage and determination of a retrograde person to rescue, survey and assess the damage to the client's vehicle. In bad weather and complex road conditions, he used the fastest speed, professional compensation process and warm service attitude to solve the urgent needs of customers.

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

In Guangxi: Night damage assessment service first

"As long as I remind them more, they will be safer"

On the evening of June 19, the flood in Guilin flooded some roads in the urban area, and most car owners were in danger because they did not understand the road conditions and waded into the water. In order to prevent car owners from being involved in the waterlogged road sections, the Guilin Central Branch of Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance immediately set up a volunteer team to become a "retrograde" in the flood, quickly went to each waterlogged road section, and worked with relevant departments to set up reminder signs to discourage passing vehicles from wading through the water.

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

Wu Zhenliang, claims manager of Ping An Property & Casualty Guilin Central Branch, came to Qixing District, a low-lying area in Guilin City, where water accumulation is serious, "There may be people who don't know the situation ahead, as long as I remind them more, they will be safer", Wu Zhenliang placed warning signs in front of multiple water accumulation points, assisted the fire unit to rescue the trapped people through kayaks, carried equipment, assisted residents in transporting goods, and protected the lives and property of the people to the greatest extent.

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

Wu Zhenliang actively communicated with the fire department, used a mobile phone flashlight to light the rescue team, discouraged pedestrians from paying attention to safety, and arranged other salesmen to assist the rescue unit to call the owner of the car to remove the vehicles parked in the low-lying waterlogged places and eliminate hidden dangers in time.

"Keep the complexity and problems to yourself, and leave the simplicity and convenience to the customer"

In order to quickly help the affected customers settle claims, Ping An Property & Casualty Guangxi Branch urgently opened a night damage assessment service, worked overtime late at night to help customers assess vehicle damage, and coordinated with the maintenance unit to give priority to dismantling, cleaning and repairing the flooded vehicles, so as to deliver the vehicles to the customers as soon as possible.

On June 20, the customer, Mr. Ma, reported that the vehicle was damaged by flooding and needed to pay compensation. After understanding the situation, the claims adjuster of Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance quickly arranged for the rescue unit to carry out the rescue and towed the vehicle to the centralized damage assessment point for processing.

In the communication with Mr. Ma, he learned that he urgently needed to use the car in the near future, and the damage to the vehicle made him worry that the trip would be delayed if it was processed for a long time.

In Hunan: Assess and settle claims, and accompany patiently

"The flood is unforgiving, but we want to be a warm support for our customers when they are helpless."

On June 1, Yinjiaxi Town, Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City, suddenly flooded under the ravages of heavy rain. The client, Qin's house, suffered heavy property damage after the house was flooded. After receiving the report, the claims adjuster of Ping An Property & Casualty and the director of the branch, Zhu Fang, immediately went deep into the messy place of the accident. "Although the flood water will slowly recede, the damage to the house and the property at home is serious, and many of it is irreversible, and the customer is also distressed and helpless." Ping An Property & Casualty's claims adjuster described, "The flood is unforgiving, but we want to be a warm support for our customers when they are helpless."

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

In order to reduce losses, Ping An Property & Casualty claims adjusters first helped the customer transfer the undamaged property, carefully counted the damaged items, explained the claim process in detail, and patiently guided the collection of claim information, so that the customer's family felt warm in the confusion and helplessness. At this difficult time, Ping An Property & Casualty's claims adjusters reached out in a timely manner, interpreted responsibility and responsibility with actions, and conveyed strength and hope with warmth.

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

In Shanxi: Go deep into the field to resist drought and protect seeds

"In the face of the disaster, I have to assume the responsibility of a party member"

High temperature weather in Shanxi is frequent, and the rainfall is less than that of the same period in normal years. On June 17, the agricultural and rural departments launched a three-level emergency response to agricultural drought in Shanxi. Ping An Property & Casualty quickly activated the emergency plan, set up a working group, conducted on-site investigation and damage assessment in the affected areas, learned more about the damage to crops, and provided professional claim guidance and services for farmers.

As a party member, Ji Jialiang took the initiative to invite Ying to serve as the team leader, went to the corn arid land to conduct research and exploration, always bearing in mind the mission of party members, actively coordinating the resources of all parties, shuttling between farmlands every day, carefully surveying the extent of damage to each crop, patiently listening to the demands of farmers, answering farmers' questions with professional knowledge, popularizing drought relief knowledge and agricultural insurance policies to farmers, and improving farmers' risk prevention awareness and self-help ability, which has been well received by farmers. He often said: "I am a party member, and it is my duty to serve the people." ”

Directly hit the front line of safety, flood control and drought relief: efficient claim settlement, warm protection

Ping An Property & Casualty will continue to monitor the progress of the disaster

Earnestly make full compensation and pay as soon as possible

Make every effort to do a good job in claims service

Comprehensive assistance for rescue and disaster relief!

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