
The land of southern Fujian under the philosophical turmoil

author:Quanzhou Net

□ Rong Media Reporter Wu Liyun/Text (Image source: Quanzhou Evening News data picture)

Since Ouyang Zhan, the "Eight Fujian Wenzong" in the Tang Dynasty, knocked on the door of Qikedi, the style of learning in southern Fujian has been stirred, and "the tassels of the manhu have turned into youth", and humanistic ideas have been further sublimated in the mutual exchange and tempering; In the Song Dynasty, Quanzhou's style of study was at its peak, and the talents of the auxiliary country, the economic state, and the world were shoulder to shoulder, especially after Zhu Zi passed through, and the science and mind treatment were greatly opened; In the Ming Dynasty, the orthodox science represented by Cai Qing broke through the barriers of predecessors and led to the climax of academic formation and research in southern Fujian. During this period, Li Zhen was born, advocating authenticity, fighting against false Taoism, and creating a new peak of Fujian philosophy; After entering the Qing Dynasty, with the parallel development of Sinology and Western Studies, Zheng Rong Junshi shuttled back and forth, and Li Guangdi, a native of Anxi, had 12 works of science that were included in the "Siku Quanshu", and Fu Hongji, Chen Qianhe, Lin Mo, Li Qingfu, Chen Guizhou, Cai Hongjie and others wrote them, which successively glorified the ancient and modern.

The land of southern Fujian under the philosophical turmoil

Guohua Pavilion was built in the Ming Dynasty to commemorate Zhu Xi's virtue of teaching and education. In recent years, it has been rebuilt.

Zhu Zi is over-transformed and etiquette and righteousness are popular

Inheriting the trend of opening up in the Tang Dynasty, Quanzhou, which had the Song Dynasty, was more unrestrained in the exchange of ideas. Especially in the second year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1087), after the imperial court added the city of Quanzhou in Quanzhou, there were many exchanges at home and abroad, and the tide of academic speculation followed, Lu Huiqing's "Three Classics and New Meanings", Cai Qu's "Rites", Liang Kejia's "Poetry and Literature Recital Outside the System", Zhuang Xia's "Allusions to the Chronicles", Hong Tianxi's "Lectures on the Feast" and other Quanzhou people's classics set off fireworks during this period.

According to the "Fengzhou Collection of Manuscripts", during the Southern Song Dynasty, the style of lectures in Quanzhou was more prosperous, and in the process of the dissemination of science, there was a social reform system that matched the doctrine, such as the Yicang system, the Shecang system, the academy system and the township covenant that were suitable for the harmony between the government and the people. And all these have provided the necessary social conditions for "Zhuzi over-transformation".

Zhu Xi was born in Youxi in the fourth year of Jianyan in the Southern Song Dynasty (1130), but spent his teenage years in Quanzhou. His father, Zhu Song, served as the supervisor of Shijing Town at the beginning of Shaoxing, and Zhu Xi followed his father to the office. In the eighteenth year of Shaoxing (1148), Zhu Xi ascended to the Jinshidi, and in the twenty-first year (1151), he served as the chief secretary of Tong'an County, Quanzhou, and made friends with his parents and friends in Quan, such as Fu Zide and Chen Zhirou, and exchanged ideas with some young talents at that time. He also took advantage of the opportunity of approving books in Quanzhou Prefecture to give lectures at the Fuji Temple and Zishou Temple in Fuzhi. The "Fuji Temple" was originally built to commemorate Tang Ouyang Zhan. Zhu Xi admired Ouyang Zhan, the sage of Quanzhou, and built a pavilion in this kind of bamboo, lecturing among them, and said "small mountains and bamboos". Jinjiang Anhai is also the place where Zhu Xi gave lectures many times. Shijing Academy, located in the west of Anhai Town, Jinjiang, was formerly known as the Aotou Jingshe, a lecture hall donated by Huang Hu, an elder of Anhai during the Song Shaoxing period, for Zhu Song (Zhu Xi's father), the then official of Anhai Town. When Zhu Xi served in Tong'an, he repeatedly went to Anhai to visit his father's relics and old things, and opened the altar to discuss learning, "seeing that his old and young righteousness was well understood, he discussed with him, and the scholar was diligent in learning."

The land of southern Fujian under the philosophical turmoil

The Fuji Temple commemorating the Tang Dynasty Jinshi Ouyang Zhan

Zhu Xi actively advocated the establishment of a college in Quanzhou to give lectures. Almost all counties in Quanzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty have Zhu Xi's lecture office, and the literary style was prosperous for a while, and it was known as the place where Zhu Zi passed through. In terms of philosophical thought, Zhu Xi started from the Ercheng Theory, critically inherited the strengths of each school, formed a complete system of science, and collected the culmination of science, which swept the whole country. Zhu Xi's philosophical thoughts, especially social ethics, have had a profound impact on the folk customs of southern Fujian. "Quanzhou Mansion Chronicle" said that after Zhu Xi passed, Quanzhou's "folk customs changed", and folk weddings and funerals were celebrated "in accordance with Zhuzi's family etiquette". According to the "Tong'an County Chronicle", after Tong'an was "indoctrinated" by Zhu Xi, "etiquette and righteousness are prevalent, and the customs are pure." For hundreds of years, the people of Yi still know and believe in Zhuzi's learning."

Zhuzi's "Min Studies" has deep roots in Quanzhou. Chen Kejie, a Qing dynasty man, once said: "Wuquan pragmatic learning, since the Ouyang Simen, to the Song Dynasty for the Zhuzi to pass the place, the origin gradually, immersed in Yiluo Bisheng." The indissoluble bond between Zhu Xi and Quanzhou has led to the emergence of a large number of Zhuzimen people in Quanzhou, among which the more famous ones are Xu Sheng, who is "the first disciple of Ziyang", Qiu Kui, who is "interested in the study of Ziyang", Lu Dakui, who "has the transmission of Ziyang Taoism", and Wang Lixing, who is "more than enough to be sensitive". According to the "Quanzhou Mansion Chronicle", there are still Fu Bocheng, Li Kangzong, Huang Qian from Nan'an, Lin Luan, Yang Luzheng, Yang Zhi from Jinjiang, and Liu Jing from Hui'an. A large number of Zhuzimen people were active in all parts of Quanzhou and actively spread the Zhuzi doctrine. Since then, Quanzhou science has flourished, and Confucianism has come out of the school, and the so-called "from the Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, science and economy are the foundation", which reflects the far-reaching impact of Zhuzi's transformation on Quanzhou.

The land of southern Fujian under the philosophical turmoil

Cai Qing Temple is located on the west side of Quanzhou Confucian Temple Square

Easy to learn and intensively study the wind Tunan

Since the Ming Dynasty, a large number of Confucianism and academies have risen in Quanzhou, and the imperial court has an enlightened attitude towards book engraving in various places, and private book engraving is particularly popular, so that more ideological and academic classics have entered people's field of vision, and Quanzhou science and easy learning in the Ming Dynasty ushered in spring.

Cai Qing was a key figure in the rise of Minnan Yixue in the Ming Dynasty. Cai Qing was born in the fourth year of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty (1453), the word Jiefu, alias Xuzhai, a native of Jinjiang. He was gifted and enlightened, and when he was young, he studied under He Qiaoxin, the deputy envoy of Fujian, and had a lot of experience in the study of the Six Classics, Zhuzi and Historical Collections. Later, he worshipped the Hou official and the famous Confucian Lin Wei as his teacher, and followed him to study the Book of Changes. Under the guidance of famous teachers, Cai Qing "did not read and studied the books of the famous scholars of science" such as Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhang Zai, Zhu Xi and others, analyzed the theory one by one, expounded profoundly, and gradually formed his own systematic theory in science and easy learning. Cai Qing's science is mainly inherited from Zhu Xi's theory. He devoted himself to writing on the Qingpingpu floor in Quanzhou, and wrote a masterpiece of science "Four Books and Mengyin", defending Zhu Xi's doctrine, and "taking it from those who are in line with the text, and rejecting it from those who are different, so that people can see Zhu Zhu Zhu exquisitely and thoroughly, so as to return to the original purpose of the sage". At his instigation, Zhu Xi's Annotations on the Four Books became the standard answer to the imperial examinations in the Ming Dynasty.

Cai Qing wrote a wealth of books in his life, in addition to the famous "Four Books Mengyin" 15 volumes, "I Ching Mengyin" 12 volumes, as well as "Heluo Private Opinions", "Taiji Diagram Theory", "(Tongjian) Outline Essays", "Xuzhai Anthology", "Xuzhai Solitary Explanation", "Ai'an Secret Zhen", "Examination University Biography" and so on. In Cai Qing's nearly 20 years as an official, he has lectured everywhere he went, such as Jianzhou, Yanzhou, Hangzhou, Beijing, Nanjing, etc., and "hundreds of people follow the cane", and he has many academic "fans" in China. Even after returning home, he still insisted on giving lectures at the Shuilu Temple, so "people with lofty ideals are not far from thousands of miles away". Not only does he not charge tuition fees for poor students, but he also provides room and board. There are more than 30 disciples and private disciples of Cai Qing recorded in the "Examination of the Origin of Science in Fujian". Among so many protégés, the most authored is none other than "Mr. Zifeng" Chen Chen.

The reason why Yixue can develop rapidly in Quanzhou is that in addition to Cai Qing, there are also contributions from Chen Chen, Su Jun, Lin Xiyuan, Yi Shizhong, Wang Xuan, Zhang Yue, Fu Xiaqi, Li Tingji, Guo Zongpan, Lin Xuji, Lin Zaichang, Xu Zheng and others. Under the advocacy and influence of Cai Qing, Quanzhou scholars founded the "Qingyuan School", and the core figures of the school published more than 90 treatises.

The land of southern Fujian under the philosophical turmoil

The statue of Li Zhen in Quanzhou West Lake Park

The avant-garde trend of thought shakes the past and the present

In the history of the development of human civilization, there have been many outstanding thinkers, even if some of them live in history thousands of years away, their ideological light can still pierce time and space and shine into reality. Li Zhen is one of them. Li Zhen was a thinker of Quanzhou in the Ming Dynasty, a great Asian enlightenment thinker in the 16th century, and one of the "25 thinkers in the long history of the Chinese nation's long cultural development".

Li Zhen was born in the sixth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1527), his original name was Zai Zhen, the word Hongfu, the number Zhuowu, and he was a native of Quanzhou. When he was 7 years old, he read poetry and books with his father Lee Jong-so (known as Bai Zhai). At the age of 12, he wrote "On the Old Farmer and the Old Garden", which greatly ridiculed Confucius's remarks that he regarded farmers as "villains", revealing his outstanding talent. Li Zhen was raised at the age of 25, and 4 years later he sought the position of teacher in Henan Gongcheng (now Hui County), and since then he has entered the official career until he resigned at the age of 54, and he has been in the officialdom for many years.

Li Zhen wrote many works in his life, mainly including "Collecting Books", "Continuing the Collection", "Burning Books", "Continuing Burning Books", "Commentaries on the Historical Outline", "Nine Positive Causes", etc., which were listed as banned books in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The name "Book Burning" was given to Li Zhen's belief that these works would definitely be burned in the future, and the name of "Book Collection" was due to Li Zhen's belief that this book "reverses the rights and wrongs of thousands of generations" and can only be "hidden for future generations".

Li Zhen is a brave man who dares to stand on the cusp of history. He opposed the distorted evolution of Cheng Zhu's theory of "false Taoism", and at the same time made a creative interpretation of the Confucian "rites", which developed into a comprehensive philosophical system. The "rule by virtue" and "etiquette" proposed by pre-Qin Confucianism became a means of pursuing power in the later period of ancient Chinese science, and its semantics were no longer what they were. Therefore, Li Zhen advocated the "rule of the people", that is, to create a social order in which everyone can give full play to their own personality and ability, and can do what they want. In other words, it is only under this social order that the latent power of man can be fully realized. "The rule of the people" is not a completely indulgent way of governance, but a targeted and realistic one.

For example, he advocated the concept of equality, believing that "Yao Shun and passers-by are one, saints and mortals are one", everyone in the world is equal, and there is no difference between high and low; Li Zhen gave deep sympathy to women under the oppression of feudal etiquette and religion, and complained about the unfair treatment of women, and was praised by modern scholars as "the forerunner of China's women's human rights ideological movement"; He also put forward the concept of historical development of "the passage of time", and opposed the historical conservative concept of "practicing (walking in the footsteps of others)" and "clinging to oneness (stubbornly holding on to a fixed view and not moving forward)"; In terms of religious thought, they have a tolerant and open attitude, and firmly believe that "the three religions are one, and the three religions are equal", etc. Therefore, some scholars believe that "Li Zhen was the standard-bearer who bravely stood up and shouted for new ideas in the middle and late Ming Dynasty". Li Zhen also has a special aesthetic thought, which is prominently manifested in his "childlike theory". Li Zhen has repeatedly claimed that people should become "real people" who maintain their "childlike innocence", that is, "the original heart of the first thought". In Li Zhen's view, the so-called "childlike innocence" refers to the primitive and pure emotions in the world, and only this kind of emotion can reflect truth and beauty.

After completing his career as an eunuch, Li Zhen turned to a comprehensive pursuit of scholarship. After his resignation, he lived in Huang'an, Hubei, and later moved to Weimo Nunnery in Macheng, where he lived a half-monk and half-lay life, and was regarded as a heretic by Taoists. In 1589, Li Zhen became a monk in the Longhu Zhi Buddha Courtyard, and together with his friends, he lectured under the ancient Buddha of the Green Lantern. Because of the huge influence of his lectures and the large number of followers, Li Zhen made the ruling class fearful, and he also became the "first thought prisoner of the Ming Dynasty".

After Li Zhen's death, his reputation became even more famous, and almost one volume of "Book Burning" and "Book Collection" was coerced. Li Zhen's works and ideas have influenced both home and abroad, and Cao Xueqin was influenced by Li Zhen to write the book "Dream of Red Mansions", and domestic scholars generally believe that Li Zhen is the pioneer of China's ideological enlightenment towards modern times; Yoshida Shoin, the pioneer of the Meiji Restoration Movement in Japan, was also a fierce admirer of Li Zhen, who not only read Li Zhen's works by heart, but also copied his works "Book Burning", "Continuing Book Burning" and "Book Collection" many times; Li Zhen had a relationship with the Italian missionary Matteo Ricci and formed a deep friendship; There are also scholars in South Korea, Singapore, the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and other countries engaged in the study of Li Zhen, which shows that Li Zhen occupies a place in the history of world thought and culture.

The land of southern Fujian under the philosophical turmoil

The mountain stone in the Anxi Xianliang Temple is engraved with Li Guangdi's poems

Persuasion to learn and rejuvenate literature has a strong heritage

The Qing Dynasty attached great importance to running education well, and ordered officials in various places to "persuade students to learn and rejuvenate literature". The academies in Quanzhou Prefecture and its subordinate counties have become increasingly prosperous and have become the main body of education; The number and wide distribution of all kinds of schools set up by the private sector are better than those of the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, and have become a major highlight of Quanzhou education in the Qing Dynasty. There are many talents from all over the world, and Lee Guangdi is one of them.

Li Guangdi (1642-1718), a native of Anxi Hutou, Quanzhou, was a famous politician and thinker in the early Qing Dynasty. He was diligent in learning and knowledgeable, and in addition to the Confucian scriptures, all the sons of the hundred schools of thought were involved in the understanding and obtained the essentials. Li Guangdi advocated that the study and study should be done with strength, that it should have the real ability to govern the country and that the country should be safe, that it should be done in practical terms, that what it has learned should be turned into skills, and then put into practice, and that it should oppose empty talk. He also advocated the pragmatic proposition of applying it to the world, emphasizing the need to transform the true meaning and truth of the book into a way of life and work, the unity of knowledge and action, and the practice of learning. He pointed out that "knowing" and "doing" are like the relationship between the eyes and the feet, both are indispensable, "like the eyes and the feet, in the present road, the eyes of the road, the feet are easy to walk, while looking, while walking, the two must be together, the two are not intercommodating." How can you first look at the road for a few days, and not do the work of your feet? When it comes to walking, and you don't do what it looks like? In addition to strengthening personal moral cultivation, being honest and reasonable, it is more important to implement "doing practical things".

As a famous minister in the early Qing Dynasty, Li Guangdi respected Zhu Zi's science, and was famous for governing "Yi". In order to broaden his knowledge, he constantly humbly sought advice from his mentors and friends, and once asked about the pronunciation from Gu Yanwu and Mei Wending. In his middle and later years, Li Guangdi was not only familiar with the principles of the scriptures, but also the calendar, books, elephant numbers, rhyme notation, Taoism, "Zhou Yi", music rhythm, and rhyme. After returning to his hometown in old age, he personally drafted family rules such as "Family Motto and Message", "Later Text of the Family Commandment", and "Covenant of the Clan", as well as village rules and conventions such as "Tongli Convention" and "Ding You Returning to the Dynasty", which provided a driving force for the prosperity of the family and social harmony. The erudite Li Guangdi won the favor of Emperor Kangxi, so Emperor Kangxi liked to find Li Guangdi to study many academic things, and gave Li Guangdi the evaluation of "cautious and diligent, always one section, and profound knowledge".

In the Qing Dynasty, a number of influential figures in culture, scholarship and philosophy emerged, and many of their works have been handed down, such as: Fu Hongji's "Four Books of Daily Lectures", Chen Qianhe's "On Yi", "Shangshu Private Notes", Lin Mo's "Four Books of Lectures", Li Qingfu's "Examination of the Origin of Science in Fujian", "Daonan Lectures", Chen Guizhou's "Considerations", Cai Hongjie's "Min Xue Compilation", "Commentaries on Mencius", etc., they are colorful in humanistic care and speculative spirit.

Looking back and looking back, "the one who is rich in roots is actually successful, and the one who is fertile in anointing is bright." The philosophical trend of Quanzhou, which has been stirred for thousands of years, has long been refined into a long river of history. Although our society has entered the era of intelligence, the ability to "know a few things" and "walk with the times" is still the ladder of growth and progress; Knowing how to draw positive energy from history is an important "weight" for us to move towards the great rejuvenation of the nation.

Editor in charge: Huang Donghong