
Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

author:Oranges of bliss

Introduction: The story of Song Yingjie and the sky

At dawn, the city is lightly draped in mist, the screen is lit up, and Song Yingjie's face is gentle and deep, leading the audience to shuttle through the sea of clouds and preview the subtle changes of the weather in the future.

In this era of information, Song Yingjie has spent 30 years weaving the daily weather forecast into a poem intertwined with emotions in the sky, the earth and the world.

Let's walk into his world together and explore the warm humanistic feelings and rigorous scientific spirit behind those data.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

Childhood curiosity

In the vast northeast land, a little boy looks up at the unpredictable sky, and his heart is planted with endless imagination of the mysteries of nature.

From his curious inquiry about the weather at home, to the active exploration in the middle school geography class, until his university days, he studied hard in the name of "Xueba", and every step witnessed Song Yingjie's love and pursuit of meteorology, and also paved the starting line of his dream.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

A gorgeous transformation from behind the scenes to in front of the stage

In 1993, it was a spring, just as the glacier thawed and everything recovered, Song Yingjie entered a new era of Chinese TV weather forecasting with the attitude of spring breeze and rain.

Standing on that seemingly ordinary but extraordinary stage, like a magician, he gently waved the baton in his hand, weaving a string of monotonous numbers and charts into a vivid picture of the weather in an instant.

His broadcast, like the first light of the morning, gently unveils the secrets of the sky, so that the weather forecast of each city brings a touch of personalized warm sun.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

In his mouth, the cold air is no longer a merciless intruder, but "a visitor who slowly moves south with the coolness of the north"; Rain is no longer just a simple probability of precipitation, but "a romantic dialogue between the sky and the earth, moisturizing and drying, and giving birth to vitality".

This unique way of expression allows the audience to feel the subtle emotions of the natural world while obtaining practical information, as if breathing with the weather and sharing the same fate.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

For example, in a program that predicts the arrival of a typhoon, Song Yingjie did not directly warn of the danger, but used poetic language such as "uninvited guests on the sea, carrying wind and rain, about to visit the coastal areas, reminding everyone to close their doors and windows and welcome a natural symphony", which not only conveyed urgency, but also did not lose humanistic care, which won wide acclaim.

Each of his improvisations is a clever crossing of the boundary between science and art, sublimating the originally mechanical data broadcast into an art of living.

Just like on the color palette of the weather, Song Yingjie uses professional knowledge as the pen and humor and wisdom as the ink to paint a series of landscapes with thousands of weather and rich emotions, so that the audience seems to have experienced a small journey of the soul within a few minutes of watching the weather forecast.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

With the passage of time, Song Yingjie has not only become a trusted "old friend of the weather" in the hearts of the audience, but also invisibly improved the meteorological science literacy of the whole people, made paying attention to the weather a habit of life, and also set a new benchmark for meteorological science popularization.

On this road that few people traveled, Song Yingjie proved with his enthusiasm and perseverance that even weather forecasting can become a charming art.

Persistence and tenderness in the wind and rain

Dancing between the error of the forecast and the public's expectation, Song Yingjie is like an artist walking on a tightrope, and every step is full of challenges and uncertainties.

In the face of the prediction that occasionally deviates from the bull's-eye, he did not choose to evade or justify, but silently endured the baptism of public opinion with the calmness of a mountain and the tolerance of the ocean.

He knows that every mistake is a sure way to accuracy, just as a navigator makes countless corrections to his course before he finally reaches the other side.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

In the process of continuous self-reflection and improvement, Song Yingjie has made himself a more indestructible meteorological beacon and guided the direction of the public sailing in the ocean of information.

And when outside the camera, Song Yingjie's life picture slowly unfolds, and in his private world, the love story with his wife Liu Heng is like a flower blooming in spring, warm and bright.

Although the age difference between the two is one round, the distance of 12 years has become the most moving music between them.

Their encounter is like a spring breeze encountering a late-blooming plum, although it is not in full bloom at the same time, but it is more fragrant because of the presence of the other party.

In the years of living together, Song Yingjie and Liu Heng supported each other and achieved each other, and their love was like a long-term climatic phenomenon, unassuming but lasting and far-reaching, so that everything around them was soaked in warmth and harmony.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

As a father, Song Yingjie is like a patient gardener, carefully cultivating every seedling in the small world of the family.

He used his love for nature to guide the children to observe the clouds and clouds, to listen to the rain hitting the plantains, to teach them to find patterns in the unpredictable weather, and also to learn to capture those fleeting beauty in life.

This kind of education not only gives the children the courage to explore the world, but also makes Song Yingjie's family a warm harbor where love and wisdom are intertwined.

In this way, whether it is facing public doubts or enjoying the warmth of family, Song Yingjie interprets the multi-dimensional life of a meteorologist in his unique way.

He is not only an expert who uses words to depict the changes in front of the screen, but also an affectionate husband and a loving father in life.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

Cultural heritage and the light of the Olympic Games

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Song Yingjie skillfully integrated the ancient 24 solar terms with modern events, allowing global audiences to witness the unique charm of Chinese culture.

At this moment, he is not only the transmitter of weather forecasts, but also the bridge between Eastern and Western cultures and modern technology, showing profound cultural confidence and innovative spirit.

The rigor of work and the poetry of life

In Song Yingjie, we see the extreme seriousness of his work, even in the case of emergencies on the recording site, he still sticks to his post, this dedication is moving.

At the same time, with the rigor of a scientist and the sensitivity of an artist, he patiently answers every question about the weather, making complex meteorological knowledge approachable.

Zhang Ziyu's incident is on the hot search! threatened to shoot 22 times and would not get tired, and if he said ruthlessly, he would try to dunk and slap Li Xin in the face

Conclusion: The brightest guide in the sky

Looking back on Song Yingjie's meteorological life, he depicts nature with scientific rationality and warms people's hearts with artistic sensibility.

In today's rapid development of science and technology, he is not only an expert in weather forecasting, but also a messenger of optimism and hope.

Song Yingjie's story inspires every reader to move forward with love and courage no matter what challenges they face, because everyone is the protagonist in their own life journey and has the possibility to create extraordinary in the ordinary.

Tribute and anticipation

Here, I would like to pay high tribute to Song Yingjie and all the "ordinary heroes" who have silently contributed in their respective fields.

May we all draw strength from their stories, with them

The love of life continues to write their own wonderful chapters under their respective skies.

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