
Husband and wife get along, doomed to three signs of divorce

author:Li Gongzi in the east of the city
Husband and wife get along, doomed to three signs of divorce

It's easy to fall in love, but it's hard to stay together. Love is the appreciation of merit, and participation is also the romantic part of each other's lives; Life is a tolerance of shortcomings, participation in reality and shackles.

If long-term relationships between people are a science, there is a great need for great wisdom and spirituality.

At the same time, it is also a process of constantly breaking the cognition, what you think and feel, will become irrelevant, and then let you realize what is important. Being at a stage is the content of a stage, and then in the process of continuous adjustment and growth, we can complete the practice of this lifetime.

But in a certain sense, these are all kinds of pluralistic issues that extend according to the core laws.

Especially when couples get along, if the core issues are not dealt with in time, they will become malignant tumors in the relationship, and eventually bring more painful results, including but not limited to divorce.

Husband and wife get along, three signs of doomed divorce!

Husband and wife get along, doomed to three signs of divorce
  • 1. Never talk to each other.

Any relationship in this world must be absolutely based on communication, communication, and being able to talk heart-to-heart. Otherwise, it is not worthy of the word "beautiful".

Opening each other's hearts, opening each other's spiritual worlds and pouring out their true thoughts is a kind of quiet tenderness and intimacy. While getting to know each other better, they are also closer and more trusting.

In any relationship, no communication is the beginning of estrangement, and no heart-to-heart talk is the beginning of indifference.

You also can't know if each other has done something that is not in place, what is not in place, and if you don't correct and understand, the misunderstanding will get deeper and deeper, and eventually it will become an insurmountable hurdle. When misunderstandings accumulate in the depths, they can also become a mood and emotional bias.

The other party obviously doesn't mean that, you just think and take it as that meaning. A casual word.

Estrangement and misunderstanding will not lead to divorce, but estrangement and misunderstanding that have been accumulated and have never been properly dealt with will lead to divorce.

It also means that everyone can't provide for each other's emotional needs and becomes a very lonely person.

Of course, there are skills and knowledge in communication, but the most practical one revolves around one core point, which is to get each other to speak.

Husband and wife get along, doomed to three signs of divorce
  • 2. There is no benefit.

A good marriage is not just about intimacy, it's also about partnership. Emotionally speaking, any good relationship must be mutually beneficial, and it must be beneficial for both parties.

In terms of relationship, any cooperative relationship must involve the problem of interest adaptation, and the balance of supply and demand is the long-term way.

So what are the so-called benefits?

Commitment, support, companionship, materiality, understanding, and the care you really feel are all benefits.

When you encounter life problems and personal emotions, you can accompany your partner to bear them, and this is the benefit of being a partner. Instead of anything, he only thinks about his own benefits and gains, and ruthlessly throws his laborious part to his partner.

The simplest question is, you just want your partner, what are the benefits of being with you? What benefits did you get?

We are all human beings, people with our own feelings and experiences, once we are treated as robots infinitely oppressed and exploited, sooner or later there will be a time to collapse and escape.

At the very least, fairness is the truth. No one is born to serve you, everyone has their own interests, and this is the core law of eternal relationships.

Husband and wife get along, doomed to three signs of divorce
  • 3. There is no tolerance.

For example, both couples have very strong personalities, and there is no way to get along peacefully, let alone make one of them follow the advice and ideas of the other.

This kind of husband and wife relationship, in which everyone wants to have the final say, must have the final say, can only break up unhappily and part ways.

Every day together, apart from quarreling or quarrelling, how do you live?

You know, quarrels are very tiring, especially quarrels that can't produce a result, frequent and endless, which can only make people break the illusion of quarreling. The rest is emotional torture and attacks, and one day, it will make everyone exhausted and never want to live like this again.

Balzac said:

"Husbands and wives should know each other and understand each other, and then tolerate and love each other in order to maintain a happy marriage."

Whether you are a man or a woman, it's not good to be too strong. To a certain extent, this is a violation of the will and dignity of the other party, and in the long run, it can only form an antagonistic relationship. Now you tell me again, how can an antagonistic relationship, a relationship that only attacks and confronts each other, last?

Even if you survive it for a lifetime, the price is very large, because you sacrifice a lot of precious things, and you have a nominal "white-headed old together".

Husband and wife get along, doomed to three signs of divorce

Marriage is like this, common pursuit and growth, mutual understanding and tolerance, these are all important.

What is the important core logic? It's intimacy and trust that requires you to do that. This point must not be put before the horse, allowing one's actions and thoughts to deviate from the original intention of intimacy.

In the face of the pressure of life, when life is dull, don't always think about venting your emotions to your partner.

In any family life, there is no love without patience, and the relationship between two people cannot always be done by your own temperament.
