
The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

author:Feather Sir History
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The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

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Just a few days ago, the Philippines played another clever game on the South China Sea issue. At the beginning, it was said to be a "misunderstanding", but in the blink of an eye, it became "China's deliberate obstruction". This 180-degree turn, I don't know if I took the wrong medicine? \

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

In the face of the Philippine side's backtracking, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not a vegetarian. They directly threw out a 126-year-old "US-Spanish Peace Treaty", drawing a clear red line for the territorial scope of the Philippines. Now, does the Philippine side feel that their face has been beaten?

Ren'ai Jiao Turmoil: The Philippines provoked first

On June 17, the Philippines staged another farce. They dispatched six inflatable dinghies and one coast guard boat in an attempt to deliver supplies to the illegally beached Sierra Madre. The wrecked ship has been occupying Second Thomas Shoal since 1999, and the Philippines has been trying to maintain this illegal status for 25 years.

But this time, they ran into hard stubble. The Chinese coast guard has long been prepared, dispatching three coast guard vessels and 22 fishing boats to form a tight defensive line. In the face of the Philippine side's reckless collision, our coast guard took decisive action and adopted a series of normal law enforcement actions, such as warning and blocking, boarding and inspection.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

The result? Eight Philippine special forces were slightly wounded, and their trick completely failed. This is a good thing, and there is an uproar in the Philippines. Some politicians and the media are clamoring for "explanations" from China, as if they are the victims.

As everyone knows, Ren'ai Jiao is China's inherent territory. What the Philippine side has done is nothing more than illegal encroachment and provocation. The CCG's actions are not only reasonable, but also necessary to safeguard national sovereignty.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

This incident once again shows that China will never back down on the territorial issue. Any country that wants to stir up trouble in the South China Sea will be resolutely counterattacked. The Philippine side would do well to recognize the reality, stop all illegal activities, and return to the negotiating table to resolve the dispute.

Attitude U-turn: The Philippine side played the trick of "changing face".

After the incident, the Philippine side's reaction can be described as twists and turns, and it can be called a "master of changing face" in diplomatic circles. At first, Philippine Presidential Secretary-General Benjamin Besamin publicly stated that the incident was a "misunderstanding" or an "accident". These words sound quite reasonable, and it seems that the Marcos Jr. administration still knows how to keep the light and keep the dark in the dark.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

Recently. Just a few days later, the Philippine side suddenly took a sharp turn and made a 180-degree turn in its attitude. On June 24, Philippine Defense Secretary Teodoro took a tough stance at a press conference, claiming that "China is deliberately obstructing the Philippines from carrying out its mission." This inconsistent performance raises questions about whether the Philippine government suffers from "multiple personality disorder."

More interestingly, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council followed suit with similar tough rhetoric. This series of actions is like a well-planned diplomatic "big drama".

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

Who is behind this farce? Is the United States secretly pressuring the Philippines to confront China? Or is it the Philippine side directed and acted on its own, trying to bargain with it? Or is it the result of factional struggles within the Philippines? In any case, this kind of behavior of backtracking and changing orders is really jaw-dropping.

In the international arena, credibility and consistency are paramount. This capricious behavior of the Philippines has not only damaged its own diplomatic credibility, but also added unnecessary obstacles to resolving the South China Sea issue. Such an act is really flattering.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

Historical documents unveiled: China draws red lines

In the face of the Philippine side's face-changing trick, the Chinese Foreign Ministry will not accept this set. They offered a trump card – the Spanish-American Peace Treaty of 1898. This dusty historical document instantly caught the Philippine side off guard.

The weight of this treaty is not light. It is not only a "birth certificate" for the Philippines, but also a legal basis for delineating its territorial limits.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

When the United States "took over" the Philippines from Spain, it clearly defined the territory of the Philippines in this treaty. Interestingly, the islands and reefs of the South China Sea are not among them at all!

China's move can be described as a salary drawdown. It not only punctures the Philippine side's bluff on the South China Sea issue, but also legally denies the Philippines' claim to sovereignty over the South China Sea Zhudao. This move directly put the Philippines in a situation where it was at a loss.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

This treaty was signed precisely under the auspices of the United States. The irony that China is now using America's own rules to fight back against its allies.

Not only do we have justification, but we also know how to use historical documents and international law to defend our rights and interests. This practice of taking history as a mirror and the law as the basis has undoubtedly strengthened China's voice in the international arena.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

In the face of this ironclad evidence, how else can the Philippines quibble? After all, their "face-changing tricks" will not escape the judgment of history and the law. In this round, China undoubtedly won beautifully.

The game behind it: America's shadow lingers

In the final analysis, the capriciousness of the Philippines in the South China Sea is inseparable from the manipulation of the United States. The United States has been trying to achieve a so-called "balance" in the Asia-Pacific region, and the Philippines has just become an important piece on their chessboard.

How credible are U.S. promises? Just take a closer look at the performance of the US military in the "Ren'ai Jiao incident". The US side has given a lot of verbal support, and the shouts of "firm allies" and "common defense" have been loud and earth-shattering.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

But at the critical moment, the US military could not even see a shadow. I am afraid that this kind of "can't be called" approach has caused the Philippine side to taste a lot of suffering.

The Marcos Jr. administration may have seen this. They have come to realize that the U.S. promise is nothing more than a blank check. However, under strong pressure from the United States, the Philippines had to make some gestures. To put it bluntly, this dilemma means that we dare not offend the United States and are afraid of annoying China.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

While the United States has encouraged the Philippines to provoke in the South China Sea, it has been careful not to get directly involved in the conflict. This practice of "standing and talking without backache" has fully exposed the selfish nature of the United States.

For the Philippines, this is undoubtedly a dilemma. Continuing to follow the United States could push itself into a dangerous position of confrontation with China; However, if it turns pro-China, it may lose the "backer" of the United States. In this complex geopolitical game, the Philippines has clearly not found a balance.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

The Philippines should seriously ponder: Is it really in its own interests to blindly follow the United States? Instead of being someone else's pawn, it is better to be your own master. Only by getting rid of the manipulation of major powers and rationally handling the South China Sea issue can the Philippines truly win respect and interests.


The current turmoil in the South China Sea has once again proved that China's attitude on the issue of territorial sovereignty is unswerving. Whether it is the Philippines or other countries, they should recognize the reality: the South China Sea is not a "private territory" for any country.

The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines

China is willing to settle disputes peacefully, but that doesn't mean it's okay to back down. China will take resolute measures to retaliate against any provocation. This is not only for the sake of safeguarding national interests, but also for the sake of long-term peace and stability in the region.

It is hoped that the Philippine side will seriously reflect and return to the negotiating table. After all, it is only through dialogue and consultation that the South China Sea issue can be truly resolved. Otherwise, if you play any "face-changing" trick, you can only suffer in the end.

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The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines
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The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines
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The Philippine side retorted overnight, and the Chinese side took out a document from 126 years ago and drew a red line for the territory of the Philippines