
"Should the official sell equipment?" The Warcraft circle was blown up overnight, and the foreigner's comments were one-sided

author:Leaf Pig Game Network

After the announcement of the compensation plan for the Warcraft national server, the news about the official sale of 213 equipment, gold coins and 22 backpacks swept the screen of major community forums in China. Many players expressed their opinions, but surprisingly, foreign players expressed their envy for the real-name system after learning that the national service had this benefit.

"Should the official sell equipment?" The Warcraft circle was blown up overnight, and the foreigner's comments were one-sided

At present, foreign forums have simultaneously forwarded the news about the compensation of the national server, many foreign players are not calm when they learn that after buying the super helicopter package, they can exchange a set of 213 equipment at will, and they feel that the strength of this wave of national service compensation is indeed a bit large, and some of the 213 equipment that is difficult to come out of, and some professions that are difficult to practice alone like priests can directly graduate from the P1 stage through this gift package, which is not too cool.

"Should the official sell equipment?" The Warcraft circle was blown up overnight, and the foreigner's comments were one-sided

Since the national server was suspended before the service, the cost of direct helicopter delivery was 298, and the clear principle of no price increase in this compensation was made, so objectively speaking, buying such a lot of things with 40 US dollars is definitely worth the price in the eyes of foreigners, and even more so, this gift package is called a huge victory for national server players.

"Should the official sell equipment?" The Warcraft circle was blown up overnight, and the foreigner's comments were one-sided

Of course, similar to the voice of the national service against the super direct ascension, there is also a voice, after all, the official operation of selling equipment is basically a precedent, and many players are also worried, if this continues, the P3 and P4 will be opened later, will they continue to sell equipment?

"Should the official sell equipment?" The Warcraft circle was blown up overnight, and the foreigner's comments were one-sided

Taking advantage of the heated discussion among everyone, some netizens also exposed the price of GZS boosting by the way, before P2 opened, the opening price of manual full level + 210 outfit was directly 1688, which is far more expensive than the official sale of 298, so in comparison, this super direct gift package is still quite cheap.

"Should the official sell equipment?" The Warcraft circle was blown up overnight, and the foreigner's comments were one-sided

In fact, based on the comments of most players, we can draw several aspects:

1. The new number now has a convenient and fast direct lift channel, and sends a full set of 213 equipment, which is more cost-effective for office workers;

2. It will have a certain impact on players who make money by relying on G group;

3. Will this situation still occur in the later stages of WLK, in view of the actual situation of the national server, it is understandable that P1 has such a catch-up mechanism, but players don't want it to be in the future.

The above three points are the most discussed by players, and there are other small points of controversy that are not listed one by one. So the question is, if you are an old player (and have a large size, there are quite a few Gs), and think of a new class, will you choose to manually upgrade and then buy equipment with the G group, or choose to go straight up? Welcome to leave a message below to share.

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