
Warcraft Nostalgic Suit: The Straight Lift Gift Pack hides a mysterious ring, and the P6 stage equipment is indiscriminately entered, crushing 213

author:Blizzard Gamer

The World of Warcraft nostalgic suit's ascension 80 gift pack is going to give a full set of 213 equipment, Xiao Tan studied it and found a very strange piece of equipment, because I have never seen it before, and I can't find out any way it drops, is there a surprise in the helicopter gift pack?

Warcraft Nostalgic Suit: The Straight Lift Gift Pack hides a mysterious ring, and the P6 stage equipment is indiscriminately entered, crushing 213

It's this ring.,Void vision ring,Its attributes are very good.,High endurance intelligence spirit.,Very balanced.,There are also high-quality green character attributes such as haste and spell strength.,The most important thing is that it also has a slot.,The slot reward also has an additional 5 spell strength.,The overall attributes of this ring are significantly better than the 213 equipment of the same grade.。

Warcraft Nostalgic Suit: The Straight Lift Gift Pack hides a mysterious ring, and the P6 stage equipment is indiscriminately entered, crushing 213

We can compare the lost jewels that are also 213 and so on, and also have spiritual attributes, and we can see that the main attribute of the Void Vision Ring is obviously stronger, and the green attribute is a little worse, but it can be filled with additional slots, and the haste attribute is obviously more practical than the crit, and the overall view of the Void Vision Ring is stronger than the lost jewel, and the actual value is at the level of 220 and so on.

So where did this mysterious piece of equipment come from?

Warcraft Nostalgic Suit: The Straight Lift Gift Pack hides a mysterious ring, and the P6 stage equipment is indiscriminately entered, crushing 213

The detective checked the database of version 3.35 and found no equipment at all.

Then I went to wowhead's WLK nostalgia database to check this equipment, and finally found it, and it showed version 3.4, which is the P6 phase of WLK nostalgia.

Warcraft Nostalgic Suit: The Straight Lift Gift Pack hides a mysterious ring, and the P6 stage equipment is indiscriminately entered, crushing 213

What version is the P6 phase? Let's do a simple calculation, NAXX three are counted as P1, Ulduar is counted as P2, TOC is counted as P3, ICC is counted as P4, Ruby is counted as P5, and then it has to be counted as P6 on the eve of CTM.

Even if the Void Vision equipment is a WLK P6 stage equipment, there is actually no way to find any way to drop it, neither a quest drop nor a mission drop, and our National Server Return Lift Pack is the only way to get it at the moment.

Warcraft Nostalgic Suit: The Straight Lift Gift Pack hides a mysterious ring, and the P6 stage equipment is indiscriminately entered, crushing 213

So how did this ring get added to the National Costume Return Pack?

After the return of the national server, a certain unlucky Blizzard programmer was called back to work overtime, to make a new NPC for the national server to sell a complete set of 213 equipment, he was really upset when he saw the dense list of equipment, so he decided to directly make a simple filter, filter out all the 213 equipment and then import it with one click, so he just did it, and this mysterious equipment was added to the national server return to the direct promotion package!

Xiao Tan thinks that although this ring is slightly better than the NAXX drop, it is limited in strength and will not destroy the balance of the game, and hopes that NetEase and Blizzard will not delete it after the helicopter package is officially launched, which can be regarded as a small professional benefit for those who need spirit.

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