
Family: The auction house needs the "Fat Donglai" transformation the most!

Family: The auction house needs the "Fat Donglai" transformation the most!

There is a piece of news that has been swiped on the screen today, and many media have also reported it, and I believe that friends from major auction houses have also seen it. That is, Fat Donglai announced the investigation report of "poor sanitary environment of rolling dough processing sites": and rewarded customers with complaints of 100,000 yuan. Many media outlets use the headline of rewarding customers with 100,000 yuan for complaints.

The first thing that came to my mind was that as a collector, I once asked some friends from the auction house to remind me that it was either a complaint, or that the one in your catalogue was obviously fake, and some ironclad evidence in my hand was revealed. What makes me feel very incomprehensible is that many auction house friends are very sensitive in their hearts, some of them immediately deleted my WeChat friends when they saw this, and some of them were blocked. So later, I didn't remind me, and directly sent the official account to the trumpet, and then the auction house didn't respond, just secretly deleted it.

Fat Donglai not only rewarded customers with complaints of 100,000 yuan, but also compensated customers with 8.833 million yuan. But Fat Donglai still has such great courage and strength to be responsible for the brand and the real money for the user. If Fat Donglai does auctions with such an attitude and cognition, will collectors and buyers not trust and support it? Won't Fat Donglai immediately become the No.1 benchmark in China's auction industry? Who else would doubt that such an auction company would make a fake or fake auction? No, because Fat Donglai treats the interests of consumers seriously, and if they are not serious, then they will punish themselves more.

What Christie's Sotheby's, what NFT digital art, the real most important innovation of the auction house is the innovation of service, how to make collectors and buyers get a more intimate experience, and how to gain the trust of customers through attentive service. Auction is an ancient industry, and the supermarket market is also an ancient industry, why can't the auction industry produce an outlier like Fat Donglai?

I've worked with almost every auction company over the years, and I'll be involved in auctions and I'll send them off. There are a few that stand out to me.

I think Shanghai Boguzhai and Shanghai Gongmei have done a good job, and I usually give priority to them when I send online auctions. There are two details, one is that I am in Shenzhen, and many of the auctions are sent by mail, and the person in charge of their reception will record the lots received, check them with me one by one, and then fill in the contract, take pictures or mail the catalogue to me along with the contract. Friends who have not dealt with auction houses may wonder, isn't it normal to receive a receipt for money and grain and send it to the auction to sign the contract?

However, in my personal experience, 80% of auction houses fail to do this. You mail it over, and it's gone, and there's nothing, not even a word on WeChat. I'm a tuba with 550,000 collector readers, and I'm not worried, but what if it's sent by other ordinary collectors? Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, right? The friends of the auction house will think about it heartily, you mail a bunch of things to the auction, and in the end the receipt contract has nothing, will you be worried?

Shanghai Boguzhai and Shanghai Gongmei have done a good job in this, and I can also say that the person in charge of their collection is a close netizen who has not met. But these two also have shortcomings, I mean online shooting, Bogu Zhai's pictures are always not on the point, of course, photographers who love photography and love ancient books are not easy to find, I can understand. The pictures of Shanghai Gongmei's lots are relatively better, because they have taken enough of them. As long as there are enough pictures, you can always hit the point. Shanghai Gongmei also has one point, their staff attaches great importance to online auctions, and every time they take online auctions, they will vigorously and repeatedly promote them in their circle of friends. Your auction house will be more hilarious first, and our collectors will be even more hilarious.

Another point is that Shanghai Bogu Zhai is doing very well, they all know that I have an ancient book public account to promote and shoot their own collections (as well as the collections sent to auction through me as an intermediary, I will also work hard to promote them for free), I definitely want more people to know, the aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, the person in charge of Bogu Zhai's collection will say hello to me in advance every time before shooting my lots, so that I can prepare for publicity. In this way, because there are many people who know about it, I am very satisfied with the results of each shooting.

Therefore, the process of Shanghai Bogu Zhai is standardized, and it is an intimate reminder that there are many pictures of Shanghai Gongmei collections, and the staff will actively send a circle of friends to drive the atmosphere of hot shooting.

Isn't this a good reputation slowly done, I send some small cheap ones, they treat them so carefully, so there are big goods, I don't choose who they choose?

When it comes to this promotion, some auction houses really make me speechless, and I have told me many times before the auction that I must talk to me in advance before the auction, and I used the public account to promote and publicize, and the result was that the auction ended in the afternoon to brush myself up, although the final result was okay, but it did not reach the expected goal. If I notice me in advance, I will not only advertise the small program of your auction house for free, but also let more friends who are interested in the collection have the opportunity to auction what they want, of course, I am also a beneficiary, I will not pay attention at all, miss the opportunity for publicity and promotion, and miss the opportunity to auction better.

Another thing that makes us collectors particularly unhappy is whether the text on the catalogue can be checked by collectors before the auction? I don't know if it's the expansion of the university, or the reason why the interns lie flat, I feel that sometimes the real feeling is that a crab is not as good as a crab, often the description of the collection on the catalogue is wrong, a lot of very simple common sense, forgive me for complaining about my poisonous tongue, the auction house partners, you and the collector and I are a community of interests, I really want you to do a good job, but over the years, not only has it not evolved better, but there is a trend of degradation, how can this not make people anxious?

Then there is the customer service problem, which I just want to praise the performance of Zhongmao Shengjia. Most auction companies do not have customer service, but Zhongmao Shengjia has customer service, and my personal experience is satisfactory. (As we all know, Zhongmao Shengjia has not asked me to post an advertisement, so this article is definitely not an advertorial draft.) )

I'm just a little reader, a little collector who is ordinary, because of the customer service of Zhongmao Shengjia, I want to say that the success of today's ancient book auction of Zhongmao Shengjia is not accidental, and there must be details behind the success There must be a reason for the details. And the customer service of Zhongmao Shengjia made me see that they have the potential to become the "fat Donglai" in the auction company, and also made me a Zhongmao passerby and a fan of Zhongmao.

Let's take a look at the chat history, which is the chat history in 2024.

Family: The auction house needs the "Fat Donglai" transformation the most!

The screenshot of the chat history sent by the customer service is the chat record when I added him in 2021, and my mobile phone has changed a few times in the past three years, even my closest wife, and I don't see the chat record of three years ago saved, and I found it quickly, how can this not be touching, such a dedicated auction house deserves to be good at collecting and auctioning. I hope that the boss of China Trade can increase the salary of this customer service (beware of other families poaching it for you), although I don't even know his name, but I can feel that he is an excellent staff member who is as responsible as Fat Donglai employees.

Family: The auction house needs the "Fat Donglai" transformation the most!

Take the initiative to confirm whether the beneficiary bank account has been changed, and it is very simple and convenient to change the beneficiary bank account number, without cumbersome proof of "is".

Family: The auction house needs the "Fat Donglai" transformation the most!

Payment documents, sent unsolicited. If you have any questions about sending the catalog, you can respond quickly. That is, the communication is very smooth, and the questions that collectors care about can be asked and answered very well.

Due to the problem of time, I will only talk about these, the above are my personal experience, there is no hearsay, complaining about the advantages and disadvantages of various auction houses, I can complain for three days and three nights, after all, this is my experience and lessons accumulated over the years. I think that in the final analysis, the auction house is still an intermediary service agency that serves collectors and buyers, and it is a service industry, and now the art auction market as a whole is sluggish, which is a good time for auction houses to cultivate service internal skills and wait for the opportunity to rise. If there is no good service in the service industry, if you can't be heart-to-heart with customers, and you can't have a strong heart of acceptance, then it is difficult to become bigger, stronger and lasting.