
Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

author:Nine-point game

What does the recent collapse in the gold ratio mean, and is there a danger of going out of business? First of all, it's definitely not cold, and it's unlikely that this thing is in danger of going out of business. The reason is very simple, Aunt Wang now almost has the absolute pricing power of this game, in this case, if it is really going to be cold, you can protect the disk in an instant, and they have at least the following ways to instantly pull back the proportion and not cause a large-scale plan.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

1. Pocket pauses the output and replaces this part of the output with the event NPC of the fantasy coin lottery.

2. Launch a very strong task essential skill similar to Sumeru, unconditional seconds 4, power points plus defense, physical strength point acceleration, active physical skills with high damage splashing, etc., causing a demon refining frenzy and launching a Taoist.

3. Open the level cap or open the reincarnation rebuild, 175 has been playing for 10 years.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

There are simply infinite ways, and now that the proportion has fallen, they have no action, only one thing, their background data is not panicked at all, they are not panicked, what are we a group of players panicking?

Let's talk about some subsequent changes and some prospects for the future development direction of Fantasy Westward Journey.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

First of all, in terms of the economic system, under the crazy improvement in recent years, the economic system of the entire game is easy to be blocked by the studio's white prostitution, and the official unlocks the pocket version of selling props, after thoroughly mastering the skill of pricing power, it can be said that it has the ability to call the wind and rain, even if there are any points that are easy to cause abnormal fluctuations in the future, they can also solve this problem in a short time.

What does this mean? This means that large-scale price fluctuations in the future are likely to be completely officially promoted. This means that unless you have a planning friend, don't expect to make money from this game, firstly, the difficulty of making money has increased exponentially compared to previous years, and secondly, the risk has also increased exponentially. In the future, the role of analyzing the market is limited, and you have to analyze what the planner is thinking, because the official intervention ability is too strong.

But this does not mean that Fantasy Journey to the West will collapse in the future, or that he will lose his ability to retain value, nor does it mean that he will not rise, on the contrary, things will become more and more magical.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

For the official, they want to make money now, in fact, there are two routes. Either make money from output, which belongs to the primary market, or make money from handling, which belongs to the secondary market. So which is better? Of course I want both.

But I have to be very skillful about this, and here's the magic point. Since the initial pricing anchor of Fantasy Westward Journey is point cards, this also leads to the fact that all the system output of Fantasy Westward Journey is relatively stable at the beginning, and the output rate is almost unchanged over time. Then, we can think that his output is constant, if some of it will be accumulated, then with the continuous accumulation, the capacity of the secondary market will be larger and larger, at this time, as long as the secondary market is active enough, the official handling fee charged in the secondary market will be significantly greater than the issuance fee in the primary market.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

At the same time, Aunt Wang can also take the initiative to promote the wide range of price fluctuations, such as falling too badly, then let the yield of brushing money rise, so that many people feel profitable, form online positive feedback, promote price increases, promote the flow of the secondary market, and charge handling fees. If it rises too much, then the output will be cut wildly, and then the part of the people who brush money will be withdrawn, and the flow of the secondary market will be promoted again, and the handling fee will be charged.

Due to the fact that there are too many operations that can be carried out now and the official has an absolute advantage, in fact, it is not recommended that players be too entangled in the profit pull of this money, the rise and fall of prices, etc., return to the game as much as possible, if you just play the game with a normal heart, in fact, these operations will not cut you.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The proportion of gold coins has dropped rapidly recently, but the game will never be cool!

However, given the fact that there are too many players who play fantasy as an asset target, the effect of planning this kind of price tide to harvest performance may be quite good for a long time. Between the recent really fall and a lot of declines, maybe this wave of plagiarism is about to reach a low point. However, this kind of prediction is meaningless, because I don't have background data in my hands, I can only say that it is impossible to cut the ability of the planning team to death, and I always believe that the planning team has a master.

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