
Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

author:Pillow cat

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In the hazy moonlight of the early hours of the morning, a luxury villa located on the outskirts of Moscow was urgently besieged. It was a usually calm night, so why did the agents of the Russian Federal Security Service suddenly come out? How did the owner of this villa, one of Putin's confidants, Vorobiov, become the target of a national security operation?

How could Vorobyov, a prominent politician in the political arena, be panicked and chained in the darkness of the night? What exactly did this former national hero do to turn him from the darling of the country into a traitor? Could it be that he really betrayed priceless state secrets to foreign intelligence agencies, as rumored to be?

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

Vorobyov's duties and responsibilities

In 2018, at the age of 38, Vorobiov was appointed assistant to the presidential deputy of the Ural Federal District, a new position that was both a challenge and an opportunity for him. The Ural Federal District, known for its rich natural resources and heavy industrial base, is one of the core regions of the Russian economy, and from this appointment you can also see how optimistic Putin is about him, and he is treated as an absolute henchman.

One of the main tasks of Vorobyov is to promote the economic development and modernization of the Ural Federal District. He set out to improve the region's industrial infrastructure, increase investment in high-tech companies, and promote the upgrading of old industrial facilities.

At the same time, Vorobiov is also committed to attracting foreign investment, especially by strengthening economic ties with China and other Asian countries, in order to expand export markets in the region. During his first months as assistant to the president's deputy, Vorobyov held several meetings with entrepreneurs and investors.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

The conferences are aimed at demonstrating the potential of the Ural Federal District as a destination for investment, especially in the fields of mineral extraction, mechanical engineering and high-tech. He proposed a series of preferential policies, including tax breaks, government subsidies, and simplified administrative procedures, to attract more domestic and foreign investors.

In addition, Vorobiov is promoting social policy reforms in the Ural Federal District, especially in the fields of education and health care. He supported plans to build new schools and hospitals, and improved the quality of these services by raising salaries for teachers and health care workers. Through these initiatives, he seeks to improve the living standards of the local population and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the region.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

Promote regional economic growth

Under the leadership of Vorobiov, the economy of the Ural Federal District grew rapidly, showing remarkable results. The region's GDP growth is not only outpacing that of the rest of Russia, especially the Volga Federal District, which is traditionally an economic powerhouse, but it is also showing its economic strength second only to the Central District of the Capital in the country.

This achievement is due in part to his demonstrated diplomatic and economic strategy in promoting development within the region and international cooperation. The Ural Federal District is an important industrial and mineral base in Russia, rich in natural resources, including minerals, metals and energy. During his tenure, Vorobyov paid special attention to the development and utilization of these resources, which promoted the implementation of many large-scale industrial projects.

He succeeded in combining the traditional industries of the Ural Federal District, such as steel, machinery and chemicals, with modern technologies and innovations, enhancing the international competitiveness of these industries. Vorobiov's economic strategy also included a vigorous expansion of the foreign economy, especially cooperation with China.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

As economic relations between China and Russia deepened, the Ural Federal District, driven by Vorobiov, became a beneficiary of this trend. In the first half of 2019, he personally participated in several rounds of negotiations with the Chinese delegation, which culminated in the signing of a large commercial order.

These orders are mainly related to the export of raw materials, advanced machinery and equipment and technological products. Among them are commodities such as steel and aluminum, as well as high-tech electronics and mechanical components.

The signing of these orders not only brought direct economic benefits to the Ural Federal District, but also had an impact that went far beyond the economic sphere and had a positive impact on Russia's international standing and diplomatic relations.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

As a result of these international cooperations, the export trade volume of the Ural Federal District has increased dramatically in just a few months, with a total value of more than $8 billion. This figure is unprecedented among the Russian Federal Districts and demonstrates the effectiveness of Vorobyov's economic strategy and diplomacy.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the contract and further economic cooperation, Vorobiov also organized several meetings with Chinese entrepreneurs and government officials, which were aimed at deepening understanding and trust between the two sides and exploring potential for future cooperation.

During these interactions, Vorobiov highlighted the advantages of the Ural Federal District in terms of science and technology, industry and the development of natural resources, which succeeded in attracting more foreign investment.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

Sudden political turmoil

Early one morning in June 2019, the corridors of the Kremlin echoed with the sound of tense and fast footsteps. A female official from the Ural Federal District hurried through the corridors of the palace and went straight to the main office area. She clutched in her hand an important document that would soon become evidence that would shock the entire top of government.

The destination of the female officials was the office of President Vladimir Putin. She was guided directly into a luxuriously decorated reception room, where Putin was already waiting. After the document was handed to Putin, the female official quickly recounted the core of the document, and the report revealed a series of abuses by Vorobiov in the Ural Federal District.

The report details how Vorobyov used his government position to confront and suppress politicians and subordinates who disagreed with him. The document includes a number of incidents in which Vorobyov personally ordered or through his direct instructions to harass and attack his subordinates.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

More seriously, Vorobyov was accused of accepting bribes and using his position to serve private interests, which seriously violated the ethical and legal standards of public officials.

In addition to this, the report reveals how Vorobiov manipulated evidence and information against political opponents. Through some contacts within the Kremlin, he arranged unwarranted searches and even falsified evidence as a way to threaten or frame officials who opposed him. Such behaviour not only undermines trust and unity within the Government, but also seriously undermines the impartiality and efficiency of government institutions.

Immediately after hearing these serious accusations, Putin instructed the relevant departments to conduct an in-depth investigation. The investigation included not only a review of Vorobiov's past actions, but also a detailed review of his financial records and correspondence records to look for more evidence of possible violations.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

As the investigation deepened, more information about Vorobiov's misconduct surfaced. Many of his subordinates and colleagues began to give testimony exposing multiple cases of misconduct that he had carried out within the scope of his authority. The testimonies provide shocking details ranging from bribery deals to abuses of power.

These discoveries quickly sparked public attention and widespread media coverage, and Vorobiov's public image deteriorated dramatically. Once seen as a capable leader and hope for the future of Russian politics, he now faces a serious crisis in his career.

Trust and support for him within the government quickly eroded, and many former allies and supporters began to publicly distance themselves from him.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

Espionage activities and the final end

In the early morning of July 14, 2019, in the glimmer of summer, a team of agents of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) quietly surrounded Vorobiov's villa on the outskirts of the city through the mist. Nestled within a peaceful residential area, this villa has a luxurious exterior that contrasts with its surroundings. The agents quickly but silently took up key positions, ready to carry out the raid order.

The raid was led by an experienced commander who carefully checked the equipment and location of each individual to ensure that the operation was precise and efficient. With a gesture from the commander, the agents moved quickly and broke down the door. Vorobyov's security guards barely had time to react and were quickly subdued, and no gunfire occurred during the entire process.

The interiors of Vorobyov's residences are luxuriously decorated, with expensive works of art and furniture everywhere. Agents quickly searched through hallways and stairs and made a beeline for the master bedroom. In the bedroom, Vorobyov was still asleep, and next to him lay a young woman. The sudden intrusion in the room apparently woke them up, and Vorobyov's face was horrified.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

The agents quickly stepped forward, pulled Vorobyov out of bed, and quickly handcuffed him. After taking Vorobyov and his lover out of the room, FSB agents began a thorough search of the residence. They inspected every room, rummaging through every drawer, until they came to a seemingly ordinary study.

In the corner of the study, there is a small door to the attic. When the agents opened the door and went up to the attic, they found a suitcase that was very well hidden. The suitcase was placed between a pile of old books and miscellaneous items, making it unobtrusive.

However, when prosecutors opened the suitcase, they were surprised to find it filled with neatly stacked dollars in cash. The total amount of these banknotes is extremely large, and it is clear that this is not ordinary household savings. What is even more shocking is that, in addition to the cash, the suitcase contains a number of documents and communication equipment, including detailed records of the contact information and correspondence of American agents.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

Disclosure of wrongdoing

As the FSB conducted a thorough search of Vorobyov's residence and the news of his capture became public, more information about his crimes began to surface. It turned out that Vorobiov's wrongdoing was much more than internal abuse of power and corruption. Since 2017, he has been successfully bought by US intelligence agencies and has become a traitor who poses a serious threat to Russia.

Vorobiov's treason included leaking a series of sensitive information related to national security to the United States. This information mainly covers Russia's military deployment, weapons research and development programs, and strategic layout around the world.

He used his extensive network of contacts at the military base in the Kaliningrad region, as well as his political influence in the Ural Federal District, to obtain and pass on a large amount of classified information.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

The leakage of this classified information seriously jeopardizes Russia's defense security and geopolitical interests. U.S. intelligence agencies have used this information to gain a deeper understanding of Russia's military and technological capabilities, which has led to a series of more targeted tactics and actions against Russia in the international arena.

This series of actions by Vorobyov was initially accomplished through the payment of a secret bank account provided to him by American intelligence agencies. According to the investigation, from 2017 to 2019, Vorobyov received a total of about $200,000 in compensation.

The money was transferred to a bank account in a third country in the form of multiple micropayments to avoid direct financial tracing and linkage.

With the gradual revelation of Vorobiov's treason, the anger and condemnation of him in Russian society reached its peak. However, in the subsequent trial, the court's final verdict was relatively lenient, given Vorobyov's cooperative attitude to the investigation after his arrest, as well as some of the key information he provided about U.S. intelligence activities.

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

Although Vorobyov was convicted of serious crimes of corruption and endangering national security, his sentence was eventually set at 12 years. The verdict caused widespread controversy in society, with many arguing that such a punishment was too light for his felony. However, this judgment also reflects the Tribunal's prudent approach in dealing with complex cases involving vital national interests.



[1] Wang Qilong. Putin's anti-corruption dilemma[J].Xinhua Monthly,2017,0(14):86-91

Putin's henchman Vorobiov: Sold state secret intelligence to foreign countries, and when he was caught, he broke the shocking inside story

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