
How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

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How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

Text: Peng Yibin



During the War of Liberation, due to the lack of firepower of our army, the officers and men had to develop a powerful weapon by themselves - the flying thunder cannon, or you can call it a conscienceless cannon. In the large and small battles during the Continental Liberation War, the unconscionable cannon dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, and there were no excessive restrictions on its use.

During the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the unconscionable cannon reappeared in the rivers and lakes, and directly blew up the British army!

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(No Conscience Cannon)

1. How did the cannon come from without conscience?

Nie Peizhang was a national army in his early years, and later refused the policy of non-resistance, so he surrendered to the Communist Party, he went to a military academy, and was very familiar with the engineering and artillery profession, he also formed an engineering company, taught the team members technical training, and soon brought out a lot of backbones. But sappers die a large percentage in the war, is there a way to send explosives directly to the pillboxes?

Nie Peizhang observed that if the American gasoline barrels discarded by the Nationalist army were filled with propelled gunpowder at the bottom of the gasoline barrel and then placed on top of the explosive packets, the explosives could be sent out by the impact of the gunpowder. Soon Nie Peizhang led the team to develop the flying mine he had in mind, and after many tests, an explosive bag could fly more than 300 meters away.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(Nie Peizhang)

In order to exert the maximum power, he began to continuously improve this flying thunder cannon, especially the armored defense of the national army, which will be more powerful than the PLA. Nie Peizhang also used a projectile canister to transform it into a flamethrower, sending stones and grenades out together. The Flying Thunder Cannon has a large killing range, and the explosion is loud after each launch.

Even the national army said that the huge explosion almost shattered all the internal organs! Moreover, the name of this "conscienceless cannon" is said to have been given by the national army, saying that it is because it is too unconscionable to fight. Although the Unconscionable Cannon is only a disposable, due to its structural strength, once it is used intensively, it will deal a severe blow to the enemy.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(No Conscience Cannon)

2. How good is a cannon without conscience?

In September 1947, when attacking the fortress, the 4th Column decided to use a conscienceless cannon, and the pillbox at the city gate was blown up with one shot. Because of the loss of proportion in the launch, everywhere it goes, whether it is a defensive bunker or a horse vehicle, it will be directly blown up.

The design of the Unconscionable Cannon is very simple, it is a canister, a propellant, a separator, and an explosive pack. Although the range is not far, 10 kg of explosives can be blown up directly to 100 to 200 meters, and within a radius of 10 meters of the explosion, all obstacles will be destroyed and destroyed. And the lethality, mainly from the impact of explosives and explosions.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(No Conscience Cannon)

Many people were not killed by the bombing, but were actually shocked to death, and after the development of the conscienceless cannon, he made great achievements in the Huaihai Campaign. At the end of 1948, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party fought a decisive battle on the Huaihai Plain, and in the Battle of Shuangduiji, Huang Wei's corps was besieged within a range of only a few kilometers.

At that time, the People's Liberation Army immediately dug out the position where he had no conscience to run, and after Huang Wei was trapped, the People's Liberation Army persuaded him to surrender according to the usual practice, but Huang Wei swore to die. Both sides are deadlocked, and without conscience, this can give Huang Wei a heavy blow at a critical moment and decide the outcome of the battlefield.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(Double Stack Campaign)

After the order for the general attack was issued on 6 December, a total of 180 unconscionable guns carried out three rounds of alternating firing, each firing a full 20 kilograms of explosives.

Such a powerful firepower suppression led to the direct scrapping of Huang Wei's fortifications, and the People's Liberation Army rushed in in an instant, and found that many national soldiers had already been shocked and collapsed to the ground. After this war, the conscienceless cannon became completely famous and became a thorn in the side of the national army. It was not until the later part of the war that due to the increase in the number of artillery in our army, the unconscionable artillery gradually withdrew from the battlefield.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(No Conscience Cannon)

3. Return to the Korean battlefield and scare off the British

Originally, the unconscionable artillery had withdrawn from the battlefield, after all, our army had more powerful weapons, but soon on the Korean battlefield, they once again played a powerful role. After the outbreak of the Korean War, our army originally crossed the Yalu River to participate in the battle, waiting for weapons from the Soviet Union, but the Soviet weapons did not come for a long time.

Among the teams that participated in the war, those troops who made great achievements on the battlefield of liberation were no exception, and Nie Peizhang was also among them, including troops who were good at using unconscionable artillery. For example, the 189th Regiment of the 566th Division was one of them, and in the third battle, the Chinese and American forces engaged in a tug-of-war near the 38th parallel, and the two sides negotiated and confronted each other.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed


After the outbreak of the Fifth Campaign, the Volunteer Army retreated on May 21, when the 566th Regiment of the 189th Division was the closest regiment to the United Nations Army in the entire Volunteer Army. They were surrounded by the U.S. 9th Division, the British 28th Brigade and part of the South Korean army, and the 566th Regiment was not only responsible for pulling the enemy forces, but also covering the retreat of the volunteers.

In the face of the unfavorable situation, the 566th Regiment itself also suffered heavy losses, but the American and British troops were quickly replenished and soon filled one gap after another. At that time, the 566th Regiment fell into a state of fatigue, and in the face of many difficulties, the regiment commander Zhu Biao thought of a way to break the situation, which was also the unconscionable cannon used in the Liberation War.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(566 regiment)

The gringos had never seen a cannon without conscience, and they did not know how powerful he was; Second, Zhu Biao mainly delays and breaks through, and even if he relies on shocks without conscience, he can stun many gringos. Moreover, the 566th Regiment suffered heavy losses at that time, and it was only possible to open the situation with no conscience.

It is said that after only two rounds of fire, the 28th Brigade of the British Army fell silent...... They don't know exactly what kind of weapons the volunteers use? Judging from experience, this should be a large-caliber artillery shell, for example, Captain North of the 28th Brigade of the British Army mentioned that the Chinese army used large-caliber artillery shells to attack in depth that day.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(No Conscience Cannon)

The fierceness of the firepower confused the British army, they thought that the 566th regiment was the end of the strong crossbow, who knew that there was actually a large-caliber artillery, so now do you still have to match? The British army was silent on the battlefield for half an hour, obviously afraid, and many soldiers' internal organs were shocked, so the 566th Regiment successfully completed the covering task and was able to retreat and preserve.

Although the conscienceless cannon was only an earthen shell, it was indeed a surprise, the 566th regiment lacked heavy weapons at that time, and the conscienceless cannon was the best weapon. Not only did it paralyze the British troops, but it also inflicted serious damage on them. A weapon converted from a gasoline drum has become a sharp weapon on the battlefield, thanks precisely to the innovation of the PLA.

How good is a cannon without conscience? After the Battle of Huaihai, the Volunteers used it against the British again, and the British Army was bombed

(No Conscience Cannon)

Speaking from facts, the unconscionable cannon is indeed a product of emergency relief, otherwise it should be put into large-scale use, but it is precisely because of this that it reflects his rarity, in those arduous years, our People's Liberation Army has always worked the front line, has always given everything for the battlefield.

If there is no conscience cannon, our army will face more crises on the battlefield. From the War of Liberation to the Korean War, the conscienceless cannon showed its value. Although it is not without its drawbacks, it has brought victory after victory.


The "conscienceless cannon" during the war: the modification of gasoline barrels was a sharp weapon in the Huaihai campaign. Northern Evening News, 2014-03-04

This weapon is called "no conscience cannon" by the enemy because of its great power.The Paper,2020-10-14