
In the seas of the Bahamas, there is such an unusual woman. She often shuttles among the sharks, like their queen. All the sharks that encounter her will not attack, but will return

author:Discover history

In the seas of the Bahamas, there is such an unusual woman.

She often shuttles among the sharks, like their queen.

All the sharks that come across her will not attack, but will rub their heads against her in a friendly manner.

She is Christina, the woman who dances with sharks.

Knestina started out as a top diver and has been diving in the Bahamas for almost 30 years.

As a diver, she is also afraid of encountering sharks in the ocean.

In movies such as Jaws, sharks have always been portrayed as fierce and brutal, and Christina thinks so about sharks.

As a result, she doesn't swim in shark territory unless she has to. There will be no contact with sharks.

However, in the last nearly 20 years, she has taken about 300 hooks from the shark's mouth.

In each rescue, the shark would not bite her, or even react to any stress.

Everyone who knew Christina was amazed.

As a frightened diver who smelled "sharks", why did she embark on the road of rescuing sharks?

Rewind to 1996 and Christina was diving somewhere.

Sharks are often spotted in this area, and Christina is scared, but she can't resist the temptation to dive.

Bring your gear to the beach and dive quietly.

Suddenly, she saw a shark swimming in a twisted motion, seemingly unwell.

Scared, she mustered up the courage to swim towards the shark and get ready to find out.

As she slowly got closer, she finally knew why the shark looked so uncomfortable that it had a hook on its teeth.

The hook is embedded in the shark's mouth, and the upside-down hook is constantly tearing at the flesh in the shark's mouth as the shark moves.

At this point, the shark that saw Tina seemed to see a savior, and swam towards her with its companions.

Christina was frightened by this scene and quickly fled.

But when she looked sideways, she saw that the shark was not opening its jaws at her, but swimming quietly beside her.

She noticed that the shark didn't seem to have any ill intentions, so she slowly stopped, intending to help the poor shark.

Christina slowly reached out to pet the shark.

She discovered that the shark not only had a hook in its mouth, but also countless scars on its body.

The wounds on his body had long since healed, but the hook in his mouth had slowly penetrated into his throat.

If it is not removed, there is a good chance that the shark will eventually starve to death due to an infection in the wound that prevents it from eating.

Although she was very scared, she decided to help the shark remove the hook.

She carefully reached into the shark's mouth, one hand caressing the shark's body, and the other slowly taking the hook out of its mouth.

Luckily, the shark seemed to know that Christina was helping it and didn't do anything to hurt her.

After the hook that had been bothering the shark for a long time was finally removed, the shark also left happily.

Perhaps this shark is the big horn in the ocean, and after being rescued, Christina's story spread throughout the shark school.

In her future dives, Christina will occasionally see sharks stabbed by hooks and caught in fishing nets.

They seem to know Christina and will ask her for help whenever they meet her.

And Christina will help the sharks every time.

In the encounter with sharks, she also gradually mastered some basic shark rescue skills.

And the deep friendship that has been established with them.

The sharks would meekly wander around Christina, and would lean sideways to pet her.

In more than 20 years of relationship, Tina doesn't know how many sharks she has rescued.

Her fame spread not only among the crowd, but also among the sharks.

If you see a woman playing with a group of sharks in the waters of the Bahamas one day.

Don't panic, it's sharks and their friend Christina playing.

In the seas of the Bahamas, there is such an unusual woman. She often shuttles among the sharks, like their queen. All the sharks that encounter her will not attack, but will return
In the seas of the Bahamas, there is such an unusual woman. She often shuttles among the sharks, like their queen. All the sharks that encounter her will not attack, but will return
In the seas of the Bahamas, there is such an unusual woman. She often shuttles among the sharks, like their queen. All the sharks that encounter her will not attack, but will return

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