
Unpaid blood donation is boundless love

author:Long An Rong Media

On the occasion of the 20th World Blood Donation Day, on June 27, our county launched the World Blood Donor Day "Thanksgiving Blood Donors" blood donation theme activity in the small square in front of the county government compound.

Unpaid blood donation is boundless love

At the event site, unpaid blood donors from various townships, government agencies, and people from all walks of life filled in forms, measured blood pressure, and tested blood samples in turn under the guidance of the staff, and the event site was orderly. In the blood collection vehicle, the skilled blood collection technology and considerate service of the staff relieved the tension of the blood donors, and the medical staff were busy, they inserted needles into the arms of blood donors, and the bright red blood slowly flowed into the blood bags, and the love was passed on.

Unpaid blood donation is boundless love
Unpaid blood donation is boundless love

On the same day, 250 people participated in the blood donation activity, and 195 people successfully donated blood, with a total blood donation of 62,050ml. Bags of bright red blood pass on the love, the red blood donation certificate records the true feelings, and the bright smiles interpret the full of positive energy, which fully demonstrates the sincere love, dedication and social responsibility of the people of Long An.

Unpaid blood donation is boundless love

Huang Pingzhao, an unpaid blood donor: When we are in good physical condition, donating some blood is harmless and can help others, so I think unpaid blood donation is worth carrying forward. As soon as I heard about the blood donation event yesterday, I rushed over this morning to donate blood, and I hope that everyone can donate blood enthusiastically.

(Wentu/Lu Mingli photo/Li Hancheng)