
A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

author:Talking about health

  In today's society, whether it is a company or an individual, it attaches great importance to health problems, and physical examinations are becoming more and more common, so many people think that the company will organize physical examinations every year, and various diseases of the body will be hidden, but in fact this is not the case, even if the physical examination is normal, there will still be people who suddenly detect advanced cancer, why is this?

A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

  First of all, the general physical examination does not have the function of screening for cancer, and the normal physical examination focuses on assessing the physical health status, and the common physical examination items include blood routine, fluoroscopy, height, weight, vision, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

  These tests cannot screen for cancer, but if the symptoms of cancer are more obvious, ordinary physical examination can still detect them, but early cancer, with mild symptoms or no specific symptoms, can easily escape the examination.

A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

  Secondly, some physical examination institutions or cancer screening institutions have the problem of defrauding consumers, and in order to save costs, these institutions may even have problems such as not testing after blood drawing, non-professionals looking at imaging examinations, and indiscriminately producing examination results.

  If consumers choose these informal medical examination institutions, they will not be able to detect physical abnormalities or even cancer in time, which is likely to lead to deterioration and eventually lead to advanced cancer over time.

  Cancer is very harmful to people, and if it is not detected and treated in time, the consequences will be unimaginable. Through the above understanding, we know that ordinary physical examinations in daily life or choosing informal physical examination institutions may not be able to screen for cancer in time, so what kind of examination should people do if they want to screen for cancer?

A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

  1. CT or MRI

  CT is one of the common examination items, which can detect a variety of diseases, such as tumors, inflammation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bone and joint lesions, etc., and lung cancer, a malignant tumor with a high incidence and mortality rate, can usually be diagnosed by low-dose rotational CT.

  However, CT has a certain degree of radioactivity, and some special groups such as pregnant women are not recommended to use it, and excessive use of CT will also cause certain radiation damage to the body;

  MRI is a green examination method, which has no side effects on the human body, but due to its particularity, it is forbidden to bring in any metal products during the examination, and if the patient is equipped with metal dentures, pacemakers, metal heart valves, etc., it is not suitable for this method.

A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

  2. Endoscope

  The role of endoscope is very extensive, can be applied to gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, abdominal cavity, urinary tract, pancreas, bile bladder, female reproductive tract, etc., the method can be visually displayed through the endoscope of the internal organs of the body, to help doctors find tumors in time, can be used for gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, intestinal cancer, bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and other malignant tumors.

  However, the use of this method can cause physical discomfort, and patients should overcome psychological barriers before the examination and follow the doctor's instructions to prepare for the examination.

A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

  3. Ultrasound

  Ultrasound, also known as B-ultrasound, is also widely used, and will not cause any harm to the body, mostly in gynecological examinations and pregnancy examinations are more common, because of its simplicity and convenience, and can clearly reflect the internal conditions of the body, can be applied to cancer screening, such as breast cancer, liver cancer, female reproductive system tumors, etc.

  4. Other methods

  In addition to the above common imaging examinations, some cancer screening also needs to be combined with some biochemical examination items to confirm the diagnosis, such as cervical cancer, if the tumor is found through imaging examination, and it cannot be confirmed whether it is a malignant tumor, cervical cytology examination is required; If liver tumors are detected by imaging tests, blood alpha-fetoprotein tests should also be done to confirm the nature of the tumor.

A normal physical examination but suddenly found cancer? Warning: If you want to be screened for cancer, you need to get these tests done!

  To sum up, it can be known that it is difficult to find cancer cells in the human body in ordinary physical examinations, and the physical examination is mainly aimed at assessing the health status of the human body, so if you want to know whether there are cancer cells in the body, you need to do cancer screening.