
Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

author:Talking about health

  Family planning is a basic national policy on the mainland to control population growth, so it is often necessary for women to be sterilized after giving birth to a child, and one of the common methods is the birth control ring.

  This method is simple and practical, can effectively sterilize, and can continue to have children after the IUD is removed. However, many people do not know whether the IUD can be left without taking it for life and the best time to take the IUD.

Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

  1. Whether the IUD can be withheld for life.

  First of all, let's understand what is a birth control ring? With the progress of modern medical technology, the birth control ring has been in the shape of metal single ring, T-ring, twist wreath, mixed ring, etc., mostly made of stainless steel, plastic, silicone rubber and other materials, and placed in the female uterus when used, which can block sperm activity and affect the implantation function of the fertilized egg, so as to achieve the effect of sterilization.

Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

  Through the above understanding, what is a birth control ring, so can the birth control ring be left without for life?

  The answer is no.

  IUDs usually have an expiration date, stainless steel IUDs can be used for 15-20 years, while plastic and other materials are 5-7 years, if the use period is exceeded, not only the birth control effect is lost, but also will affect women's health, serious may cause uterine fibrous lesions, menorrhagia and damage to other organs.

  Therefore, the IUD cannot be left untaken for life, so what is the best time to take the IUD?

Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

  Second, the best time to take the ring.

  When women insert the IUD, they must pay attention to the material of the IUD and understand its service life, and when it is close to the use period, they should seek medical attention and prepare for the following device removal within the following time: at least 3-5 days after the woman's menstruation is clean, and sexual intercourse should be avoided during this time, so as to ensure that the uterus will not be damaged due to menstruation or intercourse, so as to avoid infection or other injuries when the device is removed.

Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

  3. Matters needing attention to when taking the ring.

  1. When taking the ring, you should first seek medical attention for imaging examination, confirm the position of the IUD and the status of the IUD through X-ray or B-ultrasound, and also need the doctor to observe the nylon filament of the IUD at the external mouth of the uterus, so that the existence of the IUD can be confirmed so that the IUD can be removed for operation.

Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

  2. Because the IUD stays in the human body for a long time, it will cause uterine injury and bleeding after being removed, usually women will have symptoms such as pain, dizziness, and sensitivity to cold after taking the ring, at this time, it is necessary to pay attention to bed rest, and pay attention to the amount of vaginal bleeding, and take hemostatic drugs appropriately, if the amount of bleeding is excessive or the symptoms are serious, you should seek medical examination in time.

  3. Women who enter the menopausal period should take out the IUD in time, under normal circumstances, the menstrual cycle of menopausal women will change significantly, if the cycle becomes longer or menopause, it should be taken out when it is 6 months old, and it should also pay attention to the abnormalities of the body.

Can the IUD be left untaken for life? Women must know these things about IUDs!

  The uterus is a very important organ for women, and the birth control ring, as a common means of sterilization, has a certain period of use, and cannot be left untaken for life.

  In fact, whether it is after the ring is placed or the ring is removed, it will cause a series of adverse reactions in women, especially the ring removal, and female friends must pay attention to it.

  In addition, because the IUD blocks the normal implantation of the fertilized egg, there may be ectopic pregnancy, which requires vigilance, and the IUD is not a panacea, even if the IUD is placed, there is still the possibility of pregnancy, which cannot be ignored.