
Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Time Writer | Gummy bears

Don't walk gently into that good night.

The summer file is already hot.

Yesterday, Time Jun introduced "A Quiet Place: Invasion Day", which will be released this week, and there will be popular imported films such as "Despicable Me 4" and "Deadpool and Wolverine" in July.

Domestic films are also full of highlights, and the warmest and most tear-jerking movie in the summer file is none other than this one!

《Raifuku Hotel》

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

This is a healing movie with a realistic theme, and the "Rifle Hotel" in the title is not a real luxury hotel.

What is "Blessing"? Life, that is, life.

"Laifu Hotel", the name sounds magnificent, to put it bluntly, it is a cheap hotel opened near the hospital for patients and their families who cannot afford to pay for inpatient beds for a long time, and it is also a "home for patients".

The patients who meet in Pingshui are a family when they walk into "Laifu", and they resist the disease and redeem each other in the company of "temporary family members".

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

"Nailkoto" hotel

Li Qingrang (played by Huang Xuan), who has just come out of prison after squatting for ten years, wants to keep up with the times and find an ordinary job, which is too difficult.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

His father was sick, the operation cost more than 100,000 yuan, and his sister and brother-in-law had no money. In today's society, where no criminal record is required, he has hit a wall at every turn.

The brother who mixed with him ten years ago is now in the business of forced demolition.

The entire street was bought, but the "Fortune Hotel" operated by Ma Xiaolin (played by Liu Yan) refused to be demolished and compensated and insisted on being a nail household.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

The proprietress Ma Xiaolin has always had a dream, she wants to make Fuda Hotel bigger and stronger in the future, and become a "home of life" that can accommodate more guests and provide more help.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, so she met Li Qingrang, who had just been released from prison.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Seeing that Li Qingrang sent the elderly dementia patient back to the hotel, he became attached to the proprietress, and the brother gave birth to a treacherous plan.

He asked Li Qingrang to go undercover to work at the Rifles Hotel, and try every means to build a yellow hotel, so that Ma Xiaolin would have to move if he didn't move.

Li Qingrang, who was in a hurry to use money, chose to agree to this "business".

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

If you have a job, you can't let your fellow inmates continue to wander around.

He pulled his good brothers Hebei and Chili, and the three of them went to work at the Lyph Hotel together.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

They originally wanted to increase Ma Xiaolin's expenses, and they could only sign a contract to sell the store when they couldn't make ends meet.

Unexpectedly, in getting along with this group of patients and their families, Li Qingrang actually found the family affection and warmth that he had been asking for for many years.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

His stance has also changed from helping the demolition to trying his best to stop the demolition.

Can this war of mantis arms as a car usher in the ending that everyone is looking forward to?

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry
Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

The truth of the world

This is a film with quite realistic significance.

Because it is the same as the Hong Kong film "Under the White Sun" released in April, it focuses on marginalized groups and exposes the underlying ecology.

"Under the White Sun" focuses on the mentally handicapped, and "Rifle Hotel" focuses on cancer patients with less money and more illness, and people who have been released from prison who are excluded from society.

are all microcosms from the cage, seeing all kinds of life. However, compared with the cruel despair of the former, this film is warmer and more uplifting.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Li Qingrang only allowed people to call him "Li Sanqing", because he hated the name his father gave him and never refused to give in.

His grades were not good, and he rebelled against the mixed society, which disappointed his father, who was an excellent teacher.

From childhood to adulthood, the only time Li Qingrang received recognition from the other party was a bowl of black sesame paste made by his father after he entered the top three in the Chinese language test.

Even if he was imprisoned to save people, his father refused to believe that he was the one who was right.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

It was also because of his imprisonment that my father lost his job as a good teacher. Only then would he be so angry that he had a heart attack after seeing him, and he was not even allowed to come close to visit him.

The contradiction between father and son is a thorn in Li Qingrang's heart.

It wasn't until he walked into the Rifle Hotel and met Lao Shi and Fu Ye, who were about the same age as his father, that he really got the recognition from his elders and felt the family affection that was close to his father's love.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

The proprietress Ma Xiaolin seems to be arrogant and spicy, but she is actually kind-hearted.

She used to be a cancer patient, but she was helped by the Rifle Hotel in the past. After healing, he accepted the hotel and passed on this love.

Cheap room rates can barely cover hotel expenses. Rao is so, when the patient encounters difficulties, she will still reduce some more.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

The number of the elderly who have lost their ability to take care of themselves, she helps to hang; The patient had a temper and refused to eat, so she coaxed her in a good voice; The patient can't remember to take the medicine, and she will also stare at the feed.

Pick up the whole hotel with thin shoulders. It can be said that it is precisely because of Ma Xiaolin that this group of helpless patients and their families have a place to settle with a little peace of mind.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Following in Li Qingrang's footsteps, we can also get a glimpse of the situation of those groups that are common in life, but have always been ignored by us.

Lao Shi, who lacks the company of his daughter, has become the number one thorn in the hotel, and often makes a big fuss, and the oil and salt do not enter.

It wasn't until Li Qingrang arrived, one thing descended one thing, and it finally stopped. It turns out that what Lao Shi desires most is nothing more than to be cared for and cared for.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Some people have been sick for a long time, such as Fu Ye, who has been suffering from uremia for nine years, and has long been incurable.

He chose Dink, he had no children and no daughters, and he never wanted to be taken care of by his juniors. I have lived in the hotel for nine years, and I have helped each other with my patients, but I am also happy.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

From a certain point of view, Fu Ye, who gets along with all the patients and makes everyone united, is the "soul of the hotel".

Even Li Qingrang was infected by him, and because of a bowl of black sesame paste, he untied his heart knot and completely integrated into the hotel.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

It is better not to have a son if someone gives birth.

Aime, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, is sick, but her son only comes twice a year, and each time he only asks for money.

Thanks to the help of her patients and Xiao Lin, she was able to live a normal life in Rifle Hotel.

However, she forgot everything, but she did not forget her son. For Aime, the most important thing is her son.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Someone is strapped for money, and his mother accidentally fell and fell seriously ill.

Because he promised to do his best to save him, he knew that there was no hope, but he still tried all his medical treatment and refused to spend a penny more on himself.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

It wasn't until the end that Li Qingrang showed him the handwritten sentence "go home" by his mother, so that he could finally let go of the other party and himself.

Accept your mother's death and return to your normal life.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

There's so much truth here.

Some people are reluctant to rent a stove in order to save a few dollars, and steal two steamed buns while others are hot; Some people feel sorry for their daughter with leukemia and secretly cook four red soup for the child on the rooftop; There is also a little girl who was sick at an early age, and the biggest worry is that her hair will not grow back after chemotherapy......

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Birth, old age, sickness and death, life events, are all dressed in this small inn.

Bitterness, joy and sorrow, the true feelings of the world, also flow quietly here.

Diseases are merciless, people are merciless.

Why do you ask why everyone has to do their best to keep the Rifle Hotel?


"Rifle Hotel, my home."

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry
Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry
Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Laughing with tears

The most important thing about reality films is reality.

Li Qingrang's role, as a bridge between prisoners and cancer patients, must stand up in order to convince the audience.

For this reason, the director and screenwriter specially lived with three or four people who had been released from prison for nearly a month. Talk to them about life in prison, their thoughts after they get out of prison, and pay attention to the characteristics of such people.

This is why Li Qingrang, who is obviously not bad-hearted in the film, but is irritable and explosive.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

The various conditioned reflexes formed in the prison also became an opportunity for Ma Xiaolin to find out that Li Qingrang had been imprisoned.

The main stage of the story, Rifle Hotel, is the result of the field research of the main creative team.

In the patient's home, people who have been sick for a long time become doctors, keep each other warm, chat together and play mahjong in the midst of suffering, are all things that cancer patients will do in reality.

In order to attract business for the hotel, Li Qingrang and others went to the hospital and nearby shops to distribute small cards, which are also common means used by such hotels to publicize.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

A lot of real details have been piled up to create this compelling story.

In addition, although it focuses on cancer patients who are always fighting against the disease, compared with works with similar themes, "Rifle Hotel" does not deliberately exaggerate sadness, but mostly uses comedy forms, laughing with tears, and trying to dilute the haze of death.

Because what really touches people's hearts is the emotions between people, not the despair carried by illness or death.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Everyone in the film has their own emotional sustenance.

Li Qingrang always wanted to be recognized by his father.

After being imprisoned for many years, the watch his father gave him had long since rusted and stopped, but he still carried it with him.

Even if his father didn't want to see him, he still tried his best to raise money for the operation and treat the other party.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

Mao picked up the bankrupt family and also took his mother to see a doctor, because he always felt that "if his mother is still alive, he is still a child".

Even the old Fu Lao, when he was dying, he still missed his parents, rather than regretting that he had no children.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

This is another touching feature of this film.

Everyone has a child who lacks love in their hearts, and this thirst for family affection will not change with age.

Because of this, they are more empathetic to each other. will encourage each other and help each other.

Directly hit the real predicament of society! This healing comedy, it's so good to cry

"In this life, death is not terrible, what is terrible is waiting for death."

Coming to Fu is home, and being with your family is not waiting for death.

After watching the film, I believe that every audience can face the changes in life more calmly and think about the current situation.

Valuing the present and having hope for the future.


The blockbuster thriller is back on the big screen, cool!

Shocking! It is a masterpiece of violent aesthetics