
Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness

author:Kangbashi release

Recently, Aunt Li, who lives in Area A of Fuhai Garden, has to stand in front of the window for a while every day, watching the downstairs become green and tidy every day, and her heart is indescribably happy. This is because the Fuli Community of Qingchunshan Street is solving the "top priority" of the community - the worries of residents.

Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness

After the inspection and visit, the grid staff of each community sorted out these "troubles": the road surface is damaged, the lack of rest areas, the phenomenon of random parking is serious, and the most important thing is that the residents' awareness of the protection of the green belt is insufficient, resulting in sparse greenery and potholes in some areas of the community. In order to solve these problems, Fuli Community adheres to the guidance of party building, unites all properties in the jurisdiction, gives full play to the advantages of the grid, and solves problems for the masses. What makes Aunt Li downstairs a new look every day is the recently launched "green action" and "green protection action".

Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness
Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness

Fuli Community purchased more than 600 meters of green fences for Fuhai Garden Area A and B, Dingsheng Fuli Garden Community and Dingsheng Shangting Art Villa Community, and sent more than 20,000 daylilies at the same time, coordinated the property to carry out land leveling work, and organized the volunteer service activity of "planting greenery and supplementing green and beautiful homes", replenishing more than 2,000 square meters of greenery and changing green clothes for vacant land. It is understood that the fences of the four communities have been installed.

Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness
Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness

At the same time, the community grid members actively mobilize the residents of the community to jointly manage the green space, so that the residents can establish the concept of "maintaining the community environment, everyone is responsible" in the joint participation in the community governance, and form a good atmosphere of "planting, loving, protecting and revitalizing the green". Driven by the community, the property company also actively participated in it, purchasing more than 20,000 landscape fields and other green plants, and it is expected that the green area will reach 2,000 square meters.

Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness
Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness
Community greening fills the "patch" and adds a new "color" to happiness

Not only that, the work of repairing damaged roads, installing rest seats, painting unit corridors, and adding parking spaces is also being accelerated. In the next step, Fuli Community of Qingchunshan Street will continue to carry out various forms of party building to promote the construction of "green and beautiful community", so as to "rejuvenate" the environment of the jurisdiction and "add weight" to the happiness of residents.