
Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

author:Chigyo Union

Zhang Liao, a famous general of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period, was known for his bravery and resourcefulness

Zhang Liao, a famous general of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period, was famous for his bravery and resourcefulness. However, in the long course of history, his name always seems to be overshadowed by Guan Yu's brilliance. In Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and Chen Shou's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Guan Yu's image is portrayed as more heroic, while Zhang Liao's contribution is little known. In this regard, Zhang Liao's heart was full of dissatisfaction and helplessness.

Zhang Liao believes that historical records are extremely unfair to him. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Guan Yu is portrayed as a hero who kills Yan Liang and Wen Chou, but in fact, Zhang Liao played a more crucial role in these battles. He remembered that when Cao Cao ordered the general, he was appointed as the chief general, and Guan Yu was the deputy general. In the Battle of Yanliang, Zhang Liao took the lead, charged into battle, and single-handedly attracted the attention and firepower of the enemy army. It was in this situation that Guan Yu had the opportunity to kill Yan Liang.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

Zhang Liao's dissatisfaction with this historical record is not only due to the damage to his personal reputation, but also because he believes that it ignores his contribution to the country and the nation. In that troubled era, he made great achievements for Cao Cao with his enthusiasm and loyalty, but he failed to get the respect he deserved in the records of later generations.

Zhang Liao was under Cao Cao and participated in countless battles. From the vanguard of the Battle of Guandu to the bravery of the Battle of Hefei, he took the lead every time and was not afraid of hardships and dangers. Especially in the Battle of Hefei, he won more with less, led 800 elite soldiers, broke through the encirclement of Sun Quan's 100,000 army, and created a miracle in military history. However, these exploits are often brushed aside in the historical record, or even overshadowed by the deeds of other generals.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

Zhang Liao knows that history is written by the victors. In the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan stood on three legs, each fighting for their own interests and power. And he, as a general, can only be loyal to his lord and work for the reunification of the country and the nation. All he hoped for was a fair appraisal in the records of posterity, and that his exploits and sacrifices would be duly recognized.

However, the historical record is often full of bias and injustice. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Luo Guanzhong did not hesitate to exaggerate in order to create Guan Yu's heroic image, erasing Zhang Liao's contribution. In the "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms", although Chen Shou is more objective, he is inevitably affected by the political environment at the time in the record, and fails to fully demonstrate Zhang Liao's bravery and resourcefulness.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

Zhang Liao's dissatisfaction with these records also reflects his deep understanding of history and the importance he attaches to his personal reputation. He knew that a person's merit and reputation should not only depend on a momentary victory or defeat, but should stand the test of time and be fairly evaluated by future generations.

In Zhang Liao's heart, what he longed for was not only personal glory, but also respect for history and the pursuit of truth. He hopes that through his own efforts, future generations can understand a more authentic and comprehensive history of the Three Kingdoms, so that those neglected heroes can be respected and commemorated as they deserve. Although he knows that it can be a difficult and long process, he is willing to work for it and fight for it.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

Zhang Liao, whose name is Yuan, was an outstanding general of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period, and his name has left a strong mark in history. Especially in the Battle of Xiaoyaojin, he won more with less, creating a miracle in military history. When looking back on this battle, Zhang Liao was full of emotion, and he believed that his victory was largely due to Cao Cao's good knowledge.

Cao Cao, as the founder of the Wei State, had a unique vision and was good at discovering and using talents. In Zhang Liao's view, it was Cao Cao's trust and delegation of power to him that gave him the space to display his talents on the battlefield. Cao Cao not only gave him military power, but also gave him the freedom to respond to emergencies. This attitude of employing people without suspicion enabled Zhang Liao to flexibly command on the battlefield according to the actual situation and give full play to his combat effectiveness.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

In the Battle of Xiaoyaojin, Zhang Liao faced an army of 100,000 led by Sun Quan himself. The victory or defeat of this battle was of great significance to the Wei State. Zhang Liao clearly remembered that when the army of Eastern Wu "surrounded Liao several times", he did not panic, but calmly analyzed the situation on the battlefield. He recruited eight hundred daredevils and personally led them to break through. During the first breakout, Zhang Liao led the dozens of people who came out first to break out of the encirclement, but when he heard the shouts of the remaining hundreds, he did not hesitate to rush into the encirclement again and rescue the trapped soldiers.

Zhang Liao's move not only reflected his courage and determination, but also reflected his care and sense of responsibility for the soldiers. He believes that a qualified leader should take the lead on the battlefield and care about the life and death of soldiers, so as to win the trust and respect of soldiers. Sun Quan's performance on the battlefield disappointed Zhang Liao. Sun Quan appeared panicked in the face of Zhang Liao's surprise attack, and even fled to a small mound, which in Zhang Liao's eyes was a leader's dereliction of duty.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

Zhang Liao believes that an excellent leader should remain calm and decisive on the battlefield and make correct decisions in a timely manner. In the Battle of Xiaoyaojin, Zhang Liao relied on his wisdom and courage to successfully break the siege of Sun Quan and lead his soldiers to victory. This battle not only demonstrated Zhang Liao's military talent, but also reflected his sense of responsibility and responsibility as a leader.

In the post-war summary, Zhang Liao profoundly realized that the leader's decision-making played a decisive role in the outcome of the war. He used Sun Quan's misdeeds as an example to warn other generals that, as leaders, they should keep a clear head on the battlefield and make correct judgments and decisions in a timely manner. Only in this way can we grasp the opportunity for victory on the rapidly changing battlefield.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else

These thoughts of Zhang Liao are not only of great significance to his personal growth, but also have a far-reaching impact on the military command of later generations. His military prowess and leadership wisdom have become a model for future generations to learn from and emulate. In the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Liao used his practical actions to interpret what a real military strategist and leader is. His deeds will always be remembered by future generations.

Wen Chou was able to fight Zhao Yun for 50 rounds, but why was he killed by Guan Yu three times? Zhang Liao knows better than anyone else