
["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

author:Sands Media

Scholarly love, dream of golden sands. Wujiang plumbing, open-minded and deep. For a long time, the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy has been helping Jinsha, actively carrying out the "Rainbow of Books" public welfare project, building libraries and book houses, and donating millions of books, creating a strong bookish atmosphere for Jinsha teachers and students.

["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

Walking into Jinsha County Senior Experimental Middle School, the bright and enlightened library comes into view. The books in the library are neatly arranged, and it is the time between classes, when many students pour in, open the books and sink their hearts, wandering in the ocean of knowledge.

["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

"I like the library on our campus very much, there are a wide variety of books, newspapers, magazines, classics, etc., which can enrich my composition materials and make me improve my writing a lot. There are many books that I can't see from the outside, which not only broaden my horizons, but also enrich my knowledge. It's a great environment, I love reading here, and I can devote myself to books. Wang Jianling, a student of Jinsha County Experimental Senior High School, said.

["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

Kaiming Library, with the goal of building a first-class library in middle schools in the province, with the purpose of "building a scholarly campus and sharing a wise life", covers an area of 4,427 square meters, a total of four floors, in the early days of the construction of the library by the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China to help, widely mobilized forces to donate books, the current library stock of more than 200,000 volumes, the library is divided into electronic reading room, Shanghai Pavilion, Kaiming Cloud Lecture Hall, Kaiming Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Hall, Teacher's Book House and other functional areas.

["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

"At present, our library is very rich in book resources, and we can use these books in the library to provide a lot of help for our students to read the whole book and teach the whole text. In addition, the reading room and office area can be used to provide many places for teaching and research activities, where good communication can be achieved. We can also use our spare time to read these books here to satisfy our reading needs and achieve the purpose of self-improvement. Chen Xuedong, a teacher at Jinsha Experimental Senior High School, told reporters.

["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

The layout of the enlightened library is scientific and reasonable, and the book area is integrated with the reading area, the electronic reading area and the books, and the discussion area is integrated with the reading area in terms of location selection, decoration design, functional services, etc., and the modern, intelligent and humanized standards are used to create a quiet and comfortable reading atmosphere for teachers and students, and become the spiritual palace of teachers and students.

["Region + Field"] Scholarly enlightenment and open-mindedness, rainbow to help build dreams

"Our library is open for two and a half hours every afternoon after school and in the evening, and is open all day on Saturdays and Sundays, with an average of about 800 people entering the library every day. In the teaching activities, our library mainly plays the role of a second classroom, students can come to this place to read books, broaden their horizons, accumulate their language materials, teachers can conduct teaching seminars in this place, and hold reading salons, which is of great help to our teaching and research. Li Wenji, director of the Kaiming Library of Jinsha County Experimental Senior High School, introduced.

It is understood that the provincial organizations of the National Association for Promoting Democracy have donated more than 120 books worth more than 30 million yuan to Jinsha, donated 82 computers, and helped build 75 schools and enlightened bookstores. The "Scholarly Rainbow" public welfare project of the Central Committee for Promoting Democracy has opened a door to a treasure trove of knowledge for children. This not only conveys the love of the Central Committee for the Advancement of Democracy to the students of Jinsha, but also embodies the deep affection for the people of Jinsha, and is full of ardent expectations for Jinsha education.