
Recruitment Announcement! Huoqiu 60 people!!

author:Huo Qiu released
Recruitment Announcement! Huoqiu 60 people!!

In accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Management of Police Auxiliary Personnel of Anhui Provincial Public Security Organs" and the needs of work, after research, the public security organs of Lu'an City issued an announcement on the open recruitment of police auxiliary personnel (the first batch), of which 60 police auxiliary personnel were recruited in Huoqiu.

Recruitment Announcement! Huoqiu 60 people!!

For more job requirements, please click "Read the original article" to view

Recruitment Announcement! Huoqiu 60 people!!

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Source: Lu'an Public Security Bureau First instance: Liu Lili Second instance: Zheng Tianjun Third instance: Chen Anbang