
"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

author:Can life be ghostwritten?

"The Replica of Life" is the most creative sci-fi drama I have watched in recent years. At first glance, it is a parallel time and space setting that has been used so badly, but I didn't expect this drama to be able to go low and high like this, the key is not science fiction, but the real and diverse life issues discussed behind it. Why can the "I" who forcibly break into the top of society go undetected for a long time, and even be considered a kind of progress? And the exchanged self who is more important than life can only take the wrong step? It is no wonder that Mr. Wang of Hunan Qifa Culture will sigh that the attitude of choosing life determines which world you go to.

"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

The show is based on the sci-fi thriller novel of the same name, and the story revolves around Jason, a physicist, professor, and a man who loves family. One night, while walking home from the streets of Chicago, Jason was kidnapped into an alternate version of his life. Faced with the multiple lives he may experience, he tries to return to his original reality, and the strange thing quickly becomes a nightmare. In this labyrinth of reality, Jason embarks on a painful journey to get back to his true family and save it from himself, one of the most terrifying and invincible enemies of all.

"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

This drama is a bit low and high. In the first two episodes, the protagonist is still out of the situation, and his ordinary life makes him gentle, sluggish, and naïve with a good nature, so the rhythm is a little anxious at first. By the third episode, the suspense is revealed, and the protagonist begins an adventure in a parallel world, and the plot gradually gets better. Next, the camera switches between Jason, who was expelled, and Jason, who stole his identity. The plot is more delicate, talking about emotions rather than pure wits and courage. The callous and selfish Jason No. 2 gets the happy family he wants, but he can't fit in, and the original Jason travels through many worlds, constantly being tortured by his soul on the way to find his home.

"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

There are a lot of stories in parallel universes.,This work focuses on small topics such as family emotional life subtle choices.,Compared with other high concepts, it makes me feel more sincere.,All the countless bugs and myths are not to mention.。 The parallel universe is really amazing, and if it were me, I would be like Jason and start a new life. Let go of the obsession of having to find someone. And what touched me the most in the play is still such an unwavering love, on the one hand, the cold Jason left everything in his successful life just to be with you, and on the other hand, the original Jason traveled through countless parallel worlds just to return to his original family, be loved, and respond to love, how happy and difficult it is.

"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

Tingting of Hunan Qifa Culture Media Co., Ltd. wrote in her commentary, I thought it was ordinary, but the more attractive it is, and suddenly I feel that maybe it is best to grasp the present, the past cannot be changed, the future is unknowable, and every choice determines the trajectory of your life, maybe not necessarily so important, but quantitative change to qualitative change? Stick to what you are looking forward to the most, because it will affect your every choice and then lead you to finally reach or reap what you want.

"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

I like the show's discussion of choices, on the one hand, it is clear that your choices determine the direction of your life. It is to give up scientific research and live with the beloved, although not rich but very happy, or to devote himself to scientific research, although he has become famous, he has lost love. Bad Jason regretted not choosing a family, and after having a family in another world, he regretted it because his career and family in this world did not meet his imagination, and he will always regret it in life. Therefore, whether a person is satisfied with the present life does not depend on what the objective factors are, it is completely determined by subjective factors, and if the dissatisfaction with the present is converted into the imagination of another possibility, then it will breed endless powerless regrets, which will further make people lose the ability to perceive the happiness of the present.

"Life Replica": Your choices determine the direction of your life

I always feel that good science fiction works are the product of deep thinking about reality, high fit and allowing the viewer to stretch their imagination, and this one is no different. It is a rule of the game that we cannot change the status quo, and once someone breaks it, it may be before the world collapses, and the person who breaks the rules will have to pay a heavy price. "Life" is really difficult, and losing control is the norm. If you turn it into a "throwaway" item because of this, then in the end, what matches the "skill" you master against the sky can only be to destroy humanity and become an immortal, so what is the meaning of more "human world" to you? Thinking about it this way, we have to be trapped in the unsurpassable body and world, maybe it is still the favor of God.

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