
Internal Entertainment Zhen Huan's Biography 19: For Brother Moo, Huan Huan is looking for old cadres again? Brother and Huan Huan hit each other?

author:Manxiao Sword

As mentioned in the previous episode, Huan Huan suddenly wanted to fall in love and found Hemango in Xiangjiang. Unexpectedly, after coming to the door, he was humiliated by Hemange's mother, and the two broke up with hatred.

Huan Huan was frustrated in love, and Brother Moo took advantage of the fire to rob.

He first took Huan Huan home, and then incarnated as a cowherd to serve Huan Huan, and finally hugged the beauty.

Just when he was about to show his true face, a person suddenly made a mistake and declared war on Huan Huan!

In this episode, let's talk about who challenged Huan Huan?

How does Huan Huan deal with it?

The younger brother entered the circle, why was Huanhuan's career damaged one after another?

This story is for fun and is purely fictional. If there is any similarity, it is a coincidence, please do not sit in the opposite seat.

The body begins.


"This dog man, after sleeping with me on the front foot, I will go to someone else on the back foot! I want you to be a G man and a woman, not good S! ”
"Hey, paparazzi? I'm going to break the news! ”

The news that Brother Moo successfully won Huan Huan soon spread.

Outsiders looked confused, wondering how the two came together. After listening to it, the insiders gave a thumbs up, this kind of thing can be done, it is worthy of Brother Moo, it is really awesome!

But there is also a person who almost got angry after listening to this story, menstrual irregularities and endocrine disorders.

This person is An An.

As mentioned in the previous episode, Brother Moo did not break up with An An when the crew knelt and licked Huanhuan.

An An didn't expect that Brother Moo, who was usually obedient to herself, turned around and knelt to lick others after sleeping with herself.

An An has always had a revenge that takes revenge on the spot and never sleeps overnight.

It's just that she is a little in love, and she thinks that the reason why Brother Moo doesn't want her is not because of Brother Moo's scum, but because Huan Huan is shameless and seduces her boyfriend.

So after she learned the news that the two were together, she was ready to sprinkle all her anger on Huanhuan.

Her first plan was to find the paparazzi to explode Huanhuan's black material.

An An is indeed a lover, but this trick is too straightforward, and it is all left over from Huanhuan's play with Lotus back then.

Moreover, Huan Huan also has Sister Pony under her, and the strange soldiers under her are not vegetarians.

As soon as An An's side began to break the black news, the strange soldiers under Sister Pony began to automatically defend and counterattack.

It didn't take long for Huan Huan to know that An An was making trouble behind her.

At that time, Huan Huan was coaxed by Brother Moo and was learning how to be Brother Moo's little woman, so she didn't pay too much attention to this matter, and she didn't launch a defensive counterattack, just leave it to her subordinates to settle it.

But she didn't expect that Brother Moo took the initiative to stand up and show off her boyfriend power.


Brother Moo took the initiative to speak out and relieve Huanhuan.

He admitted that he and An An did love each other, but the two had incompatible personalities and had already broken up.

I am in free love with Huan Huan, and I have nothing to do with Xiao San, I hope everyone will keep their eyes open and not be misled by traitors.

When the insiders saw this, they all smiled evilly. Everyone tacitly said that no one said that Xiao San was Huan Huan, everyone said that Xiao San was you.

But Brother Moo doesn't care about this, because he finds that every time he talks on the Internet, Huan Huan will have more tricks at night.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Brother Moo is deliberately making things bigger, and Bo Huanhuan is happy.

But Huan Huan just eats this set.

Every time Brother Moo spoke for her, she didn't feel greasy, but felt that Brother Moo's boyfriend was full of power.

After all, after so many years, she has suffered so much slander, and no one has ever stood up to speak for her.

It can only be said that Brother Moo really knows, the snake hits seven inches, and he does what he likes.

But the more Moo Moo said, the more An An became angry. What's even more pitiful is that until now she thought that all this was instigated by Huan Huan behind her back.

So she stepped up her horsepower to break the news to the paparazzi, wanting to make a wave of stinky Huanhuan.

But every time the paparazzi broke the news, it was a dragonfly and a little bit of water, and it was up to the point.

Because, every time An An broke the news, the paparazzi's mobile phone would ring:

"Alipay has arrived at XXXXXX yuan."

In the end, An An really had no choice but to tear it up in person.

Finally, Huan Huan made a move!


To deal with a character of An An's level, Huan Huan disdains to use other means.

It only took three moves to calm An An.

She first asked Sister Xiaoma's strange soldier to leave messages under various posts to explode the other party's black material, muddying the waters of public opinion.

Then I found another group of people and began to report messages that were unfavorable to me.

In the end, she contacted the staff of the social platform and gave the other party a big red envelope, asking the other party to ban An An from time to time, so that she could speak, but she couldn't talk all the time.

After three moves, An An collapsed.

It was only at this time that An An knew that he and the other party were not at the same level at all.

Just when An An temporarily stopped, the big black bull finally began to charge interest on Huan Huan.

He began to coax Huan Huan to help him attract investment in the movies he participated in, so that he could play more roles.

These Huanhuan have done so, but it's not enough.

He also wanted Huan Huan to help him open a film and television company and transform himself into a behind-the-scenes investor.

Hearing this request, Huan Huan's rationality finally came back a little.

The investment of the film and television company is not a couple of jujubes, nor can it come by sleeping with a few elderly people, Huan Huan politely refused to moo brother.

But she didn't expect that this request would have been a lion's mouth.

What he really wanted was this next request.

"I've wanted to be a director since I was a child, and I've been working hard to make that dream come true. It's a pity that I was born at the wrong time, and I didn't meet a nobleman, so I haven't been able to achieve it! ”

"Obviously, those people's acting skills and appearance are not as good as me, why can they soar to the sky. I'm unwilling! Did you know, dear? I'm unwilling! I don't think the world is fair, and if I had a chance, I'd definitely be better than them! ”

"Honey, do you believe me?"

Just rejected Brother Moo once, this time Huan Huan couldn't bear to refuse him again, so she agreed to this request.

Not only did she star with 0 salary, but she also tried her best to help him attract investment. even pulled down his face and begged the old cadre, hoping that he could come over to help his boyfriend take charge.

In addition, Huan Huan invited all the people around her who could be invited, including traffic stars and behind-the-scenes teams, just to fulfill Brother Moo's dream of being a director.

As a result, the dream came true, and the money was wasted.

Seeing the miserable box office, Brother Moo's face was red and swollen, but he still refused to give up cutting Huanhuan's leeks, so he repeated his old tricks.

"Honey, this is my first time, no experience, can you give me another chance?"

Brother Moo cried so much that the pear blossoms brought rain, although Huan Huan was distressed, she felt even more distressed about the real money that was lost.

She persuaded Brother Moo to do his job first, and the transformation into a director will take a long time, and there will be opportunities in the future.

However, Brother Moo still refused to give up, and still coaxed Huan Huan to start a company together, dug up a lot of money from her, and put it in his own pocket.

At that time, Huan Huan was rich and wealthy, although she understood it in her heart, she didn't bother with Brother Moo.

How did she know that a real storm had come.

rushed to the forefront, is Huan Huan's baby brother.


Since Huan Huan's baby brother entered the fish circle through the talent show, Huan Huan's career began to decline.

Not only several projects of Huan Huan Company, but also problems occurred one after another. It's either a loss of money or an inexplicable miscarriage.

Immediately afterwards, some negative news about Huan Huan was directly covered on the hot search list.

For example, between Huan Huan and her younger brother, is it a sister and brother or a mother and son? and the glamorous past of her, her godfather brother and Xiong Er, have also been revealed.

At first, many people thought that this was the heat of Huan Huan's debut for her younger brother.

After all, as the queen of traffic, she has also gone through the strategy that black and red are also red.

But after a long time, sharp-eyed people found that it seemed that these hot searches were not under Huanhuan's control, and gradually there was a tendency to get out of control.

And the root of all this lies in that precious brother.

As mentioned earlier, this younger brother is not a mortal, and he has a different relationship with Huan Huan.

Back then, when Huan Huan was wandering the Xiangjiang River, she accidentally misfired with her godfather brother and had a child.

But at that time, Huan Huan was in a critical period of her career, so she took medicine at home to take out the child.

Because of this incident, Huan Huan and her godfather parted ways, and they were haunted by nightmares for a long time.

After looking for the master, the mother Ah Lian found out that the child and Huan Huan had a fate in the previous life, and this life was here to repay the kindness.

Because Huan Huan beat the child, he hated Huan because of love and hate her, and she didn't let go.

In desperation, Huan Huan could only follow the master's advice and give birth to a child in the womb. The mother, Ah Lian, gave birth to the child.

So, the son became a younger brother.

It stands to reason that the younger brother is here to repay the favor, which should help my sister's career, why did my sister's career fall into a crisis as soon as the younger brother appeared?

I don't know how many friends still remember that in order to make a comeback, Huan Huan made a deal with the little fox fairy, and exchanged her concubine life for the fox fairy statue that had opened the light, thus knocking down the lotus.

The problem lies in this deal.

Because my younger brother came to repay his kindness in this life, it was the life of that concubine who was repaid.

The younger brother thought that he could repay the favor when he grew up, but he had cause and effect in his previous life. Unexpectedly, after meeting Huan Huan, I found that the concubine I wanted to repay the favor was no longer there.

Without the life of the concubine, the younger brother naturally does not have to repay the favor, and his life will be in vain.

The cause and effect that can be understood in one life first experienced an abortion, and then found that the concubine's life was no longer there, so the younger brother was resentful again, took a small revenge on Huan Huan, and then entered a new reincarnation.

But even he didn't expect that his revenge would be like opening Pandora's box, causing a series of chain reactions.

And then there was the infamous black-and-white contract incident.

(To be continued...... )

The black-and-white contract incident, is it really as simple as Huan Huan offending Brother Zui?

What is the hidden story behind this big event that changed the pattern of the fish circle?

What is the relationship with Brother Shui and the immortals behind Brother Shui?

Why was Xiao Cannon able to escape from this incident?

The legend of Zhen Huan in internal entertainment is about to usher in the finale.

See you in the next episode!

The author of this article: Wan Xiaodao, writing stars and gossip, has evidence; The image is positive, the shadow is oblique, all by self-picking, welcome to pay attention to @万小刀头线号
