
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

author:Wild Fox Go

On the evening of July 2, the opening ceremony of the 10th Yingshi Cup World Professional Go Championship was held at the Shanghai Hotel, with guests gathered, full of friends, and the stars shining, starting from tomorrow, the 10th Yingshi Cup Round of 16 to the semi-finals will be held in Shanghai Ying's Building and Ningbo Yingchang's hometown, until the two finalists are decided.

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

The leaders and guests attending tonight's opening ceremony are: Zhu Xiaodan, member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Committee, Du Ying, counselor of the State Council and former deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Chang Zhenming, member of the Economic Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former chairman of CITIC Group, Chen Danhuai, former consultant of the China Weiqi Association and son of Marshal Chen Yi, Xu Bin, director of the Shanghai Sports Bureau, Chang Hao, chairman of the China Weiqi Association and chairman of the Shanghai Yingchangqi Weiqi Education Foundation, Ying Rouer, chairman of Taipei Yingchang Weiqi Education Foundation, etc.

Xu Bin, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau, delivered a welcome speech, saying that the Ying Cup World Professional Go Championship is a world professional Go individual competition founded by Mr. Ying Changqi, the first competition opened in Beijing in 1988, and has been held every four years since then, attracting the strongest Go players from all over the world. On the occasion of the opening of the Ying Cup, we especially miss the great contributions made by Ying Chang and Ying Minghao to the promotion of Go and the excellent traditional Chinese culture. We look forward to all the Go masters playing wonderful games and letting chess fans all over the world feel the charm of Go.

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

Ying Rouer, Chairman of Taipei Yingchangqi Go Education Foundation, said in his speech: "The Yingshi Cup World Professional Go Championship was founded by my father, Mr. Ying Changqi, and after the second competition, my father handed over the tournament to my brother Ying Minghao. At the 9th Ying's Cup, my brother passed away, and it happened to be the new crown virus raging, and the on-site competition encountered difficulties that could not be held. Our approach to running events online. Finally, the 9th Yingshi Cup was completed within 4 years. Now, we have ushered in the 10th Yingshi Cup Competition, and my heart is full of mixed joy. In Chinese culture, the "ten" often symbolizes wholeness, completeness, and auspiciousness. The Yingshi Cup World Professional Go Championship has had a huge impact on the world of Go. ”

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

1. The Ying's Cup has enhanced the popularity and influence of Go in the world: As an international professional event, the Ying's Cup World Professional Go Championship has attracted top players from all over the world to participate, making Go more recognized and concerned around the world. 2. Ying's Cup promotes the professionalization and commercialization of Go in the world: The holding of this tournament has promoted the professional development of the Go industry, attracted more sponsors and media attention, and expanded more opportunities for the commercialization of Go. 3. Ying's Cup promotes the exchange of world Go culture and the inheritance of Go education: The Ying's Cup World Professional Go Championship brings together top players from different countries and regions, and promotes the transnational exchange of Go culture through competition exchanges, allowing the world to see the charm of Go and the promotion of young people's interest and learning. So that the inheritance of Go education can be passed on from generation to generation. ”

"The Ying's Cup World Professional Go Championship has promoted the development and popularization of Go in the world, boosted the future development of Go and Go education, and laid a good foundation. I am a member of the Ying family. I sincerely hope that this competition can be passed on forever. I also wish the 10th Yingshi Cup Competition a complete success. ”

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

Chang Hao, Chairman of the Chinese Weiqi Association and Chairman of the Shanghai Yingchangqi Weiqi Education Foundation, spoke highly of the Yingshi Cup and the Ying's family represented by Yingchangqi and Ying Minghao in his speech, and said that the Ying's Cup World Professional Go Championship is a top-level competition that carries the glory and dreams of Go people, and has promoted the all-round development of the Go industry since its inception in 1988. Every chess player is proud to participate in the Ying Cup and proud to win the Ying Cup. Over the past 36 years, the Ying Cup has broadened the horizon of Go to the world and cast a temple of the light of Go wisdom. ”

"The establishment, persistence and progress of Ying's Cup are based on the Ying family's high awareness and deep recognition of China's excellent traditional culture. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait have the same culture and blood, and it is of great significance to compose a game of black and white chess pieces. ”

"As the chairman of the Chinese Go Association and the champion of the 5th Yingshi Cup, I would like to once again express my deep memory to the late Mr. Ying Changqi and Mr. Ying Minghao, who cared about the cause of Go and cared for the young players. I would like to express my heartfelt respect and gratitude to Ms. Ying Rouer for inheriting the legacy of her father and brother and insisting on holding the Ying Cup. ”

This year, the Yingshi Cup ushered in the 10th successful number, the competition was jointly sponsored by the Chinese Weiqi Association and the Cross-Strait Yingchang Weiqi Education Foundation, and made a series of innovations in the competition system and scale, so that more chess players have a valuable opportunity to compete for their dreams. After the qualifying round of the network stage, this year's Ying's Cup will be held in Shanghai, Ningbo, Chongqing and other places, and we will follow the place where Mr. Ying Changqi worked and struggled during his lifetime, and carry forward the past and forge ahead together with the Ying's Cup. ”

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

The number of participants in this year's Ying Cup has increased to 58, and the last champion and runner-up Shin Zhenzhen Jiudan and Xie Ke Jiudan automatically advanced to the round of 16, and the other 56 participants are allocated places: 19 from Chinese mainland, 12 from South Korea, 11 from Japan, 9 from Chinese Taipei, 2 from the Americas, 2 from Europe, and 1 from Southeast Asia. The first two rounds were held online on April 20 and 21 this year, and 8 Chinese mainland chess players, including Ke Jie Jiudan and Li Xuanhao Jiudan, advanced, in addition to 4 from South Korea, 1 each from Japan and 1 from Chinese Taipei, a total of 14 players advanced to the round of 16.

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

Starting tomorrow at noon, the round of 16 of the 10th competition will be played in Ying's Building, against: Li Qincheng 9 Duan VS Liao Yuanhe 9 Duan, Xie Ke 9 Duan VS Jin Zhenhui 7 Duan, Xu Jiayang 9 Duan VS Park Tinghuan 9 Duan, Peng Liyao 8 Duan VS Xu Haohong 9 Duan, Wang Xinghao 9 Duan VS Shen Zhenzhen 9 Duan, Li Xuanhao 9 Duan VS Yuan Shengqin 9 Duan, Liu Yuhang 7 Duan VS Yili Liao 9 Duan, Ke Jie 9 Duan VS Shen Minjun 9 Duan.

The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people
The grand opening of the 10th Ying's Cup, Chang Hao: The Ying's Cup carries the glory and dreams of Go people

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