
Keep these three sets of numbers in mind and say "no" to drugs!

author:The rule of law is in the sun

By the end of 2023, there are 896,000 drug addicts in the mainland, and behind the number are ruined lives and families dragged into the abyss. It is not too much to emphasize the recognition, prevention, and rejection of drugs. Keep these numbers in mind and keep the alarm bells ringing.

Zero tolerance, this is the only attitude towards drugs! A curious attempt can lead to a "poisonous pool" that ruins a lifetime, devaluing not only physically and mentally, but also illness and death. Knocking on the door of drugs is digging one's own grave, which is not an exaggeration at all.

Keep these three sets of numbers in mind and say "no" to drugs!

At the same time, be wary of the multiple disguises of drugs! All kinds of new drugs will be dressed in different "coats" such as chocolate and jumping candy, and the "sugar" hides drugs, which is very confusing, so don't eat the snacks and drinks given by strangers. In addition, special attention should be paid to the hidden knife in the "laughter". In recent years, the abuse of "laughing gas" has increased, and "laughing gas" is extremely harmful to the body and very addictive.

Keep these three sets of numbers in mind and say "no" to drugs!

The last set of numbers is "110", if you find a drug crime, you must call the police as soon as possible! The anti-narcotics police are incognito, born and died, using their own blood and even their lives to block the darkness out of our sight, and every penny spent on drugs is a bullet on them. Zero tolerance for drugs is the best consolation for heroes and the best protection for themselves. In the final analysis, in a word, resolutely say "no" to drugs, and you can't let it poison your life and life!

Keep these three sets of numbers in mind and say "no" to drugs!

Source: News Network CCTV News