
Liu Yue: Closely follow the time node and go all out to speed up the construction of key cultural tourism projects

author:Hengyang release

On the afternoon of June 27, Liu Gao, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, successively went to the High-tech Zone, Zhuhui District, and Yanfeng District to investigate the construction of some key cultural and tourism projects at the 3rd Hunan Tourism Development Conference. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on the inspection of Hunan, keep an eye on the goals and tasks, closely follow the time node, further boost the spirit and enthusiasm, comprehensively sprint to tackle tough problems, go all out to accelerate the construction of key cultural and tourism projects, and ensure that the third Hunan Tourism Development Conference will have characteristics, momentum, influence and effectiveness, and hand over excellent answers to the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the people of the city.

Liu Yue: Closely follow the time node and go all out to speed up the construction of key cultural tourism projects

Coming to the Tongqi Biological Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care Science and Technology Park project, Liu Yue carefully inquired about the progress of the project and the completion schedule. He stressed that it is necessary to highlight the theme of industrial tourism, pay attention to enhancing the interactive experience of tourists, and promote the deep integration of industry and tourism. It is necessary to strengthen the publicity and popularization of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, accelerate the development of traditional Chinese medicine industrialization, and better realize the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine culture through the empowerment of modern technology.

As the main venue of the 3rd Hunan Tourism Development Conference, the construction progress of Yuhu Park has attracted the attention of all parties. When I came to the project site, I saw a busy construction scene. Liu Yue pointed out that the construction of the park should coordinate the current and long-term, further optimize the route design, increase investment attraction while accelerating the construction of hardware, and constantly enrich new consumption scenarios, new formats and new models. It is necessary to strive for perfection and polish the details, not only to meet the needs of the citizens, but also to become a display window of urban culture, and strive to create high-quality projects.

Liu Yue: Closely follow the time node and go all out to speed up the construction of key cultural tourism projects

Coming to the Jianxiang Industrial Cultural Block project, Liu Yue inspected the progress and construction details of the project. He stressed that it is necessary to do a good job in the protection of Jianxiang's industrial culture, retain its historical features to the greatest extent, and revitalize and utilize the industrial heritage to make it a bridge connecting the past and the future. It is necessary to highlight the characteristics, strengthen the cultivation of business formats, and continue to stimulate the vitality of the neighborhood.

Liu Yue: Closely follow the time node and go all out to speed up the construction of key cultural tourism projects

At the site of Dongzhou Island Quality Improvement and Beautiful Xiangjiang River Project, Liu Gao learned in detail about the core project and the surrounding supporting construction. He stressed that it is necessary to speed up the relevant procedures and the progress of project construction to ensure that it is completed on schedule. It is necessary to take the road of integration of "culture + tourism" and "culture + technology", and strive to build Dongzhou Island Scenic Area into a demonstration and model for the high-quality development of science and technology-enabled cultural and tourism integration.

As one of the key observation projects of the 3rd Hunan Tourism Development Conference, the quality improvement project of Nanyue First Peak (Xiayan Peak) Scenic Area is also an important livelihood project. After Liu Yue inspected the relevant situation on the spot, he emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the overall design with the concept of the whole region, dig deep into the core connotation of Yancheng culture, continue to inherit the historical context of the city, and carefully build a new landmark of cultural tourism in Hengyang.

City leaders Liu Zhengxing, Zhou Yumei, Yu Xinfan, Huang Li, Li Qiang, and Hu Guoxiong participated in the relevant investigations.

Source | Handheld Hengyang client

Edit | She Pei

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