
Liu Xiang: Use your life to complete the last perseverance

author:Lu'an News Network

  "Dad, don't forget to pick me up from school!"

  "My son is about to graduate from college, and I said that we would travel together, when can I go?"


  On the eve of this year's Spring Festival, Liu Xiang, member of the Party Committee of the Huoqiu County Public Security Bureau and head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Public Security Bureau, was busier than usual and often had to work overtime. "Wait until you're done for a while" became his mantra. Who would have thought that he would never have the opportunity to fulfill these promises he had made with his family.

  At about 16:50 on January 23, 2024, Liu Xiang collapsed at his job due to a sudden illness at the age of 49. Over the past 28 years, Liu Xiang has made extraordinary achievements in ordinary work positions such as trial enforcement, patrol supervision, and discipline enforcement. He interpreted the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member with responsibility and loyalty, and also completed the last perseverance with his life.

  On March 23, Comrade Liu Xiang was posthumously awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Huoqiu County" by the Huoqiu County Party Committee. On April 22, Comrade Liu Xiang was posthumously awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Lu'an City" by the Lu'an Municipal Party Committee.

  Life is fixed on the job

  Liu Xiang loves to learn, loves to study, has a strong sense of dedication, is conscientious and responsible, has strong business ability, and works hands-on, in order to complete the task as soon as possible, he often works overtime, works hard, and is still busy with work until the last moment of his life.

  In October 2019, after Liu Xiang was transferred to the deputy director of the inspection office of the county party committee, he carried out in-depth thinking and exploration on how to concretize and accurately inspect and supervise the inspection and extend to the front line of the grassroots and the masses. Colleagues said, "Director Liu is good at thinking, conscientious, and has a strong sense of responsibility, and there is nothing he can't do." ”

  In the work of supervision and discipline enforcement, he always went straight to the grassroots level, went deep into the front line, threw himself down, and polished the supervision "probe" in real time. For the sake of a supervisory matter, he was able to run to all the grassroots police stations in the county for several days in a row, work overtime for several weeks in a row for the investigation and handling of cases, busy supervising and investigating cases during the day, and writing reports in the office late at night until late at night. The comrades could not bear to see him so overdrawn and advised him to pay more attention to rest, but he said: "Those who do our work must not blink an eye, so that they can keep an eye on it, and although the work is a little tiring, I can still stand it."

  Non-stop, continuous combat, never complaining about being tired is Comrade Liu Xiang's consistent work style, "Okay, I'll do it" and "Yes, I'll finish it as soon as possible", this is his vigorous and resolute action, the testimony of his deeds, serious affairs, urgent things quickly, difficult things to work hard, loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility to do their own work is the true character of the "Iron Army" he wrote with his life. For some time before his death, he worked late into the night in the office almost every day. Liu Xiang's desk is full of documents and case files, which confirm his exhaustion.

  "No matter how difficult things are, someone should do them, and no matter how tiring the work is, someone must do it." This is a sentence that Liu Xiang often said before his death. After his death, many comrades recalled that every day they could see the busy figure of Team Leader Liu passing by, and sometimes even when greeting him, he was in a hurry. To this day, Liu Xiang's hurried back still remains in the minds of many colleagues.

  "Excellent Communist Party Member", "Good Leader" and "Good Colleague...... Liu Xiang has a lot of labels, but he owes a lot to his family. The trip that I had already made with my children was delayed due to busy work; promised to pick up and drop off his youngest son from school, but he could no longer appear at the school gate, which became an eternal regret in the hearts of his family.

  Do practical things for the people, and be down-to-earth

  Compared with the serious eyes of supervising and enforcing discipline, Liu Xiang had a pair of kind eyes when handling letters and visits from the masses; he combined the handling of letters and visits with the solution of the masses' demands, and enthusiastically solved problems and did practical things for the masses in the handling of letters and visits, thus winning the reputation of the masses.

  In the inspection work, he went from village to village, went deep into the masses, and went deep into the grassroots to understand the situation and solve problems for the people. "I can do something practical for the people, and my heart is very down-to-earth." Liu Xiang thinks so and does so.

  Interview notes

  Trial enforcement, patrol supervision, discipline enforcement...... Looking back on Liu Xiang's life, no matter where he is, he has always maintained a solid work style and strong feelings for the people, written his duties and missions with responsibility, practiced the original intention of party members with no regrets, and wrote an extraordinary chapter of life in an ordinary post.

  In ordinary times, it can be seen that it can stand up at critical moments, and it can be seen at critical moments. This is a portrayal of Liu Xiang's life, over the past 28 years, Liu Xiang has taken root at the grassroots level, always strengthened his ideals and beliefs, adhered to the spiritual pursuit of the Communists, and kept the interests of the party and the people in mind. Every footprint he has walked has practiced his dedication to his post, his incomparable love for the cause, and his infinite loyalty to the party. It can be said that in Liu Xiang, it fully demonstrates the style of the times when the party members and cadres in the old area in the new era keep in mind their original mission and have the courage to take responsibility. As party members and cadres, we must take Liu Xiang as an example, take responsibility without evading or evading responsibility, practice the excellent ability to stand alone, and strive to continue to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Lu'an with an indomitable attitude of struggle and a spirit of unhindered wind and rain.  

  In November 2019, during the "backpack" inspection, Liu Xiang visited and found that Fan Hengjun's family had been living in a simple room in the meat factory in recent years, and the living environment was relatively poor, so he immediately reported to the inspection team and proposed a solution. The county housing management bureau immediately implemented reforms, and before the arrival of the cold winter, tried every means to solve the housing problem of Fan Hengjun and other three extremely poor people. In May 2020, Liu Xiang participated in an inspection of the Wanxi Economic and Technical School, and based on a letter asking for help, he pushed the school to solve the living problems of students in difficulty. In March 2022, in the second round of inspections of the 15th County Party Committee, within a month, he visited more than 200 households, learned more about the production and living conditions of the masses and the practical difficulties encountered, listened carefully to the opinions of the masses on the work style and ability of village cadres, and sorted out 47 feedback opinions on the inspection. In 2022, when inspecting the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, he received complaints from several residents about the water leakage on the roof of the community and no one cared about it, Liu Xiang immediately handed it over to the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau found out the situation in a short time, clarified the responsibilities, and solved the practical difficulties of the residents.

  In view of the particularity of the posts of discipline inspection and supervision commissions, many people are prejudiced against discipline inspection and supervision cadres, thinking that it is difficult to get in touch with them, and they dare not get in touch with them, but this is not the case in the eyes of the masses, and people who know him often say: "He is a good cadre who is low-key, approachable, and enthusiastic about helping the masses......

  According to statistics, in 2023, Liu Xiang will investigate and handle a total of 43 complaints and clues of various petitions, receive 28 petitioners, interview and remind 14 people of emerging and tendentious problems, deal with 8 people, and through patient and meticulous ideological work, 2 petitioners took the initiative to stop complaining and boycotting. In April, in just eight days, he resolved a complaint that had been unresolved since 2019 because the county police abused their power and wrongly seized vehicles.

  As a party cadre, I have no fear or regrets

  Whether engaged in grassroots political and legal work or grassroots discipline inspection and supervision work, a small circle and many acquaintances are a reality that must be faced. During the years of Liu Xiang's work, no matter what position he was in or what work he was in charge of, he always performed his duties in strict accordance with the prescribed authority and working procedures, and acted in accordance with the law.

  In the same county, when relatives and friends encounter some special circumstances, they will find Liu Xiang and want to open up the joint through treats, gifts, and relationships. Every time he encountered these situations, Liu Xiang patiently explained and resolutely refused.

  Liu Xiang once served as the president of the Zhouji Court in Huoqiu County, Zhouji Town is the ancestral home of the Liu family, and the Liu family is a local surname. For reasonable requirements, Liu Xiang enthusiastically helped and solved them in a timely manner; For things that violate principles, he does not show favoritism and insists on acting impartially. Liu Xiang's approach was originally not inappropriate, but it attracted the dissatisfaction of many relatives, and some said that they would cut off their relationship with him. Even in the face of such a "rebellion and separation", Liu Xiang always looked at it calmly and treated it indifferently. He once said to his wife with a smile: "Although I have worked as a judicial officer all my life and offended many people, I have no regrets because I am a party cadre."

  In daily life, Liu Xiang has always been simple and low-key, dressed plainly, and has never seen him wear a famous brand. I always ride an old battery car to work, and I ride a motorcycle when I work in the township. Over the years, he has been like this, consistently dedicating himself to public service, being honest and honest, maintaining the true character of a Communist Party member, being upright and having a clean breeze on his sleeves.

  Liu Xiang is gone, but the unfinished business continues. On the road of supervision, on the way to handle cases, in the discipline inspection and supervision team, and in ordinary posts, there are still people who are busy and busy, like Liu Xiang, interpreting the original intention and mission with struggle......