
Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station
Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Zhou Dun颐 image.

Zhou Dunyi is one of the 25 great Chinese thinkers praised by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 2016 Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences. Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), a native of Loutianbao (now Daoxian County, Hunan Province), Daozhou, Northern Song Dynasty, had a water of Lianxi next to his home, and lived in Lushan in his later years. Zhou Dunyi inherited Confucius and Mengxia to set off for Zhu, and the science culture created by him became a new height in the development of Chinese civilization, so he was known as the "originator of science". Zhou Dunyi's thoughts are broad and profound, and he has the function of "enlightening the dark" of Chinese culture, which has become more and more brilliant after thousands of years of tempering, and has been admired by the world. Hu Hong once said: "This week, the Qicheng brothers have not passed on the wonder, and the light of the ages is like the sun." "Its work is covered between Confucius and Mencius." 1 Zhang Yan praised: "Mr. Wei rose after a thousand years, and he only got the slightest purpose in the fragmentary compilation. "All things have their own sects, and all things follow their own rules, and if they take measures, it can be seen that the reason why Mr. is the ruler is not the result of private knowledge, and the intention of Confucius and Mencius is to restore his sight." 2 Zhu Xi said: "If you don't have a sense of foresight, who will open me?" Through the interpretation of "Zhou Yi" and based on the way of heaven, Zhou Dunyi opened up the "last mile" between heaven and humanity, filled the reality of the lack of ontology of Confucianism since the Qin and Han dynasties, and since then has built a complete ideological system of "the unity of heaven and man", which has directly reached the same source of body and use, and has become the key promoter of Confucianism to the center of Chinese culture. Zhou's ideas have also spread overseas, involving South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam in Asia, as well as Germany, France, and the United States in Europe and the United States.3

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and continuously enhance the national cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture. Lianxi culture is a treasure of Chinese culture, and its universal values are highly respected by the world, reflecting the unique charm and unique wisdom of China's excellent traditional culture. In order to realize the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture in the new era, the project team has successively traveled to Hunan, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guangdong and other places to conduct in-depth research, and conducted in-depth research by means of consulting materials, field visits, on-site discussions, etc., and made suggestions for decision-making reference on this basis.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Lianxi's hometown. Jiang Keqing/photo

1. A brief description of Zhou Dunyi's life

Zhou Dunyi was smart and studious since childhood, and at the age of 13, he was already familiar with the four books, "Spring and Autumn", "Zuo Chuan", "Shujing", "Historical Records" and so on. In the spring of the eighth year of Song Renzong's Tiansheng (1030), he went to Yueyan to study, studied under Wu Ming, and first realized the philosophy of "profit is loss, loss is profit".

Song Renzong Tiansheng nine years (1031), his father died of illness, with his mother to Hengzhou (now Hengyang) uncle, Longtu Pavilion bachelor Zheng Xiang, because he is smart and filial piety, won Zheng Xiang's love, and love the white lotus, Zheng Xiang in front of his house West Lake Phoenix Mountain under the pavilion planting lotus, Zhou Dunyi during the period of enlightenment.

In the first year of Kangding (1040), Zhou Dunyi was 24 years old, and his mother Zheng's three-year mourning period expired, and the officials transferred him to serve as the chief secretary of Fenning County, Hongzhou (now Xiushui County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province). During this period, he was transferred to Luxi Town, Yuanzhou, acting as the affairs of the Municipal Bureau, and actively responded to the call of the imperial court to "integrate government and education", and lectured and taught apprentices in the official residence, thus embarking on the role change from Confucian to Mr. Duzheng. ”

In the fourth year of Qingli (1044), the officials came to Fenning for the assessment, Zhou Dunyi was widely praised, and at the age of 28, he began the first promotion of his career - he was promoted to the Nan'an Army (with jurisdiction over Nankang, Dayu, Shangyu three counties, and the seat of governance was in Dayu) to join the army, and was in charge of criminal law. In the sixth year of Qingli (1046), Cheng Jue, the magistrate of Xingguo County, was transferred to the acting deputy position of the Nan'an Army, and his two sons Cheng Hao (15 years old) and Cheng Yi (14 years old) worshiped under Zhou Dunyi.

In the fourth year of Qingli (1046), Zhou Dunyi served as the county magistrate of Chenxian County, Jinghu South Road (now Suxian District, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province). Zhou Dunyi took the lead in building the first county in the history of Chenxian County to learn in Yujiang Mountain, and wrote his own "Cultivation Record" to commemorate the righteous deeds of all walks of life in Chenxian County, and donated money to the rich businessmen and literati to commemorate the monument, and at the same time appointed Wang Jiaoyu as the first mountain chief. Under the careful management and education of Zhou Dunyi, Chenxian County has gradually become a trend of advocating education and learning.

In the second year of Emperor You's reign (1050), Zhou Dunyi was appointed as the county magistrate of Guiyang County, Chenzhou (now Rucheng County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province). During the tenure of Guiyang to build a county school, Zhou Dunyi personally came to the pulpit, tirelessly taught, literati competed to follow suit, since then opened a new style of education in Guiyang, since then Guiyang has a large number of talents, according to records, to the Ming Dynasty, a small Hunan county raised as many as 54 people, including 15 Jinshi.

In the first year of Zhihe (1054), because Zhou Dunyi made outstanding achievements in governing Chenxian County and Guiyang County, the local buses praised and recommended each other. The officials promoted him to the rank of official of Dali Temple, and was appointed as the magistrate of Nanchang (now Nanchang City, Jiangxi) in Hongzhou. Du Zheng once described the grand occasion when Zhou Dunyi went to Nanchang to take up his post in "The Chronology of Mr. Lianxi Zhou Yuangong" (Song Edition):

When the people of Nanchang saw Mr. coming, they said happily: "It is the first person who can distinguish the doubtful case, and I belong to the lawsuit." So he admonished him even more: Don't disobey the Church! Not only are they worried about sinning, but they are also ashamed of what is good.

In the first year of Jiayou (1056), Zhou Dunyi was transferred to Hezhou (with jurisdiction over Shizhao, early Han, Bachuan, Chishui, and Tongliang counties, and his seat was in present-day Hechuan District, Chongqing City). During his tenure in Hezhou, Zhang Zongfan, a local enlightened squire and scribe, admired Zhou Dunyi's profound knowledge and profound cultivation, and paid homage to him. Under the guidance of Zhou Zi's chemical education, Zhang Zongfan made rapid progress, and Zhou Dunyi praised him as a person who was "well-written and literate". Zhang Zongfan is enthusiastic about education, and he is often grateful for the relationship between teachers and students of Zhou Dunyi, so he built the Heart Pavilion on the top of the Bachelor's Mountain, and invited Zhou Zizuo to have "The Heart Pavilion Said". During his tenure in Hechuan, Fu Qi, known as the "first-class sage of Dongchuan", bowed to Zhou Zimen, and later grew into the mainstay of Shu studies and a key figure in the westward expansion of science.

In the sixth year of Jiayou (1061), because of his outstanding political achievements and fame, the imperial court promoted Zhou Dunyi to be the doctor of Guozijian, and appointed Qianzhou (with jurisdiction over Ganxian County, Xinfeng, Yudu, Huichang, Shicheng, Anyuan, Longnan, Qianhua, and the place of governance is now Ganzhou City).

In the winter of the first year of Song Yingzong's reign (1064), Zhou Dunyi went to inspect other places, and the people of Qianzhou were on fire, burning thousands of homes, and the state capital was on fire, which also hindered his career, and Zhou Dunyi was transferred to Yongzhou (with jurisdiction over Lingling, Dong'an, and Qiyang counties, and the seat of governance was in today's Lingling District). In February of the third year of Zhiping (1066), Zhou Dunyi arrived in Yongzhou to take up his post, and during his tenure, he wrote a poem "Ren Sent to the Countryside and the Old Past", and encouraged the clansmen:

Lao Tzu was born with a cold bone, and his eunuch feelings did not change the old Confucian acidity.

Stop drinking the fragrant mash flavor and raise the mussel plate for regular meals.

Things are tireless, and Guan Qing wins the dream soul.

Therefore, people want to ask me, what is more, for the Tao Lingling is only ordinary.

On May 7, 1067, Zhou Dunyi and his family went north to serve as the acting governor of Shaozhou. Under his administration, the relocation of the state school in Shaozhou, which had been trapped for a long time, was successfully completed, and the history recorded that "there is a hall to be holy in advance, a hall to gather all beings, a house to eat, and a pavilion for the collection of books", which shows that the Xinzhou school has a grand scale, complete functions, and a degree of discipline. In the tenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1745), Wu Sifu once praised in the "Tablet of Lianxi Academy": "Taste the examination of the chronicles, there are many victories, and there are two of the most authors: Gantangdu, Lianxi Temple." Up and down for thousands of years, the Jisi ferryman, such as Mu Xunxuan; Those who worship the temple are like pro-Guangji. One is passed on by political achievements, and the other is passed on by the Taoist lineage. It can be seen from this that Zhou Dunyi's achievements in the history of Shaoyang are comparable to those of Zhaogong Ji!

In April of the first year of Xining (1068) of Song Shenzong, under the recommendation of Lü Gongshu and Zhao Luan, Zhou Dunyi was promoted to the transfer judge of Guangnan East Road (governing the area east of the Hejiang, Luoding, and Yangjiang basins in present-day Guangdong, and the seat of governance was in present-day Guangzhou City), and in the third year of Xining (1070), he was transferred to Yubu Langzhong and promoted to Guangnan East Road Tidian Prison. On the one hand, Chow Dunyi cracked down on corruption with an iron fist, and at the same time advocated clean government education. In order to promote his political proposition and educate his subordinates, the stone cliff on the side of the clear spring in Zhongshan in Lianzhou was inscribed with the four big characters of "the source of the incorruptible spring".

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Guangdong Lianzhou "the source of cheap springs" inscription. Li Shirong/photo

In August of the fourth year of Xining (1071), because of overwork and unsuitable climate, Zhou Dunyi was seriously ill, and asked to be transferred to Nankang (Xingzi, Jianchang, Duchang County, now Xingzi County) Zhijun, in December, he felt more and more unwell, so he resigned and handed over the ribbon seal.

Xining five years (1072), Zhou Dunyi settled in Lushan Lotus Peak under the Lianxi Library, lecturing and teaching apprentices, because of the two sleeves of the life, the official income is basically used to fund the school, to help relatives and friends, after the retreat life is hard, often faced with the dilemma of no rice under the pot, but still calmly, happy and happy.

On the seventh day of June in the sixth year of Xining (1073), Zhou Dunyi died of illness at the Lotus Peak of Lushan at the age of 57.

Second, the current situation of Lianxi cultural inheritance and development

(1) Lianxi cultural cognition has formed a certain atmosphere

Zhou Dunyi's overturning place, its thoughts infiltrate the mountains and rivers, nourish the hearts of generations of people, Lianxi culture has become a distinctive imprint in the social and cultural development of various places, especially after General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the Chinese Philosophy and Social Science Conference, it has caused a strong response, and the "Lianxi fever" has once again set off in various places.

In 2017, in Yongzhou, Hunan, Zhou Dunyi's hometown, the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government hosted a series of activities to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Mr. Zhou Dunyi's birth, carefully organized the 1000th anniversary ceremony of Zhou Dunyi's birth, held a science academic seminar attended by well-known experts and scholars from South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, launched the "Lianxi Cup" National Poetry Couplet and Calligraphy Photography Essay Contest, held the premiere of the movie "Ai Lian Shuo", and cooperated with the production of the TV series "Zhou Dunyi" and other activities. CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, Hunan Satellite TV, People's Daily Online, Red Net and other mainstream media have comprehensively reported on this series of activities, which has attracted widespread attention, and the millennium celebration of Zhou Dunyi's birth was rated as one of the top ten cultural events affecting Chinese society in 2017.

In 2017, in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, where Zhou Dunyi was buried, the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government also hosted a series of activities to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Zhou Dunyi's birth, and launched the 1000th anniversary of Zhou Dunyi's birth and the opening ceremony of Lianxi Park, "A Generation of Sages, Admired Through the Ages - Exhibition of the Deeds of Zhou Dunyi, a Northern Song Dynasty Thinker", the feature film "The Founder of Chinese Science - Zhou Dunyi", "Calligraphy and Art Exhibition to Commemorate the 1000th Anniversary of Zhou Dunyi's Birth", Zhou Dunyi's Academic Report on the Study of Science and Thought, and the Large-scale Historical Drama Mr. Lianxi", etc., have attracted great attention from the society.

At the time when Hechuan District of Chongqing is striving to become a national historical and cultural city in 2025, the whole district strives to excavate and inherit history and culture, carry out cultural traceability projects, and explore the culture of Zhou Dunyi as an important element from the direction of depth. In the "Protection Plan for the Historical and Cultural City of Hechuan District, Chongqing (2022-2035)", Lianxi cultural resources such as Yangxin Pavilion are listed among them.

When Zhou Dunyi was an official in Guangdong, he left a stone carving of "the source of Lianquan", and Lianzhou took the initiative to carry out activities such as "Lianquan Qingyun" national lyrics prize collection; Carry out various forms of cultural activities with the content of the "six advances" of clean government culture, and explore the new paradigm of integrating Lianxi culture into people's lives; create a "digital integrity education" model; Expand the brand field of "Lianquan Qingfeng", so that the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture is sound, tangible and colorful.

(2) The study of Lianxi culture has formed a certain foundation

The project team searched through CNKI, Baidu Academic and other platforms with "Zhou Dunyi" and "Lianxi" as the keywords, and since 2012, the cumulative research literature has reached more than 3,600. The project team searched with "Zhou Dunyi" and "Lianxi" as the keywords through the Huibo e-book platform and literature delivery, and has published a total of 49 books since 2012.

In Hunan, as early as 2004, the Hunan Lianxi Research Association was established. The Hunan Lianxi Research Association is committed to promoting the research of Lianxi Studies, and has undertaken 5 research projects of the National Social Science Fund and 14 provincial and ministerial research projects. He has published more than 10 academic monographs and edited books, published more than 70 academic papers, and edited and published hundreds of issues of Lianxi Research Newsletter.

(3) The cultural resources of Lianxi have gathered and formed a certain scale

In recent years, with the deepening of the understanding of Chinese culture, all localities have also accelerated the collation, reshaping and construction of Lianxi cultural resources.

In Loutian Village, Dao County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, where Zhou Dunyi was born, nearly 300 million yuan has been invested in the construction and renovation of Lianxi Academy (Zhou Dunyi Memorial Hall), Lianxi Square, Ailianhu, Lianquan, and Zhou Dunyi's former residence. Recently, the country's first Zhou Dunyi Integrity Culture Pavilion was also unveiled and opened in Loutian Village. Daoxian Yueyan, one of the ancient "Eight Views of Daozhou", is the place where Zhou Dunyi studied, recuperated and enlightened when he was young, and has won the praise of Xu Xiake in the Ming Dynasty: "Yongnan Zhuyan Palace, Daozhou Yueyan is the first." "It has now been developed into a well-known local tourist attraction.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

The hometown of Lianxi in Dao County. Jiang Keqing/photo

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Daoxian Yueyan. Jiang Keqing/photo

In Chenzhou, Hunan, Lianxi cultural resources are well preserved, and there are two representative scenic spots: first, Rucheng Lianxi Academy, located in Guizhiling, a western suburb of Rucheng County, was built in the ninth year of Jiaqing (1804) to commemorate Zhou Dunyi, the entire academy is near Xiuxi in front of Xiuxi, and leans on green mountains in the back, pine and white clouds, flowing water, famous literary scholar Guo Yuan of the Qing Dynasty, Chinese People's Liberation Army generals Zhu Liangcai, Li Tao and other celebrities have studied here; The second is the ancient ancestral hall of Rucheng, which has retained more than 1,000 ancient ancestral halls that began in the Song and Yuan dynasties and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The ancient ancestral hall of Rucheng is a place for family management and deliberation, as well as a classroom for educating and inspiring future generations, and has now become a unique and beautiful scenery in Chenzhou.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture
Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Rucheng Lianxi Academy. He Kaibo/photo

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

The ancient ancestral hall of Rucheng. He Kaibo/photo

Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province has spent 50 million yuan to build the first Zhou Dunyi Memorial Hall in China. Zhou Dunyi Memorial Hall is located in the chestnut ridge of Zhoujiawan, Lianhua Town, Lianxi District, Jiujiang City, where Lianxi Avenue and Qianjin South Road intersect, and the original site is Lianxi Cemetery. In May 2008, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism approved the establishment of the Zhou Dunyi Memorial Hall in Jiujiang City. On June 14, 2008, it was officially inaugurated, and the current memorial hall is the condition of the Lianxi Tomb after the overhaul in 2006. There is a memorial arch on the road leading to the memorial hall, the book "Song and Yuan Dynasty Gong Zhou Lianxi Cemetery", there is a horse stone in front of the memorial arch, there is a pavilion on both sides in front of the memorial hall, the east is the Mao Ying Pavilion, the lotus pond is behind the Mao Ying Pavilion, and the west is the Jiaocui Pavilion. Entering the memorial hall, the east and west sides are Ailiantang and Lianxi Temple respectively. The Lianxi Tomb is on the high hillside, climbing the steps, passing through the Ailian Pavilion and the Jiguang Pavilion respectively. The Lianxi tomb is the tomb of Zhou Dunyi, his mother and two wives. Mrs. Zhou's Zheng is in the center, Zhou Dunyi is on the right, and the original Lu and then Pu are on the left. The entire wall of the memorial hall is also a stele gallery, engraved with works such as poems and other works related to celebrities or chants or inscriptions of the past dynasties. At the same time, the municipal finance allocated special funds for the publicity of Zhou Dunyi, and effectively played a role in educating the people through the construction and opening of social science popularization venues.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Chongqing Hechuan Lianxi Temple. Cheng Wenjie/photo

In December 2010, Wenfeng Park, Hechuan District, Chongqing City was officially opened, and the "Lianxi Temple" was built in the park, which was magnificent and magnificent. "A generation of science hangs the sun and the moon, and the lotus is full of energy", "Thinking is innocent, and the lotus is passed down through the ages; There are good deeds, and the book is written in all directions", the two concise couplets express the admiration of the people of Hechuan for Zhou Dunyi, an acting scholar. Hechuan Octagonal Pavilion, whose real name is Yangxin Pavilion, is located on the Bachelor's Mountain on the east bank of the Jialing River in Hechuan District, Chongqing City, was built in the first year of Jiayou in the Northern Song Dynasty (1056 AD), and is now rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty, and was listed as a cultural relics protection unit in Chongqing in 2009.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Chongqing Hechuan Yangxin Pavilion. Cheng Wenjie/photo

Located in Peng'an County, Sichuan Province, Zhouzi Ancient Town, known as "the last wharf ancient town on the Jialing River", about 1,000 meters long thousand-year-old street, in addition to more than 3,000 sets of Qing Dynasty residential courtyards connected from end to end, scattered, there are also intact Lianxi Temple, Wanshou Palace, Wusheng Palace, Huajiang Tower, along the Xianguan and other ancient architectural sites. Zhouzi Ancient Town was established in the Tang and Song dynasties, with thousands of years of accumulation, and cultivated a thick and unique wharf ancient town culture. Zhouzi Ancient Town was formerly known as Zhoukou Town, in the fifth year of Jiayou (1060), Zhou Dunyi went to Langzhong to marry Pu Shi, passing through Zhoukou Town, the local gentry and students lined up to welcome Zhou Dunyi and implored to give lectures in the local area for three days. In the seventh year of Jianning (1074), that is, the second year after the death of Zhou Dunyi, Xiangru County spontaneously built Lianxi Temple to commemorate, and soon "Zhoukou Town" was renamed "Zhouzi Town".

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Zhouzi Ancient Town, Peng'an, Sichuan. Yao Xianlin/photo

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

Lianxi Temple in Zhouzi Ancient Town, Peng'an, Sichuan. Yao Xianlin/photo

(4) The development mechanism of Lianxi culture has been explored to a certain extent

In the investigation, it was found that Zhou Zi Guohua showed great admiration and pride in Lianxi culture, and carried out a lot of exploration and practice in the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture, and gained some valuable experience.

Zhou Dunyi was in charge of Guiyang County (now Rucheng County) in Hunan Province for four years, and Zhou's concept of political and religious revitalization was relatively completely practiced here. Since then, Rucheng has been politically harmonious, all industries are prosperous, the literary style is prosperous, and it has also retained relatively complete Lianxi cultural resources. How to make Lianxi culture glow with more dazzling value of the times on the new journey of Rucheng's development, Rucheng's exploration is quite valuable for reference.

First of all: the government sets up the stage. In the past thousand years, Lianxi culture has been deeply implanted in the mountains and rivers of Rucheng, infiltrating the soul of generations of Rucheng people. The government's actions are the feelings of the people, and the "Lianxi Forum" has become an important stage for continuing the cultural context of Lianxi, and has become a window of the times to spread Lianxi culture.

The second is: to build momentum with speeches. How to integrate the essence of Lianxi culture into the body of Rucheng's development, Rucheng has established a development strategy to build momentum. "Lianxi Forum" establishes the principle of "focusing on cohesion, improving quality, and developing industry", and implements the purpose of "promoting academics, improving ideas, clarifying ideas, uniting people's hearts, attracting experts, enlightening scholars, paying attention to Rucheng, and giving strength to development". Rucheng contacts experts and scholars from key universities and scientific research institutes across the country to give lectures in Rucheng, and includes the main leaders of townships and towns and the substantive leaders of county-level organs and units at or above the deputy section level into the scope of forum learning, so as to create a learning atmosphere, create a learning government, and build momentum for the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture, forming a good atmosphere for everyone in Rucheng to speak about Lianxi.

Again: institutional guarantees. In order to achieve the strong promotion of the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture, Rucheng vigorously innovated the vitality of the system, broke through the mode of responsibility of a single cultural administrative department, and implemented the development model of the Standing Committee of the Rucheng County Party Committee and the deputy county magistrate personally supervising the development, effectively breaking the reality of development constraints that may be caused by departmental barriers, and improving the efficiency of the protection, transformation and quality improvement of Lianxi cultural resources.

3. Suggestions for the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

(1) Promote the integrated development of Lianxi culture and education

The model of rejuvenating politics and religion pioneered by Zhou Dunyi has had a far-reaching impact on the social and cultural development of various places, and has always been admired by the people of the world in the course of nearly 1,000 years of development. In order to show the merits of Zhou Zi and explore the essence of Lianxi educational thought, the construction of Lianxi Academies in various places can be said to be continuous in history, and has made indelible contributions to the inheritance of Chinese culture and talent training.

The predecessor of Daoxian No. 1 Middle School in Lianxi's hometown was the "Changsha Yongjun Lianxi Middle School" founded by people from the military, politics, business and education circles living in Changsha in 9 counties of Yongjun in 1913 to commemorate Zhou Dunyi. The school has adhered to the legacy of Zhou Zi, with the school motto of "patriotism, determination, diligence, reason, and success", paying attention to "starting from small things, persevering", with planting, breeding, calligraphy and other characteristic courses and a variety of extracurricular science and technology practice groups, the school's characteristics are distinctive and the results are outstanding, and the students have won the first prize in the National Mathematics Competition, and won the award in the Sino-Japanese Youth Calligraphy Grand Prix.

The investigation learned that Zhonghe Street Primary School in Shuangqing District, Shaoyang City continues the long-term cultural context of Lianxi Academy. In the tenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1745), Wu Sifu once said in the "Inscription of Lianxi Academy": "There are many victories contained in the Chronicles of the Examination, and there are two of the most authors: Gantangdu, Lianxi Temple. Up and down for thousands of years, the Jisi ferryman, such as Mu Xunxuan; Those who worship the temple are like pro-Guangji. One is passed on by political achievements, and the other is passed on by the Taoist lineage. It can be seen that Zhou Dunyi has played a pioneering role in the history of Shaoyang's education development. At the beginning, the former site of Zhou Dunyi's state school was fortunate to be inherited by Zhonghe Street Primary School in Shuangqing District, Shaoyang City.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

The gate of Zhonghe Street Primary School, Shuangqing District, Shaoyang City. Qiu Yanping/photo

The No. 1 Middle School of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province continues the long-term cultural context of Lianxi. According to the research of scholar Zhou Jianhua (2003), the "Lianxi Academy" in Ganzhou has undergone many changes: in the fourth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1371), Cui Tianci, the magistrate of Ganxian County, was rebuilt; In the seventeenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1752), Ganzhou Lianxi Academy began to enter the highlight moment of development, and was the central academy of Ji'an, Ganzhou, Nan'an, and Ningdu; By the end of the Qing Dynasty, "Lianxi Academy" was upgraded to a Taoist Academy; During the Guangxu period, "Lianxi Academy" was changed to "Qiannan Normal School", and at the beginning of the Republic of China, it was changed to "Ganzhou No. 1 Middle School", and then it was the No. 1 Middle School of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province.

Research report on the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture

The gate of the first middle school in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Zhu Ziping/photo

During the investigation, it was found that Daoxian Dunyi School, as an ordinary primary school at the junction of urban and rural areas, has achieved remarkable results in recent years by injecting Zhou Dunyi's ideology and culture into the school's characteristics. Seven years ago, in the face of the weak foundation of running the school, the lack of teachers, the high proportion of left-behind students, and the sluggish mood of teachers and students, the school's leadership team repeatedly investigated and anchored the strategy of realizing the development of the school's characteristics with the injection of Zhou Dunyi's ideology and culture. Walking into the campus, behind the bronze statue of Zhou Dunyi who covers the scroll and meditates, the orderly Dunyi Building, Ailian Building, Yangxin Building, and Hongyi Building make Zhou Dunyi's ideological breath rush to the face, and the clumsy stone and incorruptible pool between the corridor buildings all make people indulge in the profundity and wisdom of Zhou Zi's thoughts. Zhou Dunyi said in "Tongshu Music": "The music is light and the heart is calm, and the music is good, the singer admires, so the wind changes and the vulgar is easy." In order to enlighten the mind and nourish the mind, the school has opened 25 clubs such as the Chinese Studies Club, the Football Club, the Choir, etc., and opened more than 70 interest classes such as calligraphy, erhu, and flute. The school's self-operated agricultural research base, botanical garden, and Qinglian fish pond have become a labor paradise for students, nourishing children's spirituality and strength in the breath of grass and tree growth. The school has achieved remarkable results, and the school has been awarded the "National Youth Football Characteristic School", "National Top 100 Advanced Unit of Art Education", "National Campus Cheerleading Promotion and Implementation Unit" and other "national brand" awards.

Based on the long history and strong brand influence of "Lianxi School", it is suggested that the relevant schools should restore the original name of "Lianxi School" to better inherit the cultural context of Lianxi. At the same time, summarize the relevant "Lianxi School" school-running experience, realize the textualization and standardization of school-running experience on the basis of the existing "Lianxi School" school-running model and effectiveness, explore management and brand output, and implement the development strategy of "Lianxi School (Group)". This is not only an inevitable requirement for achieving balanced and high-quality education development and implementing education that satisfies the people, but also a specific measure to obtain its own transformation and development and help the strategic goal of building a strong country through education. Guided by the spirit of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and taking the opportunity of building a strong country in education, we will gradually explore the development of the education brand of "Lianxi School (Group)" at the provincial, municipal and county levels in the area with relatively rich cultural resources.

(2) Polishing the new cultural landmark of Lianxi with distinctive characteristics

In 2019, Lianxi's hometown of Hunan Dao County was awarded the "Hometown of Chinese Science and Culture". In view of the uniqueness of Daoxian County as the hometown of Lianxi and the aggregation of Lianxi resources, it is suggested that the brand of "Hometown of Chinese Science and Culture" should be built into an international geographical indication. The brand building of "the hometown of Chinese science and culture" will be organically integrated into the development strategy of "cultural power", and the cultural development of Lianxi will be realized at the same frequency resonance with the goal of building a world tourist destination in Hunan, and the goal of building a national historical and cultural city and a famous cultural and ecological tourism city in Yongzhou.

The ancient ancestral hall group in Rucheng County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province is deeply imprinted with the spiritual blood of Lianxi science, and the ancient building craftsmanship is exquisite, magnificent and magnificent, and it is well preserved, which can be described as the essence of China's ancient ancestral hall culture, and has extremely high historical, cultural and scientific value. The construction of the ancient ancestral hall in Rucheng embodies the Confucian idea of "the unity of heaven and man", and it is recommended that the brand of "the hometown of the ancient ancestral hall of Chinese science" in Rucheng be built into an international geographical indication.

Zhou Dunyi has an indissoluble bond with Jiangxi, his first performance of his life began in Jiangxi, and then returned to Jiangxi, 14 of the 57 years of his life were spent in Jiangxi, Jiangxi can be said to be the second hometown of his life, Jiangxi has also become one of the important birthplaces of science. The people of Jiangxi are deeply grateful to Zhou Zi, and in 2016, Jiujiang City directly renamed Lushan District as Lianxi District. At present, Lianxi District of Jiujiang City is focusing on promoting the Lianxi Academy and Chinese Sinology Research Base project, in view of this opportunity, it is recommended to build the "Chinese Sinology Research Base (Lianxi Academy)" or "China Lianxi Studies Research Base" in Lianxi District into an international geographical indication.

(3) Construct a systematic Lianxi cultural research organization

Although Zhou Dunyi has not left many works in the world, and only more than 6,000 words can be examined at present, he is known as "another person" after Confucius and Mencius, and is a key figure in the development of Confucianism and the orderly continuation of Chinese culture. It is the unshirkable responsibility of contemporary scholars to let Zhou Zi's wisdom shine in the present and benefit the future.

In view of Zhou Zi's special status and important contributions in Chinese culture, as well as his important influence overseas, in order to better gather the research wisdom of scholars at home and abroad, spread Chinese voices and contribute Chinese wisdom, it is proposed to establish the "China Lianxi Studies Association". At present, the "Hunan Lianxi Research Association" has been established in Hunan, which is running well and has produced fruitful results. It is suggested that the "Provincial Lianxi Studies Association" should be established in Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces where the area of Zhouzi Guohua is relatively large and Lianxi cultural resources are relatively rich. In cities (districts) such as Hechuan in Chongqing, Nanchong in Sichuan, Yongzhou in Hunan, Chenzhou in Hunan, Shaoyang in Hunan, Hengyang in Hunan, Jiujiang in Jiangxi, Ganzhou in Jiangxi, Qingyuan in Guangdong, Meizhou in Guangdong, Zhaoqing in Guangdong, etc., the "Lianxi Studies Association at the Municipal (Prefecture) Level" was established. At the same time, in order to stimulate the academic potential of research societies at all levels, guide the academic direction, and help the construction of academic China, it is recommended to give corresponding research projects and financial support to research societies at all levels, and encourage good and more achievements.

(4) Further strengthen the construction of the Zhou clan association

According to statistics, there are more than 2 million descendants of Zhou Dunyi all over the world, because of the inheritance of fine family style, there is no shortage of social elites, scientific and educational elites, and business celebrities in later generations. It is suggested that the Zhou clan association should take the lead in establishing the "Lianxi Cultural Foundation", focusing on supporting the construction of projects related to the inheritance and development of Lianxi culture, and helping the strategy of cultural power, which is the supreme merit of Ze for future generations.

(5) Create a national brand of Lianxi cultural festivals

In order to realize the innovative transformation and creative development of Lianxi culture in the new era, and give full play to the traction role of Lianxi culture, a thousand-year-old brand, on the social and cultural development of various places, it is recommended to establish a regular "East Asia Lianxi Studies Summit Forum", which will be held once every two years, which can be led by provinces (cities) in turn, and implemented by relevant cities and prefectures. Thematic forums such as Lianxi on Taoism, Lianxi on Honesty, Lianxi on Education, Cultural and Tourism Integration, and Think Tank Exchanges will be covered, embedded in the Cultural Tourism Entrepreneur Forum, and carried out through the normal flow of the "East Asia Lianxi Studies Summit Forum", so as to realize the coordinated development of various places in the inheritance of Lianxi culture and spirit, and share the blessings of Lianxi culture.

Zhou Dunyi is the "third sage" after Confucius and Mencius, and is regarded as the "sub-sage" in East Asian countries, Lianxi Doctrine is the node of Confucianism for three thousand years, and is a successful model of the revival of traditional Chinese culture. It is suggested that Yongzhou, Hunan, the hometown of Zhou Zi, and Jiujiang, Jiangxi, the place where Zhou Zi was buried, jointly create a "Sacrifice to Zhou Ceremony", and the two places take turns to host the ceremony and jointly declare the national intangible cultural heritage.

1 Hu Hong, Preface to Zhou Zitong's Book, Hu Hongji, p. 161.

2 Zhang Yan, "The Legend of the Xinli Lianxi Ancestral Hall of the Nankang Army", Zhang Yan Ji (II), Yuelu Books, 2010, p. 582.

3 Tan Xiaobao, "Overview of Overseas Zhou Dunyi Academic Research", Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology, No. 9, 2005, p. 26.

(Yongzhou CPPCC, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Red Network Yongzhou Station Project Joint Research Group, Research Team Members: Jiang Jingquan, Yao Xianlin, Fu Hongxing, Jiang Luyang, Huang Liping, Cheng Wenjie, Liu Yang Peiyun, Li Zhouxin.) This article is the result of the key scientific research project of the Hunan Provincial Department of Education, "Research on the Inheritance and Development of Lianxi Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Confidence" [20A209], written by Yao Xianlin and Fu Hongxing. )

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