
Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

author:Li Peng Peng Sports

The result of 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss is far from an excellent solution for the defending champion Italy. After all, their elimination in two World Cup qualifiers can be called an "epic" shame; The Euros were supposed to be an opportunity to relieve the pressure, but it didn't seem to be as good as it could have been, with Spalletti still under pressure.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

A "personality old man" who is difficult to define

As long as you are a fan who is familiar with Italy, you will definitely not be unfamiliar with the name Spalletti. After all, as a famous coach in Serie A, he has been in the Apennines for too long, and he has been in many teams. However, even if Apennine fans are asked to talk about his characteristics, such as Carlo Ancelotti's good people, Conte's ability to play in the league but European, Lippi's strategy, Capello's strict governance, Pioli's inspiration for young people, Inzaghi Jr.'s three-back system, etc., Spalletti seems to be able to do nothing, which is a strange problem.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

In addition, Spalletti's appearance is also very interesting, with a bald head and a slightly inexplicable expression that can always appear, which really makes people laugh. But if you are familiar with Spalletti, you will also be annoyed by his overly conservative strategy: the probability of starting to retract after a one-goal lead is too "Italian".

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

Of course, apart from winning the trophy at Napoli and putting himself on the throne of a famous coach, Spalletti's achievements are really not much. However, this is the "origin" of the Italian coach, and without this trophy, Spalletti may not be "qualified" at all.

The Blue Jackets are troubled internally and externally

Obviously, if you let everyone choose, it is estimated that 80 out of 100 people will choose Mancini to continue to coach, and the remaining 20 will probably invite Conte (who was still resting at the time), Ancelotti (there are rumors that he wants to leave) and other famous coaches to lead the team, and there are not many who want Spalletti to come. This also reflects a big problem: Spalletti leads the team, and it is difficult to be recognized by fans.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

In the season when Napoli won the title, Spalletti did play at a good level. He promoted Kvaratskhelia and Osimhen, and made Lobotka, Anguissa and Zielinski a midfield that could attack and defend, and made the Apennine Peninsula the pinnacle. However, this is indeed glorious, but it does not prove his ability, after all, in the years before this, Spalletti still "failed a lot".

For example, those resumes in Inter Milan are indeed regarded as relatively failures, and then Conte and Inzaghi Jr. have achieved better results than him, and Spalletti's appearance after class is indeed not good-looking.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

However, the Italian Football Association really had no choice, Mancini left too suddenly, and they had no money to invite a famous coach, so they could only dig into the potential internally. A subtext that must be considered here also includes that the value of the team is gradually underestimated, and no famous coach wants to lead the team to "fall into the giants", this is the problem.

Even if you're a steely Italian fan, you have to admit the fact that Apennine football is really in a state of forced internal and external distress.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

Justification? Or continue to decline

In this tournament, Italy was lucky, and met Croatia in the group of death, and qualified for the promotion and fell into the lower half of the relatively stable zone. As long as they get past Switzerland in the first round, then the next game against England and potentially the Netherlands will have a better chance for them.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

After all, the Portuguese, French, German and Spanish teams in the first half of the region are all giants with good morale.

In this regard, whether Spalletti can correct his name has become the focus of attention of many Italian fans. As the defending champions, being eliminated too early is not only unsightly, but will inevitably lead to the end of Spalletti's contract. You know, he quit Naples and came here, and he wants to stay longer. But the premise of this is the performance of this European Cup, how to adjust the group stage is not an excellent state? How do you get Scamacca to quickly integrate and save the attack? How to make the defense of the already short of major generals reliable? How to get rid of the difficulty of relying on Donnarumma alone?

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify

These are all difficult problems.

At the press conference, after being irritated by the reporters' harsh questions, Spalletti angrily reprimanded them, which shows that he is very clear about his future path; The match against Switzerland will be the "basic game" of the future fate of him and the entire team.

Spalletti, who is not favored, can he still "save" the defending champion who is struggling to qualify