
How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

author:Phoenix Space

home, so that people know where they belong in a chaotic world;

Home, so that people can be sure that they have a way home when the lights are falling at night.

Everyone wants to have a home that is truly their own, easy to use and warm.

There are 85 million people with disabilities on the mainland, more than 200 million people over the age of 60, and many special groups, such as young people with heavy luggage, young adults who accidentally break their feet or fractures, or parents who travel with strollers.

In the face of these long-term or short-term groups with special needs, how to achieve unimpeded travel and safe and comfortable homes through barrier-free design? How to improve the quality of living through barrier-free indoor design?

The answer starts with figuring out your needs.


Thinking outside the box, your home doesn't need to be like everyone else's

Before interior design, we need to set the tone: believe and accept that your home doesn't need to be like everyone else!

In most cases, designers design through communication and speculation, but only they know what they really need.

People who are deaf-mute, physically impaired, or visually impaired...... Different groups have different needs and different challenges.

When a person who needs apples is given a pear, it will inevitably lead to a waste of resources and emotional uneasiness.

Just imagine, if there are only two mother and daughter in the family, and they are both blind, even the daily task of cooking is extremely challenging for them.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

A concise and clear decoration intention form and space division table will help us clarify our needs and ideas.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


Barrier-free design starts with multi-party accessibility

When designing for barrier-free, obstacles on the ground are at great risk for wheelchair users, people with low vision, the elderly or children. The lighting and lighting of the room also need to be considered to avoid glare or lack of light.

Barrier-free indoor design needs to be considered from many aspects, from the body to the senses, to the psychology, not only to control the overall situation, but also to take into account the part.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


size, there is no authority

Size is an unavoidable word in interior design.

For universal home improvement, many people expect a standard size chart to refer to. How should the size be designed?

Take it easy, pick up the ruler in your hand, let your feelings and experiences be the authority, make your own decisions about your own home, and determine the size according to your real needs. The size is the same as the shoes, and only you know whether it is comfortable or not.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


Create a multi-functional living room with custom furniture to save space

In a small house, do you want a living room, a living room, an office, and storage space? How to transform to achieve multiple uses in one hall? There are always more solutions than difficulties, and we can definitely benefit more people through design. The answer is to look to Japanese design examples for inspiration. When designing, it is also necessary to determine the transformation of spatial functions according to the frequency of use of different functions.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

Customizing all the cabinets helps the space to be organized, the cabinets and the foldable wall bed look neat, and also reduces the floor space of the furniture, so as to minimize the need for bumps under the feet, making the home space safer and more convenient.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


Move your mouth to easily control your home environment

Opening windows and drawing curtains can be difficult for people with limited mobility, but these trivial things often come up in everyday life. The frequency of opening windows varies from season to season, so if you can't control it, you'll need to ask someone for help every time. Fortunately, there are smart curtains and door and window switches to help. The convenience and well-being that these smart products bring goes far beyond opening and closing the windows themselves.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

What temperature is the most comfortable? Everyone's feelings are different. It is recommended to directly purchase a smart air conditioner when designing or renovating the space, both the convenience and accuracy of control will be greatly improved, and you can accurately change the status or mode of the air conditioner you want through voice control at any time.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


Balcony, a space that makes you feel good

While not every home has enough space to create the perfect sunshine room, everyone wants a place to escape for a while, even if it's just a brief time to forget about the worries of reality and get a little respite and relaxation. A small balcony can satisfy our longing for poetry and distant places, and realize our desire to be close to nature.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


Exercise to give upward strength

With the continuous improvement of the quality of life, sports and fitness have become one of the daily leisure items for many people. Exercise is not only good for the body, but also gives people positive energy.

Those with limited mobility can go to the gym or go for a run in the park. For people with limited mobility, create an exercise corner at home for daily exercise, or design a display board to record the state and changes of the body. These small details may seem unrelated to accessibility, but the positive impact they have is something we can't measure with a ruler.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


Based on the present, plan ahead

A friendly barrier-free home space helps to make home life easier and more convenient for people with disabilities and the elderly, and can reduce the care and care of family members, thereby improving the happiness of each family member.

Barrier-free design gives everyone a sense of belonging and control, whether they are elderly or children, healthy or sick, and can have a better living experience.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

In short, barrier-free design is not about watching from the other side, but about preparing for a rainy day that everyone may have.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

The above cases are all from "Barrier-free Home Interior Design and Renovation"

Good book recommendation

Barrier-free Home Interior Design & Renovation

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!


A barrier-free design guide for renovation homeowners that explores how to make homes more comfortable through interior design and renovation to meet the needs of special groups, people with disabilities and the elderly for a safe and convenient home life.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

Illustrated and illustrated, combined with 60 hand-drawn drawings and 20 indoor real scenes, it helps to intuitively understand the key points of home barrier-free design, and facilitates interior designers to understand the real needs of special groups of owners.

About the Author

Yi Yi is an advocate for accessibility. Because of a car accident caused by high paraplegia, he used tenacity and perseverance to find the beauty of life. 70 countries, more than 200 cities, travel the world in a wheelchair.

How to create a barrier-free home? 8 suggestions for you!

She worked with designers on her own accessibility design

The project won the gold medal in the residential space category of the 16th Huading Award in 2020.