
Deduct first and then return half of the subsidy The traffic subsidy for the first-class highway in northern Jiangsu benefits the people and warms people's hearts

author:Subei release

The implementation of the "toll subsidy" policy to benefit the people on the first-class highway in Susha is one of the practical projects of the Subei County Government in 2023, and it is also the first half-subsidized toll policy for the first-class highway implemented in the city. Since the implementation of the subsidy in 2023, it has reduced the travel cost of residents in the county, improved travel efficiency, and allowed the public in northern Jiangsu to enjoy the transportation development dividend.

Deduct first and then return half of the subsidy The traffic subsidy for the first-class highway in northern Jiangsu benefits the people and warms people's hearts

Susha first-class highway to Subei County all registered vehicles and support the development of Subei County's tourism economy to implement the "toll subsidy" policy, for the Subei County to Dunhuang Shazaoyuan first-class highway section of the vehicle subsidy of 15.7 yuan per vehicle. In the past one year since the implementation of the policy, the people have become real beneficiaries and have won wide acclaim among the masses.

Citizen Yang Wanzhe: Since the introduction of this policy, I went to handle ETC, because my home is in Dunhuang, basically go back every Friday, and return to Subei on Sunday night, after the introduction of this policy in the county, I can not only save time but also enjoy transportation subsidies, which has brought me great convenience, which is really a good policy.

Subei County Tie Ma Long Taxi Co., Ltd. Taxi Driver Wuyin Batu: In the past, when we went to Dunhuang, we have been taking the Su'a Highway, detouring from Aksai, where the speed is slow, there are many curves, and the road is a little far.

Deduct first and then return half of the subsidy The traffic subsidy for the first-class highway in northern Jiangsu benefits the people and warms people's hearts

The policy of "toll subsidy" benefiting the people on the first-class highway in Susha is implemented in the form of "toll + subsidy", and in accordance with the principle of "one supplement per month", a fund subsidy mechanism of "toll station statistics, application by the transportation bureau, approval by the county government, appropriation by the Finance Bureau, and bank issuance" is formed. The implementation of this practical matter of people's livelihood has made many citizens choose to travel on the first-class highway in Susha, and the overall traffic volume of the highway has shown a steady upward trend, which not only greatly improves the utilization rate of the highway, but also plays a positive role in promoting the growth of toll revenue.

Deduct first and then return half of the subsidy The traffic subsidy for the first-class highway in northern Jiangsu benefits the people and warms people's hearts

Liang Dong, Customer Service Manager of Subei Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: Since the implementation of the preferential subsidy policy for tolls on Susha first-class highway, ICBC has actively cooperated and set up an intelligent license plate statistics system at Subei toll station to automatically identify and capture vehicle information. So far, more than 3,000 bank cards have been processed for subsidies, more than 3,100 vehicles have been entered, an average of more than 4,000 times per month, and a total of more than 1.08 million yuan of subsidies have been issued.

Chen Yongliang, Director of the Operation Management Department of Gansu Public Aviation Travel Susha Highway Management Co., Ltd.: Compared with the same period in 2021 and 2022, the traffic volume in 2023 will increase by 71% and 58% respectively, and the traffic growth effect is very obvious. At the same time, in view of the shortcomings and problems exposed during the implementation of the Huimin policy, in the follow-up work, Susha Company will further improve measures, continue to improve service quality, implement the Huimin policy in detail, and strive to meet the travel needs of the people.

Deduct first and then return half of the subsidy The traffic subsidy for the first-class highway in northern Jiangsu benefits the people and warms people's hearts

This year, after studying and deploying the details of toll subsidy standards, subsidy scope, and subsidy methods, Subei has introduced a more specific and perfect "toll subsidy" policy to benefit the people, further improve the traffic efficiency of the first-class highway in Susha, create a good public transportation travel environment, and continuously improve the people's travel satisfaction.

Wang Li, full-time deputy captain of the Subei County Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team: We have taken active actions and made concerted efforts in the implementation of the policy of benefiting the people. Up to now, the county has a total of 158,000 vehicles and 64,000 preferential vehicles. In the next step, our bureau will continue to implement the policy of "preferential subsidy for tolls", continuously improve the experience of transportation and travel to benefit the people, and enhance the happiness and satisfaction of the people. (Subei County Rong Media Center)

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