
Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

author:Love to climb all your life
Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

People don't say good or bad in front of people, and people don't matter right or wrong later

In life, the ingredients for happiness don't need much.

If you want to live a better life, it is not to add to the snake, but to simplify the complex; It's not about having more and more, it's about staying, and it's all appropriate.

Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify
Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

I once read a sentence: "All the unbearable and troubles are just the narcissism and masochism of my own cup, and all the worries and doubts are all my own reasons." ”

Those who think too much will be tired, and those who think too much will suffer. Thinking too much is the torment and torture of life, and it is also a self-directed and self-acting disaster.

In Chekhov's novel, there is the story of a little civil servant. The little civil servant accidentally splashed his spit on the general in the front row in the theater, and the general did not take the matter to heart.

But the little civil servant was scared, always worried that the other party felt that he was deliberately offended, and he was sincerely afraid that he could not feel at ease, so he apologized again and again.

As a result, the general who didn't care about it was furious, and the little civil servant was scared to death.

Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

There is nothing in the world, and mediocrity disturbs itself. Thinking too much can complicate simple things. Excessive thinking will only make people anxious, which not only consumes energy, but also drags down the body.

Unwarranted conjectures are often self-inflicted. A person's biggest internal friction is that he can't get along with himself, and he ponders over and over again for some trivial things.

Diligent thinking can certainly make people introspect and make people reasonable, but overthinking will only make people fall into the abyss of self-denial. Only by unloading those unnecessary burdens and entanglements and breaking free from the fetters of the soul can we move forward with a free and easy attitude.

Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify
Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

The Tao Te Ching says: "If you take less, you will get it, and if you are greedy for more, you will be confused." "If you pursue less, you can get it, and if you pursue too much, you will be blinded by the myriad choices. The most difficult person to perceive happiness is not someone who has nothing, but someone who always feels "lacking".

Liu Zongyuan has an article called "Scorpion". The salamander is a small insect that loves to carry things. When crawling, no matter what he encountered, he took it and put it on his back, and gradually the things became heavier and heavier, but he refused to stop when he was exhausted, until he fell and died.

What is supposed to make you happy makes you feel depressed. If people are carrying a heavy burden for a long time, how can they not collapse?

It's hard to fill the craze. The more people want, the harder it is to be satisfied, and the less happy they are. Life might as well be simpler, blindly seeking more, not necessarily really happy.

Tempering one's desires and not embarking on a path of pleasure makes one more aware that one's happiness comes from within, not from without. True peace of mind comes from a simple life and an abundant mind, not from external extravagance and glitz.

Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

All diseases enter from the mouth, and all calamities come out of the mouth. To cherish yourself, you need to keep your mouth shut.

If you talk too much, you will lose, and if you talk too much, you will hurt people. "A gentleman is sensitive to words and deeds", what should not be said, resolutely do not say, what needs to be said, be cautious in what is said.

Jia Xu was a counselor under Cao Cao, he knew that he was not Cao Cao's cronies and former ministers, and for Cao Cao, who was suspicious by nature, it was undoubtedly a potential threat, so he used the method of "few words" to protect himself.

In the complex political background at that time, in order to ensure the smooth completion of the Han and Wei dynasties, the elderly Cao Cao must choose a monarch who meets his wishes to fulfill his wishes. So, he found Jia Xu. Jia Xu didn't want to get involved in this dispute, so he simply "kept silent".

Whether it is to Cao Cao or the successor Cao Pi, Jia Xu has always been silent. After Cao Pi ascended the throne, Jia Xu was named Taiwei, and after his death, he deserved to enjoy the Taimiao.

Yi Zhongtian said: "Jia Xu was able to judge the situation in troubled times, lived the longest, and saved his family. This is true great wisdom, and Jia Xu was probably the smartest person during the Three Kingdoms period. ”

Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify

Blessed are the few words. People don't say good or bad in front of people, and people don't care about right and wrong. The words are not exhaustive, see through and do not say the truth, leave a thin face for others, and leave a way back for yourself.

A wise person never argues with others in words, and timely silence is a kind of wisdom and the greatest consciousness of a person.

If a person knows the wisdom of silence, then the road of life will naturally have fewer setbacks and live a smooth and peaceful life.

As the saying goes: "Silence nourishes energy, few worries nourishes the spirit, and few desires nourishes sex." "Those who have few husbands are more expensive. Less is more important than anything.

Life is a process of constant trade-offs, and it is better to seek less than to be greedy. Only by getting rid of unnecessary troubles and shackles in life can we live a stable and calm life.

Worry less and say less, cut down the complicated and simplify