
It doesn't take long for a man to love you, just look at 2 words

author:Dahui said
It doesn't take long for a man to love you, just look at 2 words

Haruki Murakami said:

If you love someone, don't be afraid of the ending, because not everyone can be lucky enough to meet the person who loves and loves very much.

Having said that, when we fall in love with someone, we all have a selfish desire to go on with him forever.

will also hope that the other party can be sure enough about this love, and is willing to spend years with him and share his head together.

It must be different if a person is just walking with you for a while, or if he wants to live with you for the rest of his life.

The answer can be found in the word "measurement".

It doesn't take long for a man to love you, just look at 2 words

A small-minded man doesn't love you enough

Theoretically speaking, men are more open-minded than women, and they will be more open-minded and open-minded about many things, and they will not be too careful.

But there will be exceptions.

There are some men who are not only small-minded, but also have more eyes.

One of my readers, Sister Cui, met such a man.

He's the kind of guy who's very picky, and he's so calculating that he's outrageous.

How long a bag of salt can be eaten must be calculated clearly, and once it exceeds the previous standard, Sister Cui will be asked to reduce the amount.

Whatever you buy for your parents during the New Year and holidays must be reviewed by him.

Sister Cui bought something for her mother's family, and she had to be criticized by him for a long time.

He was wary of Sister Cui in every way in terms of money, and his salary was hidden from her, deliberately saying that he was 3,000 yuan less.

Such a selfish man doesn't know what love is.

He only has interests in his heart, and there is no affection at all.

He doesn't love you, he just treats you as a babysitter, a bed companion to live by, don't expect him to be sincere.

It doesn't take long for a man to love you, just look at 2 words

A man who wants to go far away from you, the "measure" is big

How big a man's measure is, how deep his love for you is.

When two people are together, there will definitely be some stumbling through.

A man with a measure can hold the boat in his belly, can accept his lover's imperfections, can be tolerant and considerate, knows how to make concessions, and will bow his head.

They don't fight to win or lose in love, when two people have a dispute, the first thing they think of is how to resolve the conflict, not that I bow my head first and I lose.

He will accept everything you have generously, will coax you again and again with patience, will not lose his temper with you, and will not regard your concern and counting as malice.

He has always had a goal in his heart, which is to go on with you for a long time.

For the sake of this goal, it doesn't matter if you endure for a while, as long as I can be with you, everyone else doesn't mind.

It doesn't take long for a man to love you, just look at 2 words

The more a man loves you, the less he cares

Bacon said, "Love is like having money in a bank, and being able to appreciate the good of the other person is like supplementing income; Tolerating each other's shortcomings is moderation in spending. The so-called eternal love is from red face love to white hair, from flower blossom love to flower remnant. ”

If love is regarded as savings, it must be the highest savings value at the beginning.

The eyes of the two people looking at each other are full of warmth, and they look at each other as advantages.

The more time passes, the patience wanes and the more shortcomings are exposed.

The further you go, the more you can test the fidelity of love, and when the filter is gone, the true love is revealed.

A man who really loves you and wants to be with you for a long time, he doesn't care about many things.

Regardless of how much money you spend, who pays more, and who bears more, he would rather pay a little more and store enough of the value of the love bank, so that you will be willing to give him the rest of your life.

It doesn't take long for a man to love you, just look at 2 words

Love is a game of walking and watching.

No one knew the end from the beginning.

But the one who truly loves you, he will pave the way for the ending with actions.

He believes that as long as he measures more and is more tolerant, your love will last longer.

People who are truly devout in love will not be disappointed by love.