
After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"

author:Linxia fire

The motorcycle ran out of gas

The three of them used their crooked brains

Seconds become "gas guzzlers" and begin to steal oil

After stealing the oil, I suspected that the oil was fake

So he took out his lighter......

On the day of the crime, the flames were in flames


According to Yangjiang fire news


Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province

Jiangcheng District, Zhongzhou Street, Tangbei Village Road

Two small cars parked on the side of the road suddenly caught fire

The fire spread to a nearby garment factory

After receiving the alarm, the fire force rushed to the scene to rescue

After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"

After the arrival of firefighters

Quickly set up a water cannon to extinguish the fire

After more than an hour of intense handling

The fire was extinguished with no casualties

Upon investigation, the fire caused a pickup truck

An SUV car burned badly

Another car parked opposite was damaged

The west side of the first to third floors of the processing plant was partially fired

After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"
After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"
After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"
After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"

Surrender and confess, absurd behavior


After the fire

The three of them felt that they had made a big mistake

So he went to the local police station and surrendered

According to the confession

That night, the motorcycle was out of gas

The three saw a motorcycle parked on the side of the road

I just want to steal some oil to use

One of them believed that the stolen oil was not gasoline but diesel

And he poured the oil on the ground

Use a lighter to see if you can light it

After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"

Two other accomplices wanted to stop him

But it was too late

The fire instantly followed the oil trails on the ground

Set fire to the two cars parked next to you

Nearby garment factories also suffered

After the thieves surrendered, they confessed that they were "involved in a big case"

The ignorance of the trio

endangering the lives of oneself and others

Not only is it suspected of violating the law

It also caused huge losses to others

At present, the case is still under further investigation and processing

The law popularization class must be attended


The three of them stole oil and did not know the oil

Cause a big disaster and turn yourself in

in everyday life

We need to raise awareness of the law

Refrain from engaging in risky behavior

Come with Ah Xiao

Familiarize yourself with the following legal provisions

Article 64 of the "Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: Anyone who violates the provisions of this law by committing any of the following acts, which does not constitute a crime, shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and may also be fined up to 500 yuan; where the circumstances are more minor, a warning or a fine of up to 500 RMB is to be given:

(1) Instigating or forcing others to violate fire safety regulations and take risks;

(2) Negligence causes a fire;

(3) Obstructing the alarm after the fire has occurred, or failing to report to the police in a timely manner;

(4) Disrupting the order of the fire scene, or refusing to carry out the command of the fire scene commander, affecting fire fighting and rescue;

(5) Intentionally destroying or falsifying the scene of a fire;

(6) Unauthorized unpacking or use of places or parts that have been sealed by fire and rescue agencies.

The crime of fire is the cause of a fire due to the negligence of the perpetrator

Acts that cause serious consequences and endanger public safety

According to the provisions of the mainland criminal law, it is one of the crimes of endangering public safety

Main characteristics of the crime of arson:

(1) Subjectively it can only be constituted by negligence. It can be the fault of negligence or the fault of overconfidence.

(2) Objectively committing an act of fire that endangers public safety and causes serious consequences.

Sentencing: Whoever commits the crime of arson shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years; where the circumstances are more minor, a sentence of up to three years imprisonment or short-term detention is to be given.