
A gift for the holidays! The communities of Maluan Street carried out colorful activities to welcome the "July 1st".

author:Reading and Innovation

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Client Reporter Liu Yuluan Correspondent Ke Dan Zhang Wenbo Liu Jia Chen Zini Huang Xingjuan Liang Li

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, recently, Maluan Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, coordinated various communities to carry out a series of colorful activities, gather the strength of the masses, carry forward the fine traditions, and present gifts for the festival!

Colorful programs to celebrate, public welfare activities are more convenient

Pinghuan Community Party and Mass Service Center, together with Shenzhen Enterprise Micro Public Welfare Alliance and Pinghuan Community New Era Civilization Practice Station, carried out a public welfare activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in the community cultural square, and more than 200 representatives of community caring enterprises and social organizations and residents participated in the activity.

A gift for the holidays! The communities of Maluan Street carried out colorful activities to welcome the "July 1st".

The event was lively and attracted many residents to participate. The performance of the national dance team kicked off the event. The community art team contributed various wonderful programs to present the founding day of the party, which ignited the atmosphere of the scene again and again. There are also free ophthalmology free consultation areas, traditional Chinese medicine culture areas, public welfare project areas, legal publicity areas and other areas. While providing residents with a variety of warm and thoughtful services, so that residents feel care and warmth, it also highlights the pattern of social forces being cohesive under the leadership of party building and jointly empowering the improvement of grassroots people's livelihood and well-being.

"I was very happy to participate in this event, I checked in and walked around each area, not only watched the wonderful show, but also received free souvenirs." Mr. Zhang, a resident of the community who participated in the event, said.

Guess the slogan to recall the Long March and enhance the cohesion of party members

Maluan Community held an interesting activity for party members to "unite the party's heart and walk with joy". Through a series of creative and interesting game sessions, the community party members received party spirit education in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and at the same time promoted exchanges and cooperation with each other.

A gift for the holidays! The communities of Maluan Street carried out colorful activities to welcome the "July 1st".

At the beginning of the event, the game of guessing the slogan of party building ignited the enthusiasm of the scene. The host showed the party members pictures and clues about the party's history, theories and policies contained in the relevant slogans. Party members have deduced the content of the slogan with their solid theoretical skills, which not only shows the wisdom and talent of party members, but also further deepens their understanding of party building knowledge. The Long March Road Pushing Game pushed the event to a climax. The playground was divided into several areas, each of which represented an important point in the Red Army's Long March. The party members were divided into small groups and worked together to push the ball through the various areas to reach the finish line. Party members must not only overcome the difficulties and obstacles of various simulations, but also give full play to their teamwork ability and willpower, and deeply understand the hardships and difficulties of the Red Army's Long March.

Party members have said that such activities are both interesting and educational, allowing them to receive party spirit education in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and improve their ideological and political quality. At the same time, the activity also further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization, and laid a solid foundation for promoting the smooth development of various tasks in the Maluan community.

Calligraphy songs are blessed, and theme paintings are moving

In Jiangling Community, the Community Party and Mass Service Center and the Community University for the Aged jointly carried out a series of activities of "Ode to the Party's Grace on July 1st". In the calligraphy class, the students showed their calligraphy skills, splashed ink on the spot, gathered the blessings to the party on the tip of the pen, and created a calligraphy work with far-reaching ideas and timeless handwriting. In the choir class, there are jumping notes and soulful singing, "Singing the Motherland" and "Singing a Mountain Song to the Party...... Everyone was full of emotions and expressed their blessings with songs.

A gift for the holidays! The communities of Maluan Street carried out colorful activities to welcome the "July 1st".
A gift for the holidays! The communities of Maluan Street carried out colorful activities to welcome the "July 1st".

The activity received positive feedback from the students of the University for the Aged in the community, who expressed that they should insist on carrying forward the noble character and fighting spirit of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, combine the art of calligraphy and song with excellent ideological spirit, and contribute to the promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture with practical actions.

In addition, the Party and Mass Service Center of Xiangjiang Industrial Park and the Jiangling Community Federation of Trade Unions jointly launched a painting workshop with the theme of "Party Building Leading, Building a Beautiful Together" to celebrate "July 1st", and invited party members and the masses in the park to participate together.

During the activity, the workers watched the documentary on the theme of the founding of the party and the revolutionary deeds of the Dongjiang Column, while enriching the knowledge of the history of the party, they also had a sense of pride in being a "Jiangling person". In the process of painting, everyone shared the story of the history of the party and traced their blessings with a digital brush. Ms. Feng said, "This event makes me feel a sense of strength, and it can further inspire everyone to take on the sense of responsibility and mission that they should have as party members in the new era and new journey!"

Experience history first-hand and experience with fun and education

The Shadian Community Party and Mass Service Center carried out the "Twinkling Red Star" history education theme children's script killing activity, bringing an entertaining learning experience to the children in the community outside the school classroom.

A gift for the holidays! The communities of Maluan Street carried out colorful activities to welcome the "July 1st".

During the activity, the social workers guided the children to enter the "script killing" game, and led the children to substitute into specific situations by selecting different characters in relevant historical stories, experiencing the glorious deeds of their ancestors in the eventful years, and feeling the feelings and beliefs of revolutionary heroes, so as to cultivate children's feelings of family and country for the benefit of the society, so as to stimulate their determination to study hard and the motivation to be pioneers of the times from an early age.

The fun experience of learning through play kept the children enthusiastic and they lingered after the event. A young student who participated in the activity said: "I usually like to listen to historical stories, and today's activity is more 'exciting' than listening to stories! We feel the glorious deeds of the revolutionary heroes in specific situations, and we are very excited and moved!"

Reviewer: Sun Shijian, Huang Xiaomin

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