
North Sichuan Preschool College: "Anti-drug trial enters the campus to protect youth from 'drug'"

author:Sichuan people's livelihood information

On the morning of June 26, the anti-drug propaganda activity organized by the North Sichuan Preschool and the Guangyuan Intermediate People's Court and the Guangyuan Intermediate People's Procuratorate was successfully carried out in the studio of the school's enlightened art building, and more than 300 teachers and students of the North Sichuan Preschool participated in the event and accepted a "zero distance" and "panoramic" anti-drug publicity and education.

North Sichuan Preschool College: "Anti-drug trial enters the campus to protect youth from 'drug'"
North Sichuan Preschool College: "Anti-drug trial enters the campus to protect youth from 'drug'"

This activity "moved" the trial into the campus and explained the law with cases. During the trial, the public prosecutor read out the indictment in court, interrogated the defendant around the facts of the case, conducted full cross-examination based on the evidence of the case, and issued a public prosecution opinion in accordance with the law, and the defendant pleaded guilty on the spot and was sentenced in court. The teachers and students at the scene were immersed in the scene, deeply aware of the harm of drugs and the serious consequences of drug trafficking and drug use, and effectively enhanced their awareness and ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs.

North Sichuan Preschool College: "Anti-drug trial enters the campus to protect youth from 'drug'"
North Sichuan Preschool College: "Anti-drug trial enters the campus to protect youth from 'drug'"

During the activity, the staff of the court and the procuratorate also answered questions on the spot for the teachers and students of the school, and preached anti-drug knowledge to the teachers and students present in the form of prize quizzes, distribution of anti-drug brochures and display of simulated drugs, laying a solid foundation for the school to further create a green and drug-free safe campus.

Source: North Sichuan Preschool