
【Cultural China Tour】Continue the cultural context and shape a new look

author:Taiyuan Rong Media Express
【Cultural China Tour】Continue the cultural context and shape a new look

The picture shows an aerial photograph of the ancient town of Mokou. Photo by reporter Wang Ruirui

【Cultural China Tour】Continue the cultural context and shape a new look

The picture shows a corner of the camel road. Photo by Jin Xianghua

【Cultural China Tour】Continue the cultural context and shape a new look

The picture shows the ancient town of Dayang at night. Photo by the correspondent of this newspaper

"We must revere history, culture, and ecology, and comprehensively protect historical and cultural heritage." Keeping in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment, Shanxi firmly shoulders the responsibility of a major province of historical and cultural resources, adheres to the bottom line of protection, coordinates protection and development, and solidly promotes the protection and inheritance of urban and rural history and culture.


Protection comes first, and the root soul is guarded

On June 24, in Zhangbi Village, Jiexiu City, Zhang Qing, who came to Jin from Hong Kong to visit cultural monuments, was amazed by the exquisite glazed decoration on the top of the Hall of the Ancestral Hall of the King of the Sky. As a potter, she often travels the country in search of inspiration. During her visit to Jin, Zhang Qing visited many historic sites, including a number of historical and cultural cities, towns and villages and traditional villages. Marveling at Shanxi's rich history and culture and the superb skills of ancient craftsmen, she said: "Walking into Shanxi, it is like passing through a thick history book, in the old cities and villages where mountains and rivers depend on each other, and in the simple and elegant courtyards, you can feel the flow of civilization." ”

Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, with rich cultural accumulation and historical relics, with 6 national historical and cultural cities, 6 provincial historical and cultural cities, 15 Chinese historical and cultural towns, 96 famous villages, 619 Chinese traditional villages, and 1,932 historical buildings announced by governments at all levels. Among them, the number of famous historical and cultural villages in China ranks first in the country.

Zhangbi Village, located at the northern foot of Taiyue Mountain, is a famous historical and cultural village in China and one of the first batch of traditional Chinese villages, and has been praised by cultural scholar Feng Jicai as a "living fossil" of ancient villages in northern China. The stone road winds forward, the rammed earth wall stands silently, many buildings on the ground and underground correspond to the 28 constellations, and the cultural relics and monuments such as the Northern Dynasty tunnel, the Yuan Dynasty stage, and the Ming and Qing dynasties highlight the rare military, astrological, architectural, religious and cultural values of this ancient pocket castle.

With the support of governments at all levels and relevant departments, Zhangbi Village has continuously accelerated the pace of protection and development, and introduced Kaijia Group to invest more than 700 million yuan in infrastructure construction, cultural relics restoration and protection, surrounding ecological greening and cultural industry expansion. Wang Aiyuan, deputy general manager of Shanxi Kaijia Zhangbi Castle Ecotourism Co., Ltd., introduced: "Insisting on protection first, repairing the old as the old, we conducted a lot of visits before the development, listened to the suggestions of cultural preservation experts, and carried out protective restoration of the dilapidated buildings in the fort through the memories of the original residents, and repeatedly optimized the repair plan, materials and processes, and strived to retain historical information to the greatest extent." ”

Ancient streets and historical buildings evoke nostalgia, continue the cultural context, and condense into the cultural roots and souls that linger in everyone's hearts.


Promote the inheritance and development of the use of protection

In the bustling street market of the ancient city of Pingyao, tourists use the lens to freeze the journey through the invisible underground, and the underground pipe networks such as electricity, communications, rainwater, sewage, and gas have been comprehensively upgraded and transformed to consolidate the foundation for protection. As an important exhibition and festival venue such as Pingyao International Film Festival, Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, Pingyao International Sculpture Festival, etc., the Pingyao Film Palace, which was rebuilt from a diesel engine factory, has also become a good place for residents of the ancient city to rest and entertain.

Adhering to the principle of promoting protection with use, our province will integrate the protection and inheritance work into economic and social development, ecological civilization construction and urban and rural construction, carry out provincial-level pilot projects for the protection and utilization of historical buildings, and form a number of typical cases of protection and utilization. Among them, the case of the protection and repair of traditional houses in Pingyao and the revitalization and utilization of the former diesel engine factory into a movie palace won the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Protection Outstanding Project Award. The reporter learned that the province has completed the mapping of 3,500 villages, and formed a protection list covering historical and cultural cities, towns, villages, traditional villages, and 2,080 historical buildings, and surveyed and mapped 1,891 historical buildings and 40 traditional villages in towns and villages; promulgated the Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, Towns and Villages in Shanxi Province and the Regulations on the Protection of Traditional Villages in Shanxi Province, and issued more than 30 local protection regulations and management measures. The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Development of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, Towns and Villages and Traditional Villages" has been formulated and issued, and a new round of planning for the protection of famous city blocks has been launched in an all-round way.

He has long been committed to the research of urban and rural settlements and architectural heritage protection in mainland China, and Wang Jinping, a professor at Taiyuan University of Technology, has a lot of treasures about the ancient cities and old villages in Shanxi. He and his team participated in the formulation of the planning of a number of demonstration counties and cities for the centralized and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages, as well as the surveying, mapping and archiving of traditional villages and historical buildings, and witnessed the development process of urban and rural historical and cultural protection and inheritance in our province. Wang Jinping told reporters that historical buildings and local customs are increasingly becoming hot spots for the masses to consume leisure, and this trend has brought new opportunities and challenges to the protection and development of historical and cultural heritage. While protecting and inheriting the history and culture, the old city and ancient villages need to create new cultural spaces, continuously enrich the functional experience, and stimulate the vitality of the development of villages and towns.

Formed in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, Lianghu Village in Gaoping City fully revitalized and utilized historical relics to create a homestay village with health and wellness characteristics. Here, the ancient dwellings are clustered together, and the exquisite and vivid brick carvings, wood carvings, and stone carvings can be seen everywhere, which truly reproduces the life picture of the farmers and merchants in the Danhe River Basin during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Lianghu Village has carried out the main repair and interior decoration of some ancient courtyards with the theme of "scholarly and ancient art workshops", built a brick carving museum, a paper-cutting museum, a pottery workshop, a tie-dye workshop and other workshops, and built a Lianghu Academy, which not only retains the original architectural style and cultural connotation, but also adds modern facilities and functions to meet the leisure needs of tourists.


Industrial integration forms a joint force

"In recent years, the state and governments at all levels have attached great importance to the protection and inheritance of urban and rural history and culture, and relevant departments have made every effort to promote it, and all walks of life have actively participated in it, forming a huge synergy." Wang Jinping said.

"The No. 1 needle can contain a thousand layers of bottoms, and the No. 2 needle can sew 10,000 pieces of clothing. No. 3 and No. 4 are often used, and needlework is inseparable. Although the No. 5 steel needle is small, everyone is inseparable from the ......" in Dayang Town, Zezhou County, a song "Selling Needle Song" takes everyone through a long time. Since 2021, Dayang Town has integrated funds, implemented the "joint construction of six villages", unified planning and implementation, and promoted the sustainable development of the protection and utilization of traditional villages in Dayang Ancient Town as a whole. Through the entry of land into the market and the unified leasing of traditional courtyards in the core area, the income of village collectives and farmers has been increased, and 150 million yuan has been invested to build high-quality health care homestays such as "Yanga Qingju" and "Jidi Gaowu", which has embarked on a new path for the protection and development of traditional ancient villages under the leadership of "homestays"; At the same time, it actively explores the "cultural tourism + agriculture" model, develops rural leisure and sightseeing tours, solves the employment of nearly 1,000 people, and realizes the integrated development of "roads, scenery, villages and industries".

The protection and utilization of traditional villages will be included in the industrial development layout of the whole region, and Jiexiu City will focus on traditional villages, based on reality, combine service reception and cultural experience, combine leisure agriculture and rural tourism, combine historical villages with characteristic agricultural products, combine architectural relics with military culture, combine ecological environment and cultural resources, and promote the protection and utilization of traditional villages through five ways, so as to finally realize global linkage, global development and global promotion.

History and modernity blend, tradition and fashion collide. The land of Sanjin has a continuous cultural context, industrial competition, and urban and rural history and culture continue to bloom with new brilliance and vigorous vitality in the protection and inheritance.

On the bank of the Yellow River, look at the Jin merchants

When night falls, at the mouth of the moraine port, in the embrace of the Luliang Mountains of the Loess Plateau, the cool breeze of the Qilin Villa is blowing. Under the spotlight, an old man wrapped in a white scarf and wearing a sheepskin jacket stood on a high platform and looked at the Yellow River, playing the Linxian Sanxian book while singing "The Yellow River in the world has ninety-nine bends, and the eighteen bends are ...... at the mouth of the moraine." At the performance site of the large-scale outdoor live performance "Like a Dream", the audience was immersed. Nature and humanity, history and reality, at this moment, are intertwined.

The deceased is like this, reluctant to give up day and night. The water of the Yellow River flows endlessly in the Jinshan Gorge, unchanged for eternity. In the middle section of the Jin-Shaanxi Grand Canyon, the downstream of the confluence of the Yellow River and the Huanshui River, the gentle and warm water of the Yellow River instantly becomes turbulent, the roaring sound resounded through the valley, and the 400-meter-wide river channel turns sharply and narrows within 100 meters, which is the famous Datong moraine. The confluence of the upper reaches of Datong Moraine and the Hushui River, facing the Yellow River and the Wohu Mountain in the north, forms a geographically semicircular Moikou Ancient Town. Due to the special geographical location, the moraine gradually formed a dry wharf, which became the west gate for the Jin merchants to transfer materials, and the ancient commercial and trade activities flourished.

The Yellow River is in danger because of the "moraine", and the moraine mouth is a town because of the "danger". During the period from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Republic of China, the ancient town of Qikou became an important commercial town in the north by virtue of the water transportation of the Yellow River, one of the birthplaces of Jin merchants, and also the largest water and dry wharf and market town in western Shanxi, enjoying the reputation of "the first town of the Yellow River in Jiuqu". In the most glorious period, there are more than 300 shops and warehouses opened by Jin merchants in the town of Qikou, and the five miles long street, merchants gather, and the flow of people is like weaving, which is an important hub for economic and cultural exchanges. The prosperity of the ancient town of Mokou was not only because of its special location conditions, but more importantly, in the long-term business activities, the merchants of Mokou have always adhered to the spirit of integrity, dedication, openness, enterprising and cooperation.

Nowadays, wandering around the moraine, stepping on the undulating stone road under your feet, walking in the corners and alleys that have experienced the polishing of nature and time, perhaps inadvertently, you will step on the shadow of the Jin merchants who were rushing to buy goods in the past! The long street, ticket number, casino, post office, bookstore, dart office, although the gate is closed now, it is difficult to hide the prosperity of the past. It is not difficult to imagine that this small ferry port is comparable to today's cosmopolitan city in that closed era. At that time, the merchants of the northwestern provinces transported a large number of materials along the Yellow River, and after arriving at the moikou, they were transferred to the land route to Taiyuan, Beijing, Tianjin, Hankou and other places by mules, horses, and camels.

The foot is a stone road, on both sides is a high platform, the eaves are connected to the eaves, the shops are next to the shops, strolling in the ancient street of Mokou, as if passing through time and space, into the glorious era of the Jin merchants, long, deep, heavy, everywhere as far as the eye can see is the original ecology, away from the city's lights and wine and hustle and bustle, on the bank of the Yellow River where the waves are lapping the bank, taste the strong charm of history.

In the sound of camel bells, the commercial trade function of the moraine has declined with the changes of the times. However, Shanxi people in the new era cherish the gifts of nature and history, integrate cultural charm into tourism attraction, and bring tourists a splendid and rich cultural experience. Today's moraine is known as a "living ancient town", and tourists from all over the world flock to it, which also makes the local people eat "tourist rice". There are more than 40 folk inns and farmhouses, more than 60 tourist hotels, more than 120 tourism commodity operators, nearly 100 commentators, and more than 5,000 employees in the tourism industry.

Millennium Ancient Village 焕新韵

The ancient trees are towering to the sky, the thick shade covers the sun, and between the trees, the well-preserved ancient dwellings of the Ming and Qing dynasties are scattered. Most of the buildings in Camel Road Village were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and still retain the original appearance of the ancient village. More than 100 courtyards are built along the mountain, criss-crossing high and low, and the overall building is from top to bottom, falling down with the mountain, closely arranged, reasonable and orderly planning, and the layout is scattered. The black roof and yellow wall, looking from afar, are integrated with the mountains, and after thousands of years of wind and rain, they are even more quaint.

Liangjiazhai Township of Yuxian County is located in the Niudaogou in the north of the Hutuo River, Camel Road Village borders Wutai County, Xinzhou City, with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, the terrain is steep, and it is also a village in the northernmost part of Yangquan City. According to records, the camel road has a history of thousands of years and was once a rest station for the Jin merchant camel gang. The origin of the name of the village is varied. First, the mountains next to the village resemble camel humps; Second, it used to be a necessary place for Jin merchants to go to Guanwai, and it has been one of the important passages and trade routes leading to Wutai Mountain for a long time.

Architecture is the carrier of culture. At the same time when the Jin merchants traveled back and forth to Xinzhou, the camel road became a necessary place for the merchants and the rest station of the camel gang. "Ancient Village Post Station Jin Merchants Thoroughfare", deducing and forming a unique camel gang culture. However, with the advancement of urbanization, the sound of camel bells in ancient villages is inevitably drowned in the smoke and dust of history. Like many traditional villages, the ancient village camel road once faced a dilemma of protection due to the "hollowing" of the village. Since 2015, focusing on poverty alleviation, Camel Road Village has established a professional cooperative for silver light planting, and absorbed the poor households in the village to join the cooperative. The cooperative led the villagers to complete the "high replacement of high" walnut trees of 300 acres, planted 60 acres of Chinese medicinal materials, and built a 50 kilowatt photovoltaic power generation project. By the end of 2017, the entire village had been lifted out of poverty.

Let good scenery bring good "money" scenery. The quaint traditional houses, the winding stone streets and alleys, and the simple folk customs are the precious wealth of Camel Road Village. Camel Road Village excavates tourism resources and the cultural connotation of the Ancient Tea Horse Road in the north, and improves the infrastructure around the protection and development of the ancient village. The architectural style of the newly built B&B, as well as the layout of the houses and rooms, should be the same as the original, so as not to destroy the existing buildings, and at the same time allow tourists to enjoy hotel-style services. With the rise of rural tourism, Camel Road Village with unique geographical conditions has also received many tourists who come to take pictures, paint, collect style, and visit ancient times. The quaint village appearance, simple folk customs and pleasant living conditions are a wisp of nostalgia that can be truly seen.

The village took a "tourist bus", and the villagers ate a "tourist meal". Several huts are cleaned up, seasonal vegetables are planted at the entrance of the courtyard, and food and lodging are provided for tourists. Not only Lao Liang, but also this ancient village hidden in the mountains in the past has become a scenery that many people can't forget.

Although the camel bell is gone, it is still thriving. Although the permanent population of Camel Road Village is less than 50 people, six families have opened farmhouses. In addition, the Camel Road Village Joint Stock Economic Cooperative also cooperated with the Chunshudi Village Joint Stock Economic Cooperative and a local company to jointly invest in the establishment of the Camel Road Ancient Village (Shanxi) Tourist Attraction Co., Ltd. Based on the characteristics of the village, the company takes the resources such as the thousand-year-old village and the ancient post road as the core, builds a starry sky hotel, a barbecue camping base, repairs the ancient courtyard, and works together to create a new business card for rural tourism, attracting more and more tourists to come to the camel road and feel the charm of the ancient village. According to statistics, during this year's "May Day" holiday, Camel Road Village received more than 7,000 tourists, with a comprehensive tourism income of about 10,000 yuan per day, and the villagers really enjoyed the dividends brought by the protection of the ancient village.

Today's camel road is active with volunteer student teams, returnees, villagers, and party members and cadres, who guard the ancient houses day and night, and guard the soul and context of the village. With the completion of Taihang No. 1 Tourist Highway, this ancient village hidden in the depths of the mountains will move towards a broader road of development, and the camel road will also become a beautiful village suitable for living, working and traveling.

The ancient town is prosperous and prosperous

When night falls, sparks splash everywhere, light and shadow are intertwined, under the scene art created by naked-eye 3D technology, a "Wishful Sun" live drama quietly debuts, tactful music and moving stories seem to interpret the thousand-year-old Dayang iron culture, so that visitors can immerse themselves into this thousand-year-old town with the exploration of history and culture, and have a glimpse of the grandeur of the past......

Located in Zezhou County, Dayang Ancient Town is known as "Yang'a" in ancient times, with a history of more than 2,600 years, giving birth to a splendid handicraft culture, official culture, singing and dancing culture and folk art, and is known as "the living fossil of China's ancient towns". In the Ming and Qing dynasties, because of the development of the handmade needle industry, it was also known as the "needle capital of Kyushu", and its products were exported to Southeast Asia. What carries these is the 350,000 square meters of ancient buildings of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, telling the story of thousands of years of history and civilization between bricks and tiles.

Walking through the ancient town, the city walled fort, official residences, pavilions, Jinliang, temples and nunnery abound, a brick, a stone, a grass and a tree all exude the vicissitudes of life. Wang Yaotao, director of the Dayang Ancient Town Scenic Area Office, introduced that the structure of the ancient town is very exquisite, with the old street as the central axis, extending 72 streets and alleys to the north and south. The west entrance is a delicate single-eaves hard mountaintop type ancient attic, and the top of the doorway is inlaid with a stone plaque of "Guyang A County". Passing through the city gate, it is a long and narrow street, on both sides is a brick and wood structure of ancient shops one by one, dense turns stretch from west to east for more than 5 miles, the stone steps, stone piers, and slab paved shop doors on both sides of the old street mostly maintain the appearance of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the simple appearance of the tile eaves quietly tells the prosperity and prosperity of Dayang.

"There are two big yangs in the east and west, four villages in the north and south, ninety-three pavilions, seventy-two alleys, seven cities and eight ridges, and five miles of old streets." Reading the catchy smooth mouth, Wang Yaotao took the reporter to shuttle through the ancient town, through the names of the alleys with distinctive characteristics such as Vinegar Fang Lane, Qian Shi Lane, Zaoshi Lane, and Caishi Lane, you can imagine the prosperity of these old streets; Those hidden in the ancient alleys of the "Champion Mansion", "Guangludi" and other door plaques, as well as the Champion Archway, the Grace Archway, and the Holy Decree Archway, are quietly revealing the profound official culture here; The exquisite set of square windows, stone carvings and wood carvings, and carved leaky windows all over the streets and alleys use silent language to convey the prosperity of "people gathering thousands of households and businessmen......

After thousands of years of prosperity, Dayang Ancient Town once again ushered in new vitality. In recent years, Dayang Town has actively carried out the protection and revitalization of traditional villages, and implemented a series of innovative measures. In 2016, the overall planning of tourist attractions was successfully completed, and Dayang Ancient Town Tourism Development Co., Ltd. was formally established. In 2021, taking the "100 Villages and 100 Hospitals" project as an opportunity, we will actively revitalize idle rural resources, and successfully build the ancient charm Zezhou Taihang B&B cluster through the in-depth integration strategy of "traditional village protection + cultural tourism + health care", and ancillary industries such as health and physiotherapy centers, tea brewing around the hearth, music bars, and sunshine bookstores have also sprung up.

The stream is murmuring, the shade of the trees covers the sun, appreciate the intangible cultural heritage folk customs, taste the traditional culture, and enjoy the ancient homestay...... Tourists are constantly blending with the ancient atmosphere in the food, accommodation and travel. "Dayang Ancient Town has both the gentleness of the south, the majesty of the north, and the very wonderful iron flower performance, living here feels that time has slowed down, every brick and stone, every wooden beam exudes the charm of the years, as if immersed in the embrace of history." Li Li, a tourist who heard the "name", bluntly said that she would come again.

borrowed the style of cultural tourism and told the story of the ancient town. Today's Dayang Ancient Town, on the premise of ensuring the core characteristics and overall style of the ancient town, has successively restored the ancestral house of the Zhang family and the chessboard courtyard, relying on the new form of "immersion +" cultural tourism, so that tourists can better and more deeply experience the ancient charm and new scenery of this ancient town.

(Source: Shanxi News Network)

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