
#记录我的2024#说起来末代皇帝溥仪的户口簿, the above academic qualifications say junior high school, the marital status is divorced, and the place where he lives is not the Forbidden City where the emperor lived before

author:Tao knowledge

#记录我的2024#说起来末代皇帝溥仪的户口簿, the above academic qualifications say junior high school, the marital status is divorced, and the place where he lives is not the Forbidden City where the emperor lived before, but to live with the fifth sister's family. But who believes? The emperor's education level is as simple as junior high school?

Pu Yi, he became an emperor at the age of three, retired at the age of six, and later ate fifteen years in prison, from a high-ranking emperor to an ordinary person, this life experience is more exciting than the TV series. The last few sentences he wrote, only twenty-eight words, it can be seen that although he knew that he was dying, he still wanted to live for a few more years, and he let go of everything in his heart.

When it comes to Puyi's calligraphy, it is called a delicate, noble atmosphere when you look at it, the regular script is neat like a mold carved out, and the line writing is called a smooth. When he was a child, his teachers were all top-notch, including Lu Runxiang, Zhu Yifan, Chen Baochen, and a foreign teacher Johnston, who graduated from Oxford University, taught him foreign languages, and was so powerful that he could translate the Four Books and Five Classics into English.

Once, Wang Guowei showed Pu Yi his precious calligraphy and paintings, and Pu Yi pointed to them casually and said that these were fake. Wang Guowei was still not convinced, Pu Yi smiled, saying that he didn't understand the advanced knowledge of those appraisals, but seeing things differently from those at home, and his intuition was fake. Also, it was said that Pu Yi went to the Forbidden City to play, and found that the portraits of Guangxu and his father Zaifeng were wrong, and he asked an expert to say this, but the expert still didn't recognize it, Pu Yi was happy, and said: "Can I not even know my own father?" "Of course, this thing is made up, but Pu Yi's knowledge, if you go to evaluate a doctorate, it will be absolutely fine.

#记录我的2024#说起来末代皇帝溥仪的户口簿, the above academic qualifications say junior high school, the marital status is divorced, and the place where he lives is not the Forbidden City where the emperor lived before
#记录我的2024#说起来末代皇帝溥仪的户口簿, the above academic qualifications say junior high school, the marital status is divorced, and the place where he lives is not the Forbidden City where the emperor lived before
#记录我的2024#说起来末代皇帝溥仪的户口簿, the above academic qualifications say junior high school, the marital status is divorced, and the place where he lives is not the Forbidden City where the emperor lived before
#记录我的2024#说起来末代皇帝溥仪的户口簿, the above academic qualifications say junior high school, the marital status is divorced, and the place where he lives is not the Forbidden City where the emperor lived before

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