
After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

author:Entertainment analysis
After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"Love is not a vigorous confession, but a long-term effort." Pang Qiqi didn't really understand the deep meaning of this sentence until he was eighteen years old.

The night is like ink, and the cicadas are chirping outside the window. Pang Qiqi was sitting at the desk and was busy writing, when she suddenly heard a soft knock on the door.

"Kiki, are you sleeping?" A deep male voice rang out.

"No, Dad." She replied subconsciously, but was stunned the moment she finished speaking.

The man she called "Dad", named Zhang Guojun, was her stepfather.

When Pang Qiqi was 13 years old, her mother took her to remarry this simple factory worker.

At first, Pang Qiqi was wary of this man who suddenly broke into her life, but Zhang Guojun used his unique way to melt her heart defense bit by bit.

The door opened quietly, and Zhang Guojun's tall figure appeared at the door. There was a slight exhaustion on his face, but he couldn't hide the softness in his eyes.

"You're still studying so late?" He asked softly, his eyes full of concern.

Pang Qiqi nodded, looking at this man who didn't talk much on weekdays with some puzzlement.

Zhang Guojun hesitated, took out an envelope from his pocket, and handed it to her.

"What is this?" Pang Qiqi took the envelope suspiciously, and felt the unusual thickness between the tentacles.

"Open it and take a look." Zhang Guojun said with a smile.

When Pang Qiqi opened the envelope and saw the neat wad of banknotes inside, she was speechless with surprise.

Looking up at Zhang Guojun, he saw a gleam of relief and pride in his eyes.

"This 10,000 yuan is a reward for you." Zhang Guojun said softly, "The results of the college entrance examination are out, and I heard your mother say that you did well in the exam." ”

At this moment, Pang Qiqi suddenly realized that although this man was not her biological father, he gave her the most sincere fatherly love.

A warm current welled up in her heart, and she felt her nose sour, tears rolling in her eyes.

Pang Qiqi held the pile of banknotes, and her heart was mixed. She recalled the bits and pieces that Zhang Guojun had paid silently in the past five years.

On the days of salary payment every month, Zhang Guojun always gave most of the money to his mother, leaving only a small part for himself.

After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

At first, Pang Qiqi thought that her stepfather was a "strict wife", until one day, she accidentally found that Zhang Guojun secretly bought her a pair of sneakers that she had loved for a long time.

"If you like it," Zhang Guojun said with a smile, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were loving, "Don't tell your mother, I secretly saved it." ”

Since then, Pang Qiqi has begun to pay attention to Zhang Guojun's every move. She found that this seemingly rugged man was actually as delicate as a hair.

He would quietly put a glass of hot milk at the door while she stayed up late studying; will take the initiative to take care of household chores during her menstrual period; She will even remember the little wishes she casually mentioned and quietly fulfill them on her birthday.

Once, Pang Qiqi overheard a conversation between Zhang Guojun and his mother.

"Do you want to have another child?" Mother asked.

Zhang Guojun was silent for a while, and said softly: "No need. It is enough to have a daughter of Kiki, and I am afraid that another child will take away her favor. ”

At that moment, Pang Qiqi felt a warmth in her heart, and her eyes were slightly moist.

With the advent of the third year of high school, the financial pressure on the family is also increasing day by day. Pang Qiqi often saw her mother worrying about tuition fees, while Zhang Guojun always worked overtime silently.

Sometimes, she would secretly see Zhang Guojun squatting in the yard smoking a cigarette, frowning.

"Dad," Pang Qiqi plucked up the courage to say one day, "or I don't want to go to college?" ”

Zhang Guojun raised his head suddenly, a trace of surprise and distress flashed in his eyes.

He touched Pang Qiqi's head and said firmly: "Don't be stupid, you have to study hard." Dad can still make money, you don't have to worry about it. ”

At that moment, Pang Qiqi suddenly realized that although this man was not good at words, he interpreted the depth of father's love with his actions.

She secretly vowed to study hard and live up to her stepfather's expectations.

She remembered that on the eve of the college entrance examination, Zhang Guojun quietly stuffed Pang Qiqi with a small red envelope. "Buy some delicious food to replenish your brain," he said with a smile, "Go for the exam!" ”

Pang Qiqi looked at the thin red envelope, but felt a heavy love in her heart.

After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

She knows that in the coming days, she will fight for her future and repay this silent love.

After the college entrance examination, Pang Qiqi was relieved, but the atmosphere at home became more and more solemn.

She overheard the dispute between her mother and Zhang Guojun, and realized that the family was unable to make ends meet for her tuition.

"Or ...... Shall I borrow money? Zhang Guojun whispered, with exhaustion and helplessness in his voice.

"Borrowing money? Are you crazy? The mother said excitedly, "We are already in debt!" ”

Pang Qiqi stood outside the door, her heart like a knife. She thought of Zhang Guojun's dedication over the years, and the guilt came like a tide.

That night, she tossed and turned, determined to share the pressure on her family.

The next day, Pang Qiqi quietly went to a nearby supermarket to apply for a part-time job. The boss read her resume and said in embarrassment: "Just graduated from high school? I don't have much work experience. ”

Just when Pang Qiqi was about to give up hope, Zhang Guojun suddenly appeared at the door of the supermarket.

He ran over out of breath and said to his boss, "She is very diligent and has a strong learning ability. I can vouch for it. ”

Pang Qiqi looked at her stepfather in surprise, not understanding how he knew he was here. Zhang Guojun glanced at her and whispered, "Dad has been paying attention to you." ”

Although this job is hard, Pang Qiqi gritted her teeth and persevered. Every day after work, she can see Zhang Guojun waiting for her at the door of the supermarket.

Sometimes he would bring an insulated lunch box with her favorite dishes; Sometimes it's a cold drink to cool off the heat.

As the summer vacation draws to a close, Pang feels increasingly anxious that despite her hard work, she has saved up far enough money for school fees. She began to think about whether she wanted to give up on her college dreams.

One night, Pang Qiqi plucked up her courage and said to Zhang Guojun: "Dad, I want to ...... I want to work for a few years and then go to college when I save enough money. ”

Zhang Guojun was stunned, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes. He was silent for a long time before he said slowly: "Kiki, Dad knows that you are thinking about your family. However, your future is more important than anything else. ”

Pang Qiqi lowered her head, and tears flowed down her eyes. Zhang Guojun patted her shoulder gently, and his voice was firm and gentle: "Believe Dad, everything will be fine." ”

At that moment, Pang Qiqi felt an unprecedented warmth and strength. She raised her head and saw a determined glint in Zhang Guojun's eyes.

After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

Although she didn't know what the future would hold, she suddenly had confidence that as long as she had this man by her side, all difficulties could be overcome.

Late at night, Pang Qiqi lay in bed, thinking about the bits and pieces of these days.

She didn't know what other plans Zhang Guojun had, but she decided to work hard no matter what to live up to her stepfather's expectations and dedication.

With this determination, she slowly fell asleep, looking forward to tomorrow.

On the day the college entrance examination results were announced, Pang Qiqi's mobile phone kept vibrating. She took a deep breath and clicked on the score website with a trembling voice.

When she saw the score displayed on the screen, she covered her mouth in surprise and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Mom! Father! I got in! She rushed out of the room, shouting excitedly.

Her mother immediately rushed over and hugged her, crying with joy. Zhang Guojun stood aside, with a pleased smile on his face, and the corners of his eyes were slightly moist.

"Well done, Kiki!" He patted Pang Qiqi lightly on the shoulder, his voice full of pride.

After the joy, the pressure of reality hit again. Pang Qiqi secretly calculated the tuition and living expenses, and her heart was heavy.

She knows that even if she adds the income from her summer job, the family's savings are far from enough.

That night, Pang Qiqi tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She got up to go to the kitchen to drink water, but unexpectedly heard Zhang Guojun and her mother talking.

"Guojun, have you really decided?" There was concern in the mother's voice.

"Well, I've already negotiated with the factory, and I'll go through the formalities tomorrow." Zhang Guojun replied in a low voice.

"But your knees ......"

"It's okay, I can do it. Kiki's tuition matters. ”

Pang Qiqi held her breath, her heart beating wildly. She remembered that some time ago, Zhang Guojun went to the hospital for a check-up because of knee pain, and the doctor suggested that he change to a more relaxed job.

Is he going to do harder work for his own tuition?

Early the next morning, Pang Qiqi deliberately got up very early and saw Zhang Guojun preparing to go out.

"Dad, where are you going?" She asked casually.

Zhang Guojun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Oh, there is something going on in the factory." ”

After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

Pang Qiqi noticed that his eyes flickered a little, and she was more sure of her guess.

She plucked up the courage and said, "Dad, actually...... I was thinking about whether I should work for a few years before going to college. ”

Zhang Guojun's expression instantly became serious: "Qiqi, don't think nonsense. You've finally been admitted to university, so you must go. ”

"But ......"

"It's nothing," Zhang Guojun interrupted her, his tone firm, "You just have to go to school with peace of mind, and leave the rest to Dad." ”

Looking at the back of Zhang Guojun leaving, Pang Qiqi had mixed feelings in her heart. How she wished she could share the pressure on her family, but she couldn't bear to live up to her stepfather's expectations.

That night, Pang Qiqi lay on the bed, thinking about Zhang Guojun's love for her over the years.

From the initial strangeness to the current intimacy, this man interprets what true fatherly love is with his actions.

She secretly made up her mind that she must study hard and repay her stepfather's kindness when she has the ability in the future.

Just as Pang Qiqi was about to fall asleep, there was a soft knock on the door. She sat up confused.

"Kiki, are you sleeping?" Zhang Guojun's voice came from outside the door.

Pang Qiqi hurriedly responded: "No, Dad." ”

The door slowly opened, and Zhang Guojun's tall figure appeared at the door. He held an envelope in his hand, and his face was a little tired, but he couldn't hide the softness in his eyes.

"There's something I want to tell you." Zhang Guojun walked to the side of the bed and sat down gently.

Pang Qiqi noticed that her stepfather's hand trembled slightly, and her heart couldn't help but tighten. Zhang Guojun took a deep breath and handed her the envelope: "This is for you." ”

Opening the envelope, Pang Qiqi was surprised to find a thick pile of banknotes inside. She looked up at Zhang Guojun, her eyes full of doubt.

"It's your tuition and living expenses," Mr. Zhang explained softly.

Pang Qiqi was speechless in shock. She knew the family's financial situation, and the money was undoubtedly astronomical for them.

"Dad, this ...... Where does this money come from? She asked, trembling.

Zhang Guojun showed a pleased smile: "Remember that I always worked overtime before?" Actually, that's when I started saving money for you. ”

"Later, I took a part-time job delivering supper, although it was harder, but I thought it was for your future, and I felt that it was worth it."

Pang Qiqi felt her nose sore, and tears rolled in her eyes.

She remembered that in those days, Zhang Guojun always came home late, and sometimes even fell asleep with exhaustion. It turned out that he had been paying silently.

After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

Zhang Guojun continued: "Also, I sold the land in my hometown, although I was reluctant, but your college is our family's top priority. ”

This sentence was like a hammer that hit Pang Qiqi's heart. That piece of land is Zhang Guojun's only savings, and he once said that he would keep it for retirement.

Now, for the sake of his studies, he did not hesitate to give it up.

"Dad......" Pang Qiqi choked up, tears finally bursting out of her eyes.

Zhang Guojun patted her shoulder gently: "Don't cry, you are my daughter, if I don't pay for you, who else can I pay for?" ”

At this moment, Pang Qiqi suddenly understood what true fatherly love was.

It doesn't need blood relations, it doesn't need a vigorous confession, but in ordinary days, silently pay and sacrifice.

Zhang Guojun continued, his voice gentle but firm, "Qiqi, you have to remember that we have the responsibility to create a better future for you, you just have to study hard and become a useful person to society in the future, this is the best reward for us." ”

Pang Qiqi hugged Zhang Guojun tightly and cried silently.

She felt her stepfather's broad shoulders and smelled the faint smell of tobacco on him, and a warmth and strength swelled up in her heart like never before.

"Dad, I promise," she sobbed, "that I will study hard and live up to your expectations." ”

Zhang Guojun gently stroked her hair, and tears of relief flashed in his eyes: "I believe in you, Qiqi." You are my pride. ”

That night, the father and daughter had a long talk, telling what they had been saying over the years.

Pang Qiqi really understood the difficulties of her stepfather for the first time, and cherished this hard-won family affection even more.

When the morning light was faint, Zhang Guojun got up and prepared to leave. Pang Qiqi suddenly stopped him: "Dad, when I graduate and work, I will return to you all the things you have paid for me over the years." ”

Zhang Guojun turned around, with a loving smile on his face: "Silly girl, parents' dedication to their children is never to ask for returns. ”

"You just have to remember that no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, Dad will always be your strongest backing."

After her father died, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knocked on her door in the middle of the night and gave her 10,000 yuan to keep quiet

Looking at the back of Zhang Guojun's departure, Pang Qiqi felt full of strength and hope in her heart.

She knows that her life journey has just begun, and with this deep love as the support, she will be able to create a wonderful future of her own.

This story tells us that love knows no blood, and true fatherly love is silent dedication and giving.

Zhang Guojun used his actions to interpret what fatherly love is, while Pang Qiqi perfectly interpreted gratitude with her growth and returns.

In life, we often ignore the people around us who are silently giving.

They may not be good at words, but they interpret the true meaning of love with practical actions. This kind of silent love is often the most precious and touching.

Zhang Guojun would rather endure hardships himself than let Pang Qiqi receive a good education, because he knows that knowledge can change a person's fate.

And Pang Qiqi did not live up to her stepfather's expectations and proved the value of education with her own efforts.

Gratitude and reciprocation are equally important, Pang Qiqi did not forget Zhang Guojun's dedication, but reciprocated immediately after he had the ability.

This kind of character of gratitude and gratitude is exactly the virtue we should promote.

Let us learn to cherish the efforts of those around us, feel those silent love with our hearts, and know how to reciprocate when we have the ability in the future.

In this way, our society can be warmer and more harmonious.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
