
On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children

author:Entertainment analysis
On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


The red candle was flickering and beaming, this should have been the best moment in Zhang Baozhu's life.

On the wedding night, her husband Wang Junsheng's words were like a basin of cold water that extinguished her joy.

"Baozhu, I have something to hide from you......" Wang Junsheng hesitated, his face pale.

Zhang Baozhu's heart tightened, and she held her husband's hand: "Junsheng, what's wrong?" We're going to face something together. ”

"I ...... I'll probably never be able to be a dad for the rest of my life. After Wang Junsheng finished speaking, he lowered his head.

Zhang Baozhu was stunned. She remembered the bits and pieces of acquaintance and love, and remembered the scene of the two families happily preparing for the wedding.

She hugged her husband lovingly: "It's not your fault......"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a heavy knock on the door. Zhang Baozhu opened the door, and it was his father-in-law Wang Daqiang.

"Baozhu, you come out for a moment." Wang Daqiang's expression was solemn.

Zhang Baozhu followed her father-in-law to the courtyard. Wang Daqiang looked around and lowered his voice: "Baozhu, Junsheng's kid is useless, and he can't give birth to children." But don't worry, Dad has a way to ......"

Zhang Baozhu is 24 years old, she is a beautiful and sensible girl, she and Wang Junsheng are childhood sweethearts, and they have no guesses.

Although Wang Junsheng's family background is average, he is loyal and honest. Zhang Baozhu married him and wanted to spend his life hand in hand with him. Unexpectedly, before the wedding was over, I heard such news.

She was so confused, and her father-in-law's words made her even more confused. But one thing is clear to her: she will not abandon Wang Junsheng.

In the courtyard, Wang Daqiang was still chattering: "Junsheng can't give birth, we can find someone to help." Baozhu, you listen to Dad, find a healthy person......"

"Dad, what did you say?" Wang Junsheng rushed out and stood in front of Zhang Baozhu, "I can't give birth, it's because I'm sorry for Baozhu." But we'll face it together, and we don't need anyone else to interfere! ”

The father-in-law and her husband quarreled, and Zhang Baozhu was worried. This wedding night is really a toss-up......

On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children

Zhang Baozhu was shocked by her father-in-law's words. She never expected that her father-in-law would make such a suggestion. She had mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing this, Wang Junsheng hurriedly stepped forward and hugged his wife: "Baozhu, don't listen to my father's nonsense." We will have children of our own, and even if we don't, we will be happy. ”

Zhang Baozhu leaned on her husband's arms, and tears couldn't stop flowing. She felt her husband's love and determination, and the gloom in her heart gradually dissipated.

The next day, Zhang Baozhu took the initiative to find her father-in-law and expressed her attitude: "Dad, I married Junsheng because I love him, not to have children." We're going to face it in our own way. ”

When my father-in-law heard this, his face turned pale, and he slammed the door and left. Zhang Baozhu and Wang Junsheng looked at each other.

In the following days, his father-in-law changed his way to put pressure on Zhang Baozhu. He came to the house twice in three days, and talked about giving birth to a child.

Sometimes, he even directly brought the so-called "candidates" and asked Zhang Baozhu to meet them.

Zhang Baozhu refused every time, but her heart became more and more chaotic. She didn't understand, why was her father-in-law so obsessed with letting her have a baby?

Is it true that the child is more important than the feelings of the son and daughter-in-law?

Wang Junsheng saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He knew that his wife was under tremendous pressure, but he couldn't help it.

He began to blame himself, feeling that it was all his fault for not being able to have children.

Zhang Baozhu noticed her husband's emotional changes, and she was very distressed. She took the initiative to comfort her husband and told him that it was not his fault and that they would get through it together.

But Wang Junsheng's inferiority complex grew stronger, and he began to hide from his wife and shut himself in his room all day. Zhang Baozhu knocked on the door, and he shouldn't.

The bitterness in Zhang Baozhu's heart is accumulating more and more. She thought, maybe her father-in-law was right, if she really gave birth to a child for the Wang family, maybe everything would be fine.

At this moment, by chance, Zhang Baozhu discovered the real reason why his father-in-law was in a hurry to hold his grandson.

It turned out that the ancestors of the Wang family had a huge inheritance, but only male descendants could inherit it. If there are no men in this generation, this property will be lost.

Zhang Baozhu suddenly realized that everything was for money! She was so angry that she decided to join her husband in resisting her father-in-law's unreasonable demands.

However, when she told Wang Junsheng about this, she found that her husband's attitude had changed subtly.

When Zhang Baozhu told Wang Junsheng about the Wang family's inheritance, she thought that her husband would be as angry as she and rebelled against her father-in-law's unreasonable demands.

But to her surprise, Wang Junsheng fell silent.

On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children

"Junsheng, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Baozhu looked at her husband suspiciously.

Wang Junsheng raised his head, his eyes were complicated: "Baozhu, I'm thinking, if we can really inherit the Wang family, maybe it's not a bad thing......"

Zhang Baozhu was stunned. She couldn't believe her ears. How could her husband, the man who had sworn to defend their feelings to the death, say such a thing?

"Junsheng, are you crazy? Have you forgotten our promise? Zhang Baozhu's tears welled up in her eyes.

Wang Junsheng avoided his wife's gaze, and there was hesitation in his tone: "Baozhu, that inheritance, is an opportunity for us......"

"Opportunity? Do you use our feelings, our dignity, as bargaining chips? ”

Zhang Baozhu's heart is like a knife. She never imagined that the man she loved would let her do that kind of thing for the sake of money.

Wang Junsheng was stung by his wife's words. He jerked to his feet and rushed out of the room.

Zhang Baozhu sat in place, tears blurring her vision. She felt the world spin around, as if the whole world had collapsed.

For the next few days, the couple barely communicated. Wang Junsheng locked himself in his room, not eating or drinking. Zhang Baozhu also has no intention of doing housework, she washes her face with tears all day long, and her heart is like ashes.

When my father-in-law saw them like this, he was happy. He put pressure on Zhang Baozhu even more unscrupulously, and even threatened her that if she did not agree, she would sever the father-son relationship.

Zhang Baozhu felt suffocated. She wanted to escape from this nightmare, but she couldn't bear to leave Wang Junsheng. She knew that her husband was also suffering at the moment.

He must have been bewitched by his father-in-law's words to have such thoughts.

She decided to give her husband another chance. She wants him to understand that their relationship can't be bought by money.

One night, Zhang Baozhu cooked Wang Junsheng's favorite dish and knocked on his door. Wang Junsheng opened the door and saw his wife's haggard face, and his heart ached.

"Junsheng, let's talk." Zhang Baozhu said softly.

Wang Junsheng silently took the meal from his wife's hand, and the two were relatively speechless.

"We said that we would face all the difficulties together and never give ......up," Zhang Baozhu said in a choked voice.

Wang Junsheng's eyes also turned red. He put down the dishes and chopsticks and held his wife's hand tightly: "I'm sorry...... I shouldn't be shaken...... We ......"

Just then, footsteps were heard outside the door. The father-in-law came uninvited and strode in: "Junsheng, you two divorce!" ”

Zhang Baozhu was stung by her father-in-law's words. She held back her tears and stood up: "Dad, we really love each other, and I will not divorce Junsheng." ”

On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children

"Truly in love? If you really love him, you should think about him and give him a baby! Wang Daqiang sneered, "You think I don't know your mind?" You just want to usurp the property of our royal family! ”

Zhang Baozhu trembled with anger. She couldn't believe that she would be framed by her father-in-law like this. She looked at Wang Junsheng, hoping that he would stand up and speak for her.

At this moment, Wang Junsheng suddenly raised his head and looked at his father with a firm look: "Dad, you are wrong. Orb is not that kind of person. ”

Wang Daqiang was stunned. He didn't expect his son to suddenly contradict him.

Wang Junsheng walked up to Zhang Baozhu and took her hand: "Baozhu, I'm sorry." I shouldn't have doubted you. I know you truly love me. ”

Zhang Baozhu's tears welled up in her eyes. She held her husband's hand tightly and felt his sincerity and determination.

Wang Junsheng turned to his father and said in a resolute tone: "Dad, the relationship between me and Baozhu is not something that anyone can destroy. Even without that inheritance, we will live happily ever after. ”

Wang Daqiang's face turned pale with anger. He didn't expect his son to give up a huge fortune for a woman.

"You...... You rebel! If you are obsessed, don't recognize me as a dad again! He said viciously, and turned to leave.

Wang Junsheng stopped him: "Dad, don't go." There's one thing I have to tell you......"

Wang Daqiang stopped and looked at his son suspiciously.

Wang Junsheng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Dad, actually...... We already have children. ”

"What?" Wang Daqiang and Zhang Baozhu exclaimed at the same time.

Wang Junsheng smiled and gently put his hand on his wife's lower abdomen: "Baozhu, didn't you find it?" You haven't had your period for three months, it's been three months......"

Zhang Baozhu's eyes widened. She couldn't believe her ears. This...... How is this possible?

Wang Junsheng looked at his wife's shocked expression, and his eyes were full of tenderness: "Baozhu, I'm sorry, I've been hiding it from you." Actually, I don't have infertility. I was just...... Just wanted to test your feelings for me......"

Zhang Baozhu's tears burst again. It turned out that all this was a well-designed test for the husband. He was using this as a way to prove her love for him......

Wang Daqiang looked at his son and daughter-in-law dumbfounded, and was speechless for a while. He never expected that things would take such a turn.

Zhang Baozhu looked at her husband with teary eyes, with mixed feelings in her heart. She was both moved by her husband's deep love for her, and angry that he had tested her in this way.

"Junsheng, do you know how uncomfortable I am during this time? Do you know how much stress I was under? She choked and pounded her husband's chest.

On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children

Wang Junsheng hugged his wife distressedly and patted her on the back: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have deceived you like this, I'm just too afraid of losing you!" ”

It turned out that Wang Junsheng knew that his family had this inheritance since he was a child. He also knew that if he had no offspring, the money would fall into someone else's hands.

So, when he found out that the woman he loved was actually married to him for money, his heart was completely cold.

He didn't believe Zhang Baozhu's feelings for him. He decided to use this extreme way to test her sincerity.

He deliberately said that he was infertile on the wedding night, and deliberately asked his father to stimulate Zhang Baozhu, just to see if she would betray their relationship for money.

However, Zhang Baozhu's performance was completely unexpected by him. Not only did she not waver, but stood by his side more firmly.

She was even willing to give up that huge inheritance for him.

This moved Wang Junsheng, and he realized that he was wrong. He shouldn't hurt the woman who loves him deeply in this way.

He decided that he would confess everything to his wife and ask for her forgiveness.

After listening to her husband's explanation, Zhang Baozhu's resentment gradually dissipated. She understands her husband's insecurities and fears.

She knows how precious sincere feelings are in this materialistic society.

She took the initiative to hug her husband and whispered in his ear: "We all have to cherish each other well, and don't let misunderstandings and doubts hurt our feelings anymore." ”

Wang Junsheng hugged his wife tightly, tears wetting his eyes. He vowed that from now on, he would love this woman well and never let her be harmed again.

Wang Daqiang on the side looked at this scene with mixed feelings in his heart. He suddenly realized how stupid and selfish he had been all these years.

For the sake of that inheritance, he did not hesitate to hurt the feelings of his son and daughter-in-law. He even wanted to force his daughter-in-law to do that kind of immoral thing......

He lowered his head in shame, stepped forward, and apologized to his son and daughter-in-law: "Junsheng, Baozhu, it's me who is not good...... I only care about money, but I forget that the most important thing is your happiness. ”

"From now on, Dad will never interfere in your life again......"

Wang Junsheng and Zhang Baozhu glanced at each other, their eyes full of relief. They know that this turmoil is finally going to pass.

On the wedding night, she learned that her husband could not have children, and her father-in-law called her out and told her how to have children

Seven months later, Zhang Baozhu suddenly had severe pain in her stomach, and she was rushed to the operating room.

Wang Junsheng and Wang Daqiang waited anxiously outside the operating room, praying in their hearts that God would bless the safety of mother and child.

After a few hours, the doctor finally walked out of the operating room. He took off his mask and showed a relieved smile: "Congratulations, mother and son are safe, it's a boy." ”

Wang Junsheng shook the doctor's hand excitedly, tears blurring his vision. He rushed into the ward and saw his wife lying on the bed weakly, but with a happy smile on her face.

"Baozhu, thank you for giving me such a big surprise." Wang Junsheng held his wife's hand, and his tone was full of gratitude.

Zhang Baozhu smiled and gently stroked her husband's face: "You gave me the courage to give birth to this child." ”

Wang Daqiang also walked into the ward and was full of relief when he saw the loving appearance of his son and daughter-in-law. He slowly walked to the bed and gently picked up his little grandson.

"Baozhu, Junsheng, I'm sorry, Dad was too selfish before, from now on, Dad will definitely treat you well and love this child well." The old man's eyes glistened with tears.

Wang Junsheng and Zhang Baozhu glanced at each other, their eyes full of emotion. They know that this family is finally about to usher in new hope.

Since then, Wang Daqiang has been holding his little grandson, and the smile on his face has not stopped.

He knew that this child was not only the hope of the Wang family, but also the crystallization of the love between his son and daughter-in-law.

Since then, there are no more estrangements and contradictions in the Wang family. The relationship between Wang Junsheng and Zhang Baozhu has also been sublimated in this turmoil.

They understand that sincere love needs to be tested. Only by trusting each other and tolerating each other can we protect this hard-won happiness.

Love and money are not the same. True love should be based on mutual understanding and trust.

It should not be swayed by matter, let alone swayed by external pressure.

In this materialistic society, we should learn to cherish the people around us and those who are truly good to us.

We must bravely face all kinds of trials in life, and defend our love with sincerity and courage.

This story also tells us that family harmony is inseparable from the efforts of each member.

We must learn to understand each other, tolerate each other, resolve conflicts with love, and warm each other with sincerity.

Only in this way can we harvest a happy family.

Let us take Wang Junsheng and Zhang Baozhu as an example, build our own happy life with love, and let us work together to create a tomorrow full of hope and warmth.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
