
Encourage the whole people to control their weight, and 16 departments issued a document to support them!

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station

June 26th

The National Health Commission held a press conference

Introduce information on strengthening weight management

Sixteen departments jointly launched the "Year of Weight Management".

It is designed to deal with overweight, obesity and other problems

At the press conference

A number of experts gave a detailed introduction

Ideas and methods for weight management

Encourage the whole people to control their weight, and 16 departments issued a document to support them!


How do I determine a reasonable weight?

Too high or too low should not be

Zhao Wenhua, a researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that a person's reasonable weight can be determined by calculating the BMI index. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight (expressed in kg) by your height (in meters) squared. For example, a 30-year-old person, weighing 60kg and standing 1.7m, can divide 60 by 1.7 twice, BMI = 20.8kg/m2. After that, you can compare the BMI scale to know whether the weight is reasonable. Public information also shows that the normal BMI range for adults aged 18 and above is 18.5~23.9, the overweight range is 24~27.9, the obesity is more than 28, and the lower than 18.5 is underweight.

Waist circumference can also be used to determine whether the weight is reasonable. Zhao Wenhua introduced that the fat distribution can be seen through the waist circumference, and the specific need to refer to the ruler.

"BMI and waist circumference are two independent criteria for judging overweight and obesity." Zhao Wenhua said that the two indicators are independent risk factors for obesity-related chronic diseases and health problems, and both indicators are abnormal, and the superimposed risk is greater.

"We hope that everyone will convey the idea that being too high or too low is not good and will have an impact on human health, and we hope that everyone will use two rulers to measure constantly." Zhao Wenhua said.

In addition, some people are overweight but the relevant physical indicators are not abnormal, Zhao Wenhua explained that most overweight people, especially young people, are largely "simple obesity", which is also called "energy excess obesity" in nutrition. For this group of people, especially young people, it should be the group that is most likely to return to a healthy weight through weight management.

Encourage the whole people to control their weight, and 16 departments issued a document to support them!

Photo/Xinhua News Agency


How to manage weight?

Zhao Wenhua explained

Causes of being overweight or obese

The most fundamental thing is that

An imbalance between eating and moving

The key to losing weight and losing weight must be to strictly control the total energy intake of eating, so that "enough is good", or even "eating less is better"; On the other hand, we must spend the energy we eat, especially the energy we eat more, and we should insist on "moving a little more", and balance the two in.

"Here, from a nutritional or dietary perspective, it is very important to control the total energy intake of the diet. Therefore, I hope that everyone can work together little by little, and learn to estimate the energy of the food you eat, which foods are relatively high in energy, and make sure that you do not consume more energy than you need. She said.

In addition to energy balance, she also advises that staple foods should not be overly refined. In this way, the body's balanced intake of various nutrients can be met and health can be guaranteed. Zhao Wenhua specifically said that there may be certain misunderstandings in the current popular diets, such as fasting, excessive dieting, low-carbohydrate diets (not eating staple foods), and even the ketogenic diet. These ideas believe that not eating staple foods or fats is good for the body, but they ignore the need for a variety of foods and nutrients for human health.

"Therefore, the diet should not only be varied, but also have a regular diet, and blind weight loss will not only fail to achieve the goal of weight loss, but may also lead to weight regain and even bring greater health harm." She stressed.

Xu Jianfang, director and researcher of the National Physical Fitness and Scientific Fitness Research Center of the Institute of Sports Science of the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China, gave suggestions on sports. Generally speaking, exercise fat loss begins with low-to-moderate aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, and long-distance cycling, along with strength exercises. For people with a large weight base and no exercise habits, it is not recommended to run for a long time, and you can use swimming, cycling, rowing and other activities to reduce the load on your knees.

Xu Jianfang also recommends controlling the intensity of each exercise. In the early stage of weight loss, running should not be too fast, too fast speed or too much intensity, but will make the body's energy consumption based on glycogen and less fat consumption. However, if the strength is too small, the total calories are small or insufficient, and the fat loss effect will be reduced.

In addition, the frequency of exercise should also be mastered. He stressed that excessive frequency may lead to insufficient recovery of the body, resulting in joint sports injuries, and the weight loss effect of "three days of fishing and two days of drying nets" is not good. "So, you have to have good recovery nutrition. Finally, it is reminded that when doing scientific exercise, we must have a fully targeted warm-up, as well as relaxation and stretching after exercise, which can promote our recovery and regeneration. He said.

Encourage the whole people to control their weight, and 16 departments issued a document to support them!

Photo/Xinhua News Agency


Exercise every day and control your diet without losing weight

What is the reason?

Exercising every day and controlling your diet without losing weight can be a constant topic for dieters. Xu Jianfang said that the weight loss effect cannot be judged only by weight changes, and among the main components of the human body, in addition to bones, fat and muscle, the density of muscle is 1.2-1.4 times that of fat. After exercising for a while, there may be no change in weight, but fat loss and muscle gain.

"Actually, this is a good phenomenon, because it not only makes us look thinner and more beautiful, but also because it optimizes the muscles of our body, that is, the optimization of our body composition, it has a good effect on our health." He said.

Xu Jianfang suggested that the body fat percentage test can be used to understand the changes in the fat content in the body and comprehensively judge the progress of weight loss.


Some people have excessive fat accumulation in their abdomen

Do only abdominal muscle exercises

Can it have a weight loss effect?

Xu Jianfang explained that the mobilization of fat is systemic, and the exercise of specific parts has no obvious effect on the consumption of fat in specific parts, but it is effective for muscle strengthening in specific parts.

For people who have lived in the office for a long time and have no time to exercise for a long time, Xu Jianfang's suggestion is that movement is beneficial, and as long as they move, the body will be consumed. "We have a number of exercises of less than 10 minutes a day, which are effective and beneficial for our fat loss and our physical health." He said, "Through strength exercises, we increase the basal metabolic rate, and the fat consumption in the quiet state of the body increases, which can have the effect of fat loss." ”

"In view of the current fast pace of work, study and life, we advocate 'sports life' and 'sports fragmentation', that is, the use of all available time. For example, we can walk a little more to commute to work, for example, we can get down early and take a walk by bus. In addition, if our knee and ankle joints are fine, we can climb the stairs when we take the subway, and we can also do some short-term exercises, such as some simple stretching, when we are in the office. In short, we advocate that exercise be a 'snack' in our lives like a 'snack', which has a good effect on our health promotion. He said.

Source: Xinhua News Agency, Southern Metropolis Daily

Editor: Zhang Fan

Editor-in-charge: Tian Dechu