
After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

author:Dongboo Geography

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  • Source/Insight Geography
  • Author/Insight Geography

The incident of the Philippine special forces trespassing on the islands and reefs of the South China Sea on the mainland has just ended, and Japan next door has started another incident.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

As early as 20 June, Japan sent more than 10 warships to the vicinity of the mainland's Diaoyu Islands and confronted the mainland's coast guard vessels for more than two hours.

So why is Japan so rampant, and what happened during this period?

Japanese ships trespassed on the Diaoyu Islands

After Japan's Ebisu and other fishing boats set out from Japan, they came to our Diaoyu Islands to carry out fishing operations, and in fact this is not the first time that they have entered the waters near the Diaoyu Islands without the permission of the mainland.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

And Japan's rampant does not stop there, in order to "protect" their fishing boats such as the Ebisu, Japan has even sent a number of patrol boats to follow these fishing boats, wanting to take the opportunity to land on the Diaoyu Islands.

Naturally, the mainland coast guard forces that learned of this news will not sit idly by, let alone watch them land on our territory.

Therefore, as soon as they learned the news, the mainland coast guard fighters drove a number of coast guard ships to the nearby waters to intercept the Japanese patrol boats and fishing boats that wanted to trespass without permission.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

When they saw our coast guard vessels coming, they did not choose to fight hard or leave directly, but wanted to bypass our coast guard ships and try to forcibly break into our Diaoyu Islands and their vicinity.

Seeing that they had no intention of leaving, our coast guard immediately went full force to contain them.

You must know that in order to better safeguard the mainland's maritime rights and interests, the coast guard ships equipped by the mainland for the coast guard force not only have a large displacement, but also have a very fast speed, and after a while, they surrounded these Japanese patrol ships.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

During this time, we engaged in a two-hour standoff with the Japanese patrol boats, and in order to force the Japanese patrol boats and fishing boats to leave our territory, the Mainland Coast Guard deterred them with high-pressure water cannons and shouted to them through radio to quickly withdraw from our territory.

At the most serious time, the Japanese patrol ship was about one meter away from our coast guard vessel, and we could clearly hear the movements and words of the Japanese personnel on the boat, which showed the seriousness of the situation at that time.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

You must know that our ships are much larger than the Japanese ships, and the mainland coast guard ships are very tough, if the Japanese patrol ships collide with our coast guard ships, then their coast guard ships will not only be damaged, but even the people on board may be killed.

History of the Diaoyu Islands

As early as the Song Dynasty, the generals of the Song army, who were guarding Fujian, sent their troops to this sea area to defend it, and the Diaoyu Islands were one of their garrisons at that time.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

When the time came to the Ming Dynasty, the emperor sent envoys to the Ryukyus many times, and the Diaoyu Islands were the places that had to be passed.

In modern times, due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty, the island of Taiwan and its affiliated islands were ceded to Japan, including the Diaoyu Islands.

After we won the War of Resistance Against Japan, we recovered the island of Taiwan in accordance with the Potsdam Proclamation, which naturally included the Diaoyu Islands.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

However, since the Kuomintang was defeated and retreated to Taiwan, Taiwan has never returned to the mainland of the motherland, but it is an undeniable fact that Diaoyu Dao belongs to the mainland.

In 2012, the so-called "island purchase" incident occurred in Japan, and after the news reached the mainland, the domestic people were very angry, you must know that the Diaoyu Islands are our inherent territory, and we will not sell them for any amount of money Japan pays, not to mention that we have a deep blood feud with Japan.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

After learning of this incident, 14 Chinese people spontaneously came to the Diaoyu Islands, and they chose to land on the Diaoyu Islands on the day of Japan's surrender in World War II and swear our national sovereignty.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

But the Japanese were not dead, and they sent a number of patrol ships to intercept our people.

Although several people were intercepted by the Japanese, several people still went to the Diaoyu Islands.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

They demolished the lighthouse built by the Japanese on Diaoyu Dao, and at the same time planted our five-star red flag on the highest point of Diaoyu Dao, swearing that Diaoyu Dao belongs to China.

Why Japan is reappearing in the Diaoyu Islands

In addition to wanting to put pressure on the mainland in order to "solidarity" with the Philippines, Japan appeared again this time because it was instructed by the United States behind it.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

As the mainland's naval power grows, it also unnerves the United States, which believes that China's strength will inevitably shake its hegemony and threaten American interests in the Pacific.

That is why the United States has instigated the Philippines and Japan to make a move in the mainland's waters in an attempt to make the mainland have no time to take care of other things.

Once the mainland is tired from these things, it will not only make the mainland have no time to take care of other things in the world and will not be able to participate in international affairs, but will also take the opportunity to have a certain impact on the mainland's international reputation.

In addition to being instigated by the United States, Japan itself has its own motives and purposes.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

The Diaoyu Islands are an inherent territory of the mainland, and in addition to their special geographical location, the Diaoyu Islands are also rich in marine fishery resources and abundant natural gas and oil resources near the Diaoyu Islands.

Once they occupy the Diaoyu Islands, they can take the opportunity to exploit the oil and gas resources near the Diaoyu Islands, thereby illegally appropriating these resources.

At the same time, Japan can also threaten the mainland by occupying the Diaoyu Islands and prevent the mainland's development in the Pacific region.

After a two-hour confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese ship ran into the Chinese coast guard ship and ran into it only 1 meter away

In recent years, the mainland's naval strength has been continuously improved, especially the launch of the mainland's three aircraft carriers into the sea and the equipment of the 055 destroyer, which has strengthened the mainland's strength in the Pacific region, so we have the absolute strength to safeguard the mainland's interests in this sea area.

In addition to standing up for the Philippines and causing some incidents for the mainland to harass the mainland, what Japan has recently done near the Diaoyu Islands is that Japan wants to occupy the Diaoyu Islands and take the opportunity to obtain the rich oil and other resources in this sea area.

We will certainly not sit idly by and watch this, and we will certainly resolutely crack down on any invading enemy and safeguard the mainland's territorial integrity and legitimate rights and interests. #长文创作激励计划#


CCTV "Many Japanese Ships Intrude on My Diaoyu Islands, Chinese Coast Guard Takes Action in Accordance with Law"

Global Network "Foreign Ministry Issued Statement on Japan's Purchase of Diaoyu Islands (Full Text)"

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