
Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

author:Tender little leeks

Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

Can the United States win against the Houthis? It seems to be a false proposition, the US global hegemon can beat whoever he wants, how can he not win the Houthi slippers army?

Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

My view is also that the United States can win the Houthi army, but this victory will come at a high price. Although the strength of the US military is now weakened, if the United States devotes all its strength to fighting the Houthi slippers, it can still win. Why did the United States delay in taking action? This involves the national strategy of the United States.

Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

The main goal of the United States now is to compete with the great powers of the East, so the United States is trying to avoid getting caught up in a conflict with the Houthis. Now it is not a question of whether the United States can win the Houthi Slipper Army, but the United States does not dare to fight the Slipper Army at all.

Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

And the United States is well aware that as long as it is caught in a conflict with the slipper army, the eastern powers will win in this great power competition. Because behind the slipper army is the shadow of a big country, the slipper army is as poor as a ghost, and it actually has hypersonic missiles and can hit US aircraft carriers. Who gave you all this handy equipment?

Does the U.S. have a chance to win the Houthis?

Therefore, as long as the United States is caught in a conflict with the slipper army, the Houthi equipment will explode rapidly, and the United States will face not the slipper army, but the big power behind the slipper army. The United States will be dragged to the death in a protracted conflict with the Slipper Army. The United States will also lose its hegemonic status from now on, so it is not a question of whether the United States can win or not, but it does not dare to fight at all!

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