
This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

author:Hiromai Painting
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


In October 1952, a large truck drove into the volunteer camp. The soldiers thought it was a supply truck, but when they opened the carport, they found that it was not sorghum rice, but a cart of loaded American GIs.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Our army did not waste a single soldier and took these twenty-five American soldiers prisoner. exchanging sorghum rice for American soldiers, I have to say, this deal is still quite cost-effective.

Although food is important in the course of the battle, the more enemy our army can capture, the fewer battlefield casualties will be.

From the perspective of those 25 captives, things turned too suddenly.

They were sleeping in trucks, waiting for a mission, but when they woke up, they went from soldiers about to go to war into prisoners of their opponents.

What exactly happened in between, they don't even know anything. In fact, this matter has to start with the mistake of our army's transport vehicle.

By chance, capture the enemy army

There is an old Chinese saying that before the soldiers and horses move, the grain and grass go first, which is a truth that can be applied in any era.

When the army is fighting abroad, logistics support must keep up, so that the front-line soldiers have no worries.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea that broke out in 1950, the logistics front has always been the front that our army has tried its best to build. Although they are often blockaded and attacked by the United Nations forces, Chinese soldiers have always found a way to survive in seemingly desperate situations.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

The transportation of materials is an important task from the beginning of the war to the end of the war. And in the process of work, many good stories that have been passed down for many years have also happened on the battlefield.

In November 1951, the 18th Automobile Regiment of the Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army received the important task of transporting sorghum rice for the front-line soldiers.

On the battlefield where the situation is changing rapidly, food such as sorghum rice is a very precious daily necessities.

Because of this, the transport personnel did not dare to slack off, everyone kept their eyes open, carefully carried out their tasks, and always kept an eye out for an attack that could come at any time.

One night, the transporter was driving ahead and encountered an accident not far from its destination.

The planes of the Americans suddenly appeared, and the air defense sirens of our army were immediately sounded.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

The danger from the enemy hovered over the convoy, and all the vehicles immediately turned off their lights, not daring to reveal their presence, and moved forward in the dark.

This task is quite a test of the driver's overall quality, and in the absence of light, they can only rely on their feelings and experience, withstand the pressure, and continue to drive forward.

Flares were dropped on American planes, and machine guns were also used. All kinds of chaotic voices were heard endlessly, but the fighters in the logistics department still tried their best to stay calm.

In the logistics and transportation team, there is a logistics soldier named Song Huiguo, who is responsible for driving, and there is a mistake in the operation.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

His transport truck fell behind and accidentally broke into the defense line of the American army and reached the territory of the American army. If they are not careful, they will be surrounded by enemies, and it will be difficult for them to fly.

In a hurry, Song Huiguo immediately reacted, hit the steering wheel, and wanted to drive back.

But somehow, the rear wheels of the transporter suddenly slipped into a ditch next to the road, and the car could not continue to move.

It is no exaggeration to say that Song Huiguo was in extreme danger at that time.

If he makes any move to reveal his identity, not only will the mission not be completed, but his life will also be handed over to the Americans.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

He could only take a deep breath and desperately adjust his state, while increasing the throttle to drive the car out of the ditch with the power of the car.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the car stuck in place, not moving.

What's even worse is that just when he was at a loss, the American truck came.

The situation has become even worse, and it seems that the heavens are about to cut off the survival of our soldiers. Fortunately, at this critical juncture, the other party also made mistakes.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Due to the low visibility after dark, the U.S. military driver of the truck on the opposite side mistakenly thought that the truck stuck on the side of the road was a South Korean military vehicle, so he quickly ran down from the driver's seat and wanted to help push the car up.

As soon as the other party approached, saw the Chinese soldiers' clothing, and let out another shout, Song Huiguo would immediately be surrounded by American soldiers.

He couldn't stay in the car and sit still, so when he saw the American soldier running out of the driver's seat, he also got out of the car and went around to the front of the American truck.

Since he couldn't break through the desperate situation by conventional methods, he took a different path and drove the Americans' trucks as if they were his own.

So taking advantage of the fact that the person on the other side was not paying attention, he quickly climbed into the cab of the US military truck, activated the driving system, and with a bang on the accelerator, he quickly drove the car out, rolling up a cloud of smoke.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

At the moment he left, the American GIs were completely stunned, what was going on?

By the time he reacted to what had just happened, it was too late, and Song Huiguo had already driven away, leaving only a sorghum car stuck on the side of the road.

Even if they wanted to track them from behind, they couldn't catch up with Song Huiguo's speed.

On the way, Song Huiguo found that in this truck, there was also a car of completely sleeping American soldiers.

Song Huiguo did not dare to make a sound, and drove the US military truck to our army's camp in this way.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

When he arrived at the camp, Song Huiguo quietly got out of the car and reported everything that had just happened to his comrades.

Subsequently, a large number of volunteer soldiers quietly surrounded the big truck with guns.

Song Huiguo lifted the tarpaulin, and the American GIs inside were taken aback.

They were sleepy-eyed and didn't know what was going on, but when they jumped out of the car with their weapons with them, they saw a group of Chinese soldiers and heard a warning to "lay down their arms".

After counting, a total of 25 American GIs came down from the truck.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

In this way, Song Huiguo's own ingenuity and adaptability escaped, and he also staged a good show of "exchanging a cart of sorghum rice for a cart of American soldiers" for the volunteers.

The American soldiers who were trucked to our positions knew that even if they resisted, there was no way for them to escape.

So 25 people were very obedient, put their weapons on the ground or on the truck, and let the volunteer soldiers clear them.

Looking at what was happening in front of them, the warriors were overjoyed. Such an interesting thing also added some different colors to the very tense War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

In the whole thing, the only pity is that cart of sorghum rice. You know, it's food, it's food that fills the bellies of the soldiers.

In the case of a shortage of supplies on the front line, a cart of sorghum rice may be enough for a team of fighters to hold their positions and support their vitality and combat effectiveness.

However, compared to the prisoners and the many captured materials, the price paid was worth it.

Later, when the army held a general meeting, the story of "a cart of sorghum rice" was specially reported to encourage all the logistics soldiers. Even if you encounter danger, as long as you deal with it calmly, you have the possibility of turning defeat into victory.

This anecdote was later widely celebrated. To this day, many people still remember Song Huiguo's urgency.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Ground shots, hitting enemy aircraft

There are still many heroes and heroes like Song Huiguo who are not afraid of danger in the ranks of the volunteer army, and there are also many on the logistics front.

For example, Zhao Baoyin, who had been honored with special merits, created the miracle of shooting enemy planes from the ground.

The air force of the United Nations Army has always been a existence that is deeply hated by the soldiers of the Volunteer Army. The enemy piloted planes to hover in the air, aimed at the ground and bombed, destroying the lives and property of the people, and often flaunting their might.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

However, our army's air defense system has not yet been perfected, and the Chinese Air Force started late, and even if it can be put into the battlefield, it will not be able to completely stop the reckless actions of US fighters.

Before the air supremacy system was fully built, the situation of our army was quite passive, and the situation of the Korean people was also quite passive.

However, by chance, Zhao Baoyin provided a new idea for everyone.

He was a car soldier, and once drove out with his comrade-in-arms Cao Xinren and ran into the bombing site of enemy planes. They could only get out of the car and hide in a nearby bomb shelter, waiting for this wave of fierce offensive to pass.

The blood belonging to the Chinese soldiers has been boiling in their bodies, and it is really unbearable to see the American pilots so arrogant and unable to do anything themselves.

If you are passively beaten, death is a very likely outcome. Since there will be death in the end, it is better to take the initiative to fight than to be beaten passively. Even if it is really inevitable to die in the end, at least the process will not be regretted.

So Zhao Baoyin made a decision to use guns against fighters, from the ground to the air.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

The idea that the strategic weapons of the two sides are not at all in the same order of magnitude sounds a bit bizarre. In some film and television dramas, similar plots will even cause ridicule from the audience, thinking that the halo of the protagonist of the positive character is too heavy.

But in fact, such miracles do not exist only in artistic processing. In real history, the two warriors, Zhao Baoyin and Cao Xinren, were the creators of miracles.

They also did not know what the final result would be, and they did not know at what moment the shells from the enemy planes would fall on their side. But they just relied on their lonely courage, stubbornly holding their weapons, and shooting into the sky.

People who walk on the unknown road and can still persevere, the quality is the most valuable.

Fortunately, their method was not completely impossible, after the aiming and launch of the two people, one of the enemy's planes was really hit, and after flying over a mountain, it was planted on the ground and exploded.

Seeing such a situation, other US planes did not dare to stay any longer. The American pilot, who was originally triumphant, could only fly the plane quickly and fled in disgrace.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Zhao Baoyin was awarded a special meritorious service for this, and his deeds were also reported at the meeting, and he was actively studied by the vast number of volunteer soldiers.

The significance of his contributions includes not only the miracle of automobile troops striking aircraft, but also the creation of ground air supremacy systems.

After that, the headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army actively organized various units to carry out ground-to-air combat exercises, and called on the soldiers to go all out to attack enemy planes and protect the safety of the civilian population and their own lives and materials.

After realizing that there was an effective way to counter fighters within the volunteer army, the American soldiers did not dare to be as arrogant as before. Of course, they will continue to use fighter jets, but they will no longer be dispatched at any time and on any occasion.

Later, in the course of the condolence group's work in the DPRK, Zhao Baoyin also accepted condolences as a representative of the logistics troops. He wore a glorious flower on his chest and was also given a commemorative medal of Chairman Mao.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

This is the supreme glory for him.

Logistics soldiers, groping for experience

The deeds of Song Huiguo, Zhao Baoyin and others have been reported and publicized by the troops one after another, and many logistics soldiers have also been deeply inspired.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Wen Xiuchao, a veteran who made first-class and third-class merits on the Korean battlefield, was deeply touched by these two things.

He was also a motor soldier, officially joined the army in 1950, and came to the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea with the army the following year.

In the early days of the war, the situation faced by their logistics units was very serious and the pressure was also very great. The enemy made the destruction of the strategic supply lines of the Volunteer Army the focus of the offensive, which made it possible for the soldiers of the logistics unit to be sacrificed at any time.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Although the road ahead is difficult, no one can give up. Because the comrades-in-arms fighting on the front line are still waiting for the supply of supplies, if they do not have the means to complete the task in time, the comrades-in-arms are likely to be trapped alive by the enemy.

Most of the enemy's strategic bombardment took place during the day, so the logistics soldiers could only go out day and night, taking advantage of the enemy's rest time at night to rush desperately and find a way to break through the blockade.

Wen Xiuchao still remembers that on his first mission after arriving in North Korea, he encountered a rather tragic situation.

The troops dispatched 45 material transport vehicles, and everyone started in an orderly manner, stopping at the homes of ordinary people during the day and seizing every opportunity to move forward at night.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

In the beginning, the pressure on them was not too great, and the enemy bombardment was not too frequent. But the more you get to the front line, the more arrogant the enemy's planes become, and at any moment they may appear in the sky and throw shells on the ground.

Wen Xiuchao clearly remembered that when they arrived at the strategic front line and saw their comrades-in-arms, 12 transport vehicles had been blown up by the enemy, and the five comrades-in-arms who got along day and night also paid for their precious lives.

The battlefield is like that, brutal and bloody. A second ago, your comrades-in-arms might be talking and laughing with you. In the next second, he will become a martyr who will never return home.

In addition to transporting supplies, they will also be responsible for transporting the wounded. The latter is more difficult and challenging than the former, because the supplies are dead, but the wounded are alive.

After hearing the deeds of meritorious soldiers reported by the army, he and his comrades-in-arms drew a lot of lessons and were inspired by them.

The logistics units have a way to deal with the enemy's ultra-low-altitude flight, and they have gradually explored the weaknesses of the enemy's aircraft.

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

After that, when they carry out their missions, most of the time they will dispatch two vehicles, covering each other. During the day, when the enemy is most active, they hide under their cars to recuperate. In the evening, they take advantage of the time difference to carry out their tasks.

If you are unfortunate enough to encounter a bomber, there is no need to panic at all. The fighters turned a deaf ear to the roar of the planes and concentrated on the road in front of them. In the gap between the turns of the aircraft, they will increase their horsepower and specialize in walking in the line of sight and operating blind spots.

Through various methods, the soldiers of the logistics unit have built a steel transportation line on the bloody battlefield. It carries countless bloody rains and bloody winds, and also witnesses the greatness of Chinese soldiers.


Song Huiguo captured 25 American soldiers with a cart of sorghum rice and captured considerable war materials.

Zhao Baoyin shot down the enemy's plane with a gun through ground combat, effectively finding a way for the troops to restrain the enemy's low-altitude flight.

The two of them, Wen Xiuchao, and the warriors of the numerous logistics troops, are the miracle itself.


"Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea: A Carload of Sorghum Rice for a Cart of American Soldiers", Literature and History Expo, No. 4, 2014

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

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This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

Hero Network: Song Huiguo

This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

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This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

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This deal is still quite cost-effective, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, a cart of sorghum rice was exchanged for a cart of American soldiers

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