
Why did the Second Field Army fight less and less, and the total strength was not as large as in the early days of the Liberation War.

author:A lesson on the hill tree 8

When the Second Field Army was established, there were three corps of about 280,000 people, but at this time it was in 1949, the predecessor of the Second Field Army was the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, and the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region had 300,000 regular troops in the whole military region after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

However, by the time the Second Field Army was established, there were only 280,000 men in this force, and after nearly three years of the Liberation War, the total strength of this unit had hardly changed and declined. It's a strange phenomenon.

The First Field Army had only 27,000 men in the early days of the Liberation War, and the First Field Army was formerly known as the Northwest Field Army, which had only two columns in the early days of the Liberation War.

After about a year of bloody battles with Hu Zongnan in the Northwest Battlefield, the total strength of the army grew to about 75,000 in five columns in the second half of 1947, which can be said to have tripled.

Why did the Second Field Army fight less and less, and the total strength was not as large as in the early days of the Liberation War.

Later, under the command of Marshal Peng Dehuai, the Battle of Qinghuatou, the Battle of Yangmahe, the Battle of Panlong, the Battle of Yulin, the Battle of Xifu, and the Battle of Yichuan were launched successively.

Except for the Xifu Campaign, our army did not achieve its strategic objectives, and the others achieved great victories, and the northwest region was sparsely populated and could not supply a large army.

By the time the First Field Army was established, the total strength of the First Field Army was about 155,000, compared to just over 20,000 at the beginning of the war, and the total strength of the First Field Army increased sevenfold.

The Third Field Army was the East China Field Army in the early stage, and the East China Field Army was composed of troops from the Shandong Military Region and the Central China Military Region, with a total strength of nearly 300,000 when the East China Field Army was established.

Under the command of Chen Yi and Su Yu, the Third Field Army successively launched the Menglianggu Campaign, the Laiwu Campaign, the Soviet-Chinese Seven Battles and Seven Victories, the Eastern Henan Campaign, the Jinan Campaign, and the Huaihai Campaign.

Menglianggu Battle annihilated the 74th Division of the Kuomintang, one of the five main forces of the Kuomintang, 50,000 enemies in the Laiwu Campaign, 100,000 enemies in the Jinan Campaign, 90,000 enemies in the Eastern Henan Campaign, and 470,000 enemies in the Huaihai Campaign.

In 1949, the Third Field Army was established, with a total of more than 800,000 people in four corps, and the troops of the Third Field Army nearly tripled.

From 300,000 at the beginning of the war to 800,000. Moreover, the place where the Third Field Army was located was a key offensive area of the Kuomintang, and most of the elite troops of the Kuomintang were sent to East China. It can be said that the East China Field Army is fighting every day.

When the Fourth Field Army was established, the total strength exceeded 1 million, and the predecessor of the Fourth Field Army was the Northeast Field Army, which was the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army in the early days of the Liberation War.

The Northeast Democratic Alliance Army is composed of about 100,000 people from the Shandong Military Region, the New Fourth Army, and the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. At the beginning of the Liberation War, the number of troops was 100,000,

In the northeast, the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army and the Kuomintang army launched the Siping Campaign, the three Jiangnan Battles, the four Linjiang Battles, the Autumn Offensive and the Winter Offensive.

In the early stage, the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army fought and retreated, mainly to avoid its edge, and the Kuomintang army had absolute superiority in strength in the northeast region, and almost all of the Kuomintang corps in the northeast were Kuomintang descendant troops, which were well equipped and had strong combat effectiveness.

After a year and a half of competition between our army and the Kuomintang army in the northeast, the Northeast People's Liberation Army grew from 100,000 to 270,000 at once, and after the autumn offensive and the winter offensive, the Northeast Field Army developed rapidly, and on the eve of the Liaoshen Campaign, the Northeast Field Army had more than 700,000 regular troops.

By the second half of 1948, the Northeast Field Army had a total of 12 field columns, as well as artillery columns and special columns, with a total strength of about 1.03 million, and the strength of the army had grown from 100,000 to one million. The total strength of the army has increased tenfold, and the Northeast Field Army is fighting more and more.

Why did the Second Field Army fight less and less, and the total strength was not as large as in the early days of the Liberation War.

The troops of the North China Military Region numbered more than 200,000 in the early days of the War of Liberation, and after three years of the War of Liberation, the troops of the North China Military Region were almost the same as those in the early days of the war, without much loss or great development.

However, when the Second Field Army was established, it did not have as many troops as it did in the early days of the Liberation War.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region had a main force of about 300,000 troops, and was the largest strategic area of the PLA.

In the War of Liberation, it took the lead in fighting with the Kuomintang army, and successively won victories in the battles of Shangdang, Longhailu, Dingtao, Linfu, Juye, Juancheng, Luliang, Huaxian, and Jujinyu.

So when did the strength of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region begin to decrease, it should be said that it began with the thousand-mile leap into the Dabie Mountain operation,

Thousands of miles leaping into Dabie Mountain, Liu Bocheng led the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th columns, with a total of 120,000 people, crossed the Yellow River and launched a strategic counteroffensive.

The Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region left behind the 8th Column and some local armed forces, about 50,000 people, who stayed on the inner line to fight, that is to say, the military region left a part of its troops.

Chen Geng's Fourth Column and Qin Jiwei's Ninth Column did not participate in the thousand-mile leap into Dabie Mountain.

120,000 troops jumped thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountain, and nearly 400,000 Kuomintang troops were strangled in the Dabie Mountain area, and after a month of fighting, our army annihilated more than 60,000 Kuomintang troops.

However, our army also suffered heavy casualties, and also suffered more than 60,000 casualties, after all, it is normal for the casualties to be caused by large casualties in the battle in the national control area, and there is no mass base and the Kuomintang has encircled and suppressed heavy troops, although the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region has gained a foothold in Dabie Mountain, but only more than 60,000 people are left who can fight.

At the time of the Huaihai Campaign, the main force of the Central Plains Field Army was a little more than 120,000 people, and at this time, the Chen Xie Group had already belonged to the Central Plains Field Army, and the main force of the Central Plains Field Army of the Chen Xie Group was only 120,000.

The Eighth Column that remained behind was later reorganized into the Eighth Column of the First Corps of the North China Military Region, and the other left-behind local troops were reorganized into the 13th Column and the 15th Column respectively. Separated from the jurisdiction of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, these three columns belonged to the First Corps of the North China Military Region.

More than 60,000 casualties were suffered among the main forces of the Dabie Mountain Action Military Region, and the remaining troops were assigned to the North China Military Region. That is, there are less than 100,000 main forces.

After the end of the Huaihai Campaign, the East China Field Army handed over some of its heavy weapons to the Central Plains Field Army, and the strength of the Central Plains Field Army was restored to more than 200,000 people, and by the time the Second Field Army was established, the total strength of the Second Field Army was as high as 280,000.

Why did the Second Field Army fight less and less, and the total strength was not as large as in the early days of the Liberation War.

The strength of the Second Field Army has developed slowly, mainly because the Second Field Army has been in excess of its work during the three-year Liberation War, and due to the continuous offensive against the Kuomintang army, the supplementary troops have suffered great sacrifices. Nino has been on the offensive all the time.

Although the Second Field Army did not have many troops among the four major field armies. However, he wiped out more than 2 million Kuomintang troops, more than the Fourth Field Army, the First Field Army and the North China Military Region. The reason for the small number of troops is that the troops are frequent, and the troops are scattered, so it can be said that the Second Field Army has fewer and fewer troops in the War of Liberation.