
Erythromycin ointment for a few dollars is very practical, what is the main treatment? These aspects play a prominent role

author:Diabetic podiatrist Liang Yuxuan

Lele has just turned 5 years old this year, he is active by nature and always full of exploration, but one day while playing with friends in the park, Lele's adventurous spirit caused him to encounter a small accident.

That day, Lele was playing in the sand pit in the park, accidentally fell, and made a cut in his knee.

After the doctor's examination, the wound was not deep, but in order to prevent infection, the doctor prescribed Lele an erythromycin ointment and told him to apply it three times a day.

Erythromycin ointment for a few dollars is very practical, what is the main treatment? These aspects play a prominent role

After returning home, according to the doctor's instructions, my mother applied erythromycin ointment to Lele, at first Lele was a little resistant, thinking that the taste of the ointment was a little strange, and his friend in his class had an eye injury before, and it seemed that he was also prescribed this medicine.

But it didn't take long for him to find that the wound was no longer so painful, and it healed quickly, and a few days later, when Lele's wound was completely healed, he excitedly said to his mother: "Mom, that little red ointment is so powerful, my knee doesn't hurt anymore!" ”

In fact, cases like Lele's are not uncommon, erythromycin ointment, as a broad-spectrum antibiotic ointment, has a variety of effects such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-itching, which can not only effectively prevent and treat skin infections, but also be very helpful when the skin is slightly traumatized.

Erythromycin ointment for a few dollars is very practical, what is the main treatment? These aspects play a prominent role

As for Lele's friend, he actually used not erythromycin ointment, but erythromycin eye ointment.

In fact, erythromycin ointment and erythromycin eye ointment both contain erythromycin as the main ingredient, but their excipients and dosage forms differ, for example, erythromycin ointment is usually used for skin infections, and its excipients are usually petroleum jelly and liquid paraffin, which can moisturize and protect the skin.

On the other hand, erythromycin eye ointment is specially used for eye infections, and its excipients are mostly delicate oils or pastes, which can better fit the eye skin and minimize irritation to the eyes, so we must distinguish these two kinds of ointments, and we must also distinguish them when we usually use them.

For example, erythromycin ointment is a topical ointment, which needs to be applied to the affected area and gently massaged until absorption, during use, attention should be paid to avoid contact with mucous membranes such as eyes, mouth, nose, etc., and erythromycin ointment should not be used for a long time, otherwise it may produce drug resistance or cause other adverse reactions.

Erythromycin eye ointment, on the other hand, is a salve designed for the eye area and needs to be applied to the eyelids.

Erythromycin ointment for a few dollars is very practical, what is the main treatment? These aspects play a prominent role

However, before applying, you should clean your hands and eye skin to avoid contaminating the ointment, you should gently squeeze the ointment into the eyelids when applying, and gently close the eyes and turn the eyeballs to make the ointment evenly distributed in the eyes.

So erythromycin ointment, what exactly does it do?

First of all, the main ingredient of erythromycin ointment is erythromycin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that has an inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria, when our skin is infected by bacteria, erythromycin ointment is able to quickly kill bacteria and reduce inflammatory reactions, thereby relieving redness and pain.

Moreover, erythromycin ointment also has a certain anti-itching effect, which can relieve the discomfort caused by itchy skin.

Erythromycin ointment for a few dollars is very practical, what is the main treatment? These aspects play a prominent role

In addition to common skin infections, erythromycin ointment can also be used to treat, some special types of skin diseases, for example, acne (commonly known as "acne") is a common skin disease, its occurrence is closely related to bacterial infection, applying erythromycin ointment can effectively inhibit the growth of P. acnes and other pathogenic bacteria.

In this case, erythromycin ointment can not only be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, but also promote wound healing, mainly because erythromycin can stimulate the growth and division of skin cells, accelerate the formation of new tissues, and it can also reduce the exudate and blood on the surface of the wound, keep the wound dry and clean, and help for wound healing.

It can be seen that erythromycin ointment in our lives, there are still a lot of places that can be used, you can prepare it again and again, but we also want to remind everyone to pay attention to the preservation and expiration date of the drug, the drug should be stored in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight and high temperature, and it is not recommended to use it if it expires. #头条首发大赛#

Erythromycin ointment for a few dollars is very practical, what is the main treatment? These aspects play a prominent role


[1] Song Lihua. "Erythromycin ointment not ophthalmic ointment." Medical Food Reference 2 (2010): 1.

[2] He Ruilin. "The difference between the two ointments of erythromycin." Health Care Guide: Health for the Middle-aged and Elderly 7 (2017): 1.