
I thought of it at the research institute's research base

author:Sunshine poet Sun Shuheng
I thought of it at the research institute's research base

I thought of it at the research institute's research base

Author/Sun Shuheng


When you arrive at the village at the foot of Daqing Mountain, the innovation and research base is in the village

Chairman Mipaolin said: Go ahead and turn a corner.

Lala's car before the various twists

Look. The cherry in the yard is red

The air was filled with the scent of flowers

The research base is in a decoration company, Chairman Song Shouguo pointed to the sign to tell the glory of the company, and it is eye-catching.

But the four competing shows are even more beautiful.

is also with a pen, writing spring and autumn, each leading the way,

It's just that he interprets the true meaning of art in his own way.

Decorate the company with culture, and decorate the life of the company

Cherries flutter slightly. The stereo in the building was singing

The fish in the fish tank, rippling duckweed on the surface of the water.

Cherries are delicious and difficult to plant, but the intention is still in my heart

I thought of it at the research institute's research base


Calligraphers and painters came here one after another

Some have already spread out the rice paper. On a narrow table

The leader on the wall looked at us silently

The ten marshals put their heads together

It was as if there was nothing between heaven and earth.

The mountains are not far away, and the water is imaginary,

In the courtyard, there is a stray dog barking

Most of the time.

The calligrapher and painter were talking about things that had nothing to do with calligraphy and painting, and they watched. A few leaves were hijacked by the wind all the way out of the gate

Calligrapher and painter. I don't care where he came from, I don't say he is famous or unknown, I have to indicate it

They didn't fall from the sky

I'm from among them, and I'm a wet man who can only break sentences.

I thought of it at the research institute's research base


Calligrapher and painter, light steps,

Only for the endless art in the heart.

Under the brush, you don't necessarily meet the tree, so you paint the tree;

The river flows lightly, and life flows through the pen.

When you meet the rain, but you are not in a hurry to depict the raindrops,

There are thousands of thoughts and styles in my heart.

The rice paper is spread out, like an upside-down starry sky,

The ink dances, drawing the endless mysteries of the universe.

Every calligrapher and painter, dressed in a casual cloth shirt,

Between words and deeds, there is a bit of playfulness and freedom.

The road of art is full of unknowns and possibilities,

Calligraphers and painters use their brushes to explore the mysteries of the world.

They don't paint for the encounter, but for the love in their hearts,

That dedication and pursuit of art.

Landscape master Xu Fuping, came to congratulate,

With respect in my heart, my steps are hurried.

He and a sculpture of a Mongolian horse, galloping,

The horses are green, shiny, and magnificent.

"Horse to success", far-reaching meaning,

May this horse, carrying dreams, gallop forward.

I thought of it at the research institute's research base


Wait for a gust of wind to blow

They are all people who dance and write

All the waves, the wind in another sky

One by one, calligraphers and painters saw the local weather,

Every pen is a running child

All the rice paper crawled with thoughts

I stopped to take pictures,

Capture the flow of calligraphers and painters,

Chairman Mi Baolin's "Hongye Bofa", Duan Yongsheng's "Dragon Horse Spirit", Bai Aimin's "Reading, Writing, Planting Flowers and Plants", Liu Chunfa's "Spirit and Spirit", Zhang Lixia's "Outstanding Casting Extraordinary", Ran Xiangwei's "Fishing Boat Singing Night", Zhu Jiaqian's Autumn Rhyme, Wang Jianping's "Du Ailian", Zhang Wanchang's "Bamboo Rhyme", Guo Wenlan's "Great Wealth Peony"... It's all full of blessings.

All things are in the mind, let go of the worldly distractions, and live more freely and calmly.

When there is love in the heart, there is no longer loneliness.

I thought of it at the research institute's research base


I'm thinking

A leaf without talent dies once it falls

Think of those flowers

I don't break branches, the wind will break branches, and the arrogant wind dares to blow down

When I see the leaves falling, I can't help but feel sad.

I can't write, I can't draw

In this city, there are more and more friends of calligraphy and painting, close to Zhu is red, and close to ink is black.

All the way to the killing, they are all my teachers, and the handwriting is sloppy

Fallen leaves have waited for fate with us, lonely and lonely. Although I am old, I am also full of spring, and I want to be an ageless teenager

Outside the window, a bird that doesn't know what has long since disappeared.

No one knows where they will end up.

I thought of it at the research institute's research base


Sitting in the cafeteria of the base, all the people

All smiling. All the food is unfertilised, so you can see it all

Even the wine made from pure grains has expired, thirty years old

Before all things, all, including me

Just a speck of dust on the earth.

Drinks spilled on the face

Language is as elevated as calligraphy and painting

Rising in the drink. I'm sitting

Between them, all eyes are on

All are kind, and all wishes are good

Wine can not be refused, there are always people who run it, that is, Bai Aimin, a calligrapher and massage doctor with blood pressure accumulation of 308, resolutely drank a pot of wine, a kind of firm and fearless, unique scenery

I'm not fighting anyone to prove it

I'm also a part of them.

I thought of it at the research institute's research base

(Author's file: Sun Shuheng, pen name Hengxin Yongzai, a native of Naiman Banner, Inner Mongolia.) Member of China Financial Writers Association, Member of China Essayists Association, Member of Inner Mongolia Writers Association, Member of Inner Mongolia Poetry Society, Member of Western Essayists Association, Deputy Secretary-General of Inner Mongolia Popular Literature and Art Research Association, Senior Researcher and Deputy Secretary-General of Inner Mongolia Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Research Association)