
Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

author:The Secret History of Fukan
Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

Nowadays, everyone in society is very impetuous, no matter what content of the news or topics posted on the Internet, netizens from all walks of life will quarrel because of different opinions, people often say that when encountering contradictions, we must first empathize and look at the problem from an objective point of view, but in the end, everyone will still uphold the "words are not shocking and endless".


Pay the money first or treat the disease first?

On June 26, two dog lovers in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, posted their experiences online, and from the video taken by the woman, it can be seen that a dog covered in blood and dying of life is lying on the platform panting for breath.

The location of the two men and one dog is a pet hospital, and the walls of the hospital are covered with pennants sent by customers, but the veterinarian ignores them.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

In the middle of the night, two dog lovers came across a dog truck on the way home, and then snatched a stray dog covered in bruises, and did not know what happened to the dog, the dog's blood stained its entire abdomen, and it looked extremely painful.

As soon as the two of them summed up, they immediately decided to save the dog, they found some urine pads nearby, and then carried the dog to the nearest pet hospital, in the process the dog was powerless to resist, and could only wait quietly for treatment.

After arriving at the pet hospital, the two dog lovers hurriedly sought treatment from a pet doctor, but at this moment, a sentence from the pet doctor directly ignited the anger of the two.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

"Let's come to the front desk to pay for the surgery first."

A cold response, like an ice pick, pierced the hearts of the two dog lovers, and the two could no longer suppress the excitement in their hearts, and asked: "Then you mean that I shouldn't bring a dog to our place to see a doctor?" ”

The three of them argued for more than 1 hour, the pet doctor insisted that the two pay the fee first, and the two dog lovers strongly condemned the pet doctor for being unworthy, obviously wearing a white coat and holding a high salary, but he ignored the puppy that needed to be rescued.

Dog lovers are getting more and more talking, and they are about to greet the ancestor of the veterinarian, saying that he only knows money.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

The outnumbered pet doctor can only turn his back to the two, but in the face of the rain of bullets and bullets of the two, the pet doctor finally couldn't help but break out, saying that the two have been scolding, and asked to save the puppy.

One of the women shouted loudly, "Who are you scolding if you don't scold?" As soon as I entered the door, I started to pay money, and now I have to say that the dog is also dead, and there is no need for treatment, just know the money! ”

Under the dispute, the veterinarian decided to take off his work clothes and get off work, and the woman who shot the video was still impassionedly exposing all kinds of information about this pet hospital, including all kinds of "shady".

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money


Who the hell is the vexatious person

The two sides argued for more than an hour over money, and the dog was uncomfortable enough, and he had to listen to them quarrel in the last few minutes of his life, and finally delayed his life and died of excessive blood loss.

The two dog lovers felt that the dog was sick like this, and the blood on the body was flowing everywhere, and it was obvious that the situation was so obvious, if the pet doctor was really a hospital opened to treat the disease and save the dog, why did he ask for no money and no treatment.

The pet doctor said that no one's money was blown by the wind, when the two people who asked for help came in the middle of the night, the doctor asked them to pay 2000 to use first, but the two said that the funds were insufficient in the middle of the night, besides, the doctor only acted according to the regulations of the hospital, and then paid the fee and then operated.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

Netizens have stood on the side of the pet hospital this time, and feel that the pet doctor's approach is very reasonable, if it is really a dog lover, then why can you scold the pet doctor for 1 hour, and they are not willing to use this time to raise money, not to mention 2000 yuan, for two adults must be able to take it out.

And these two "dog lovers" began to morally kidnap and mess around as soon as they entered the door, and their intentions were known to anyone with a discerning eye, so that the doctor could save the dog first, and then raise donations online, and finally take the donation to either pay or run away.

But then again, maybe the two of them were really kind to save the dog, after all, the dog was really snatched out of the dog truck, but in the face of money, they still chose to retreat.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money
Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money
Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

A veterinarian shared his experience online, saying that it was the worst Waterloo of his career, and he was later dubbed a stunned young man.

Not long after he entered the industry that year, one day he met a family of five holding a dog to see a doctor in a panic, and the little brother was the first to rush up, because he really wanted to treat small animals.

The little brother took a general look, the dog's physical condition was very poor, the dog owner said that they had been feeding the dog medicine before, and they came to the hospital after feeding for several days, and the little brother thought about it and suggested that they give the dog a blood test first.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

Hearing that the examination was to be done, the family of five stared at each other and discussed whether they could not do the examination, the cost of the examination was too expensive.

An old doctor next to the little brother saw the clue and preemptively said that he couldn't use the medicine without an examination, but the dog owner still insisted that the doctor give the dog an injection casually.

In the end, the little brother still couldn't bear it, and gave the dog an injection to relieve the pain, the little brother is very passionate about the veterinarian's profession, he is not an unscrupulous doctor, and he knew that the dog was no longer alive during the examination.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

On the second day of work, as soon as he entered the door, he heard a sentence that made him feel thunderous: "The dog was killed by an injection." ”

At the entrance of the hospital, the family of five yesterday was crying and making a fuss, and even put up a banner saying that the hospital where the little brother was located was a black-hearted pet hospital, and they would only give up if the little brother paid 20,000 yuan.

After a few days like this, the little brother wanted to spend money to buy a lesson, and the resignation letter stayed in the memo of the little brother on his mobile phone during that time, but the little brother couldn't give up what he was pursuing, and chose to use the money to calm things.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

At this point, the regulation of "do the examination first, then use the medicine" was deeply imprinted in the mind of the little brother, and at this moment he understood that it was not that the regulations were rigid, nor that the regulations were incomprehensible, but that behind every special regulation, something outrageous must have happened.


Medical trouble

There are also pet doctors have encountered the same thing, last winter, it snowed heavily at night, there was a person with a cat to the pet hospital to see a doctor, said that his cat at home for a month of medicine has not improved but more serious, tonight directly can not stand up and convulsions.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

Xiaojing suggested that the owner first take the cat to draw blood for testing, but who knew that the cat's blood could not be drawn out during the blood drawing process, and the cat died in the examination for some reasons, but the cat owner said on the spot that it was the pet hospital that drew it to death.

The moment the hospital received the cat, it didn't let the owner pay first, and took the cat directly to do the examination, which shows that the pet hospital is quite humane.

In the end, the cat owner bit to death was the fault of the pet hospital, and threatened the pet doctors to lose money, saying that the cat bought more than 8,000 yuan, let them watch it, and if they didn't solve it, they would make trouble every day, and even found a lawyer to negotiate.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

Whether it is a hospital or a pet hospital, as long as it is a place to treat diseases and save people, there will always be people who come to make trouble, and both sides insist that the other party cannot be reasoned, when will the "medical trouble" stop?

The same thing often happens in human hospitals, where there is an unwritten rule in all departments of the hospital called "never empathize with the patient", which is tacitly approved by the doctors, which is why the doctors are indifferent.

There have been several related news stories on the news before, the hospital intern cried because the patient could not be treated, but the patient's family framed the intern for using the wrong medicine for the patient, and finally the intern had to pay 5,000 yuan out of his own pocket to solve the matter.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

In 2017, the hospital nurse saw that a patient had not eaten well for several days, and his face was pale when he was hungry, so the nurse fed the patient a piece of candy, thinking of replenishing the patient's energy, but unexpectedly, the patient died the next day.

The patient's family did not agree to the autopsy and directly claimed 2 million yuan from the hospital, and finally the court concluded that the hospital was indeed at fault in this matter and should pay compensation to the patient's family.

Is it hard to judge right or wrong? Dog lovers asked the veterinarian to rescue the puppy, but after being refused, they scolded the doctor for only accepting money

"Medical trouble" is not inevitable, first of all, both sides must have an understanding of each other, saving people is the doctor's job, if they are all saving people for money, then why come to the doctor to say, directly call half a fairy.

Information sources:

[1] Douyin: Linzi Rong Media: The woman took a stray dog for first aid late at night, and scolded the doctor for knowing the money without paying the money, in a word, netizens were angry 2024.6.28

[2] Today's headlines: China Modern Nursing Magazine: Nurses kindly feed patients a candy to cause disputes? As a warning 2019.7.31


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