
A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

author:The screen is cloudy and deep
A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Domestic violence, hooliganism, violation of female fans, cheating, a humble gentleman in front of outsiders, and a "hooligan leader" behind his back.

This group of male stars are polite and polite in suits and leather shoes on the surface, but they actually do such dirty things behind their backs, and threaten their wives not to leak it out after cheating, otherwise their lives will be in danger, who are these three male stars?

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

bullied the weak, stretched out his claws to female fans, added fists and feet to his bad wife, illegitimate children ran everywhere, the character of a good father and good husband in front of the camera collapsed instantly, and the audience was deceived by them for so long.

In order to make money, there is no lower limit to how much they have, and the actions that were inadvertently exposed have become important evidence of their tower, what kind of pickled things have these wolves in sheep's clothing done to cause such a big public outrage.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

And these people are still our "acquaintances", and they used to be one of the top performers in the entertainment industry, if these black materials are not exposed, I don't know how long they will have to act.

The first is the "big squirrel" Wang Xun in the entertainment industry, in fact, many people are confused by his appearance when they see him, there are that kind of handsome men and beautiful women everywhere in the entertainment industry, but Wang Xun looks so ordinary, so ordinary that people relax their vigilance.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Because he looks so honest and honest, many people think that he is the kind of honest character in his bones, and even in the entertainment industry, he is afraid that he will be deceived.

Even his good brother Huang Bo wanted to take him with him when he was filming, and wanted to give him more opportunities, saying that he was stupid and saying that he was stupid, but he was afraid that he would be fooled, and mixed with Huang Bo, Wang Xun made himself famous.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

started to shoot movies on variety shows, and various contracts were also approached, but after becoming famous, Wang Xun really floated, and he actually exposed his true nature, and the bad wife who accompanied him to make a comeback said that he would abandon it, and he didn't talk about the love of husband and wife at all.

You must know that before he became famous, he was a poor and white pauper, and it was his bad wife Wei Zhen who made money to support him, and never disliked him for being poor, and always accompanied him.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

If there was no Wei Zhen, there would be no Wang Xun today, but he was such a virtuous helper, but he was ruthlessly abandoned by Wang Xun, this Chen Shimei and a post-90s beauty in the crew are not clear.

That girl is almost 20 years younger than him, he can do it, in order to marry this girl, he directly went through the divorce procedures with the wife of the dregs, turned around and immediately married the girl, I thought that after holding the wife, Wang Xun would be able to retract.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Unexpectedly, this Chen Shimei actually had a good time, not long after getting married, she hooked up with another woman, and soon separated from this post-90s wife, and was photographed dating a mysterious beauty for 7 hours.

Back then, Qin Zhen raised Wang Xun for many years to pursue his dreams, and finally looked forward to his fame, and the final reward was only a massage belt, and the rest was the news of Wang Xun's derailment.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

But after derailing the post-90s beauties, Wang Xun immediately staged another wave of "three out of three", and the freshness has always changed the beauties around him, but his reputation and career have also been hit because of this incident.

In any case, Wang Xun's honest mask was completely torn off, and Chen Shimei's hat was tightly buttoned for herself.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Gao Yalin, a "good father" with children

No one would have thought that the family with children that I liked to watch the most when I was a child would probably not be able to watch it in the future, my favorite TV series when I was a child was the sitcom "Family with Children", in addition to liking the three children in the plot, I liked Xia Donghai played by Gao Yalin.

may have never seen such a sensible father in real life, so he is also called "national dad" by fans.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

I fantasize that if my father is like Xia Donghai, he is willing to listen to the children patiently, mingle with the children, and persuade them emotionally stable in the face of the children's naughty mischief, and never use violence.

Who doesn't want to have such a father, which is why we like to watch the family and have children, and the character himself, Gao Yalin, was also a good actor in the hearts of fans before the matter was exposed.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

is professional and reliable, his acting skills are very exquisite, he has an amiable face, and the roles he plays are basically positive roles, but he is such an old actor, but this kind of scandal has been exposed.

No one could have imagined that the former national father would play so much, cheating, looking for paid services, domestic violence, he was involved in everything, and his girlfriend exposed a piece of evidence, which completely made Gao Yalin the target of public criticism.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

His girlfriend decided to completely tear his face with him, and according to the revelations, Gao Yalin cheated on himself behind his girlfriend's back during her pregnancy, met with an actress who was more than 20 years younger than him, and secretly transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars to the woman in private.

With so much money, Gao Yalin is also willing to spend his blood, and the two have also had an underground relationship for a long time, in order not to be discovered, Gao Yalin also used his virtual identity to make a drag with the actress, in order not to be discovered.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

And paper can't contain the fire after all, no matter what method Gao Yalin uses, I'm afraid he can't hide the fact that he cheated, when his girlfriend found evidence of his cheating, Gao Yalin still refused to admit it, and later even began to PUA girlfriend, threatening that if she exposed this matter, several people would be finished.

Seeing that this PUA had no effect, Gao Yalin actually began to threaten his girlfriend, if she dared to send it out, the child support would be gone, and his girlfriend was often abused by Gao Yalin, even during pregnancy, Gao Yalin dared to beat his girlfriend, so scared that his girlfriend had to hide outside.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

But even this can't escape the clutches, it's hard to imagine how desperate his girlfriend was at that moment, and the actress who Gao Yalin cheated on him in her twenties enjoyed everything that her girlfriend should have.

When his girlfriend blew herself up and was beaten by Gao Yalin, she broke her hand bones, and she didn't dare to fight back in order to keep the child, when these incriminating evidence were exposed one by one, Gao Yalin was completely infamous, and the former good man personality completely collapsed.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Such a person who is inferior to a beast does not deserve our respect, and he was fired from the company because of this incident, and the new girlfriend in her twenties who cheated was also forced to quit the entertainment industry because of this incident.

This new girlfriend did not fall well, and even when Gao Yalin was exposed, Gao Yalin was said to be a "chicken", and Gao Yalin was blamed for all this.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

The "iron-blooded tough guy" on the screen, the "Sven scum" in reality.

I believe everyone is no stranger to Yu Zhen, he has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and he has also filmed a lot of film and television works over the years, whether it is an anti-Japanese war film or a modern film, Yu Zhen's role has always been the kind of iron-blooded tough guy, fair and selfless role.

This is the case in the actor's industry, if a role is played too deeply in the hearts of the people, it will be substituted by the audience, thinking that he is the character himself, so many people don't want to play the villain.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

And Yu Zhen has played so many tough guy roles, giving people the feeling that he has always been very reliable and full of positive energy, which makes people ignore what he is like.

If I tell you that he brought the character of a "tough guy" to life and used it on his daughter-in-law Fang Baini, what would you think, he actually committed domestic violence against his wife, and the two fell in love because of the play, and entered the palace of marriage in a short time.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

And Fang Baini has always regarded Zhen as his idol, but not long after the two got married, Fang Baini became pregnant, and during pregnancy, Yu Zhen rarely accompanied Fang Baini, which made Fang Baini, who was already anxious, start to think more.

Later, Fang Baini went to find Yu Zhen, and the two wanted to communicate well, but under the quarrel between you and me, it eventually turned into a violent quarrel, and Yu Zhen even moved his hand, picked up a chair and smashed it directly on her ankle.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

And according to Fang Baini's revelations, her miscarriage was also because Yu Zhen got angry and pushed her to the ground, causing the child to not be saved, and finally miscarried, but Yu Zhen did not admit it and denied the fact of domestic violence.

But no matter who is true or who is false, this marriage, which lasted for a year, eventually came to a collapse.

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Sources of information:

China's Changzhou Network "People can't look good, Wang Xun is suspected of cheating for the second time, and his ex-wife was exposed to death of cancer"

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars "Actor Wang Xun is suspected of cheating for the second time, his ex-wife was revealed to have died, and he is now a junior in the upper position"

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars

Cover news "Gao Yalin was exposed to cheating domestic violence? Staff response: Unclear》

A male star who is humble and gentlemanly on the surface, but in fact he is a hooligan leader, how good are these 3 male stars