
What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

author:Say goodbye

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What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

When people are old, have no children, no daughters and no partners, where should they go in their old age? Do you suffer in silence in loneliness, or do you actively seek the warmth of society? This is a serious and real problem. Here, we invite everyone to participate in the discussion and think together: how can they rely on their old age? Your point of view may make a difference, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The highest instruction: The road is chosen by yourself, don't blame others when you fall into the pit [Like]

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

That's right, eat salted fish to be thirsty, want what you want, and be ready to give up what you give up.

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

When you are old, you enjoy loneliness, if you have money, you go out to go out and see the outside, and if you don't have money, you can take a walk near home and buy groceries.

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Enjoy yourself while you are young, and the cost performance of life expectancy in old age is the lowest

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In fact, for most people who choose celibacy, it means that they have made another choice that is not socially acceptable.

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

All presupposes a clear mind. It's good now, but I'm afraid of getting old and confused! However, the previous decades have passed, and the last bit of time is unlucky. A lifetime of cool non-existent.

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Some people don't raise their children well when they cast nets and catch fish, and expect one of them to suck blood when half of them have a chance, and in their later years, they fantasize that there are always one or two children who can support themselves, the real situation is that the children will become themselves, and they have no control in their old age, except for moral kidnapping, no one cares, and kidnapping can't be held for a few years.

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Children have jobs, it is impossible to accompany them 24 hours a day, and they cannot leave on the same day and year with their spouses, and people eventually die alone

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

That's right, if you get old, you die, what can't you see

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

What blessings did he accumulate in his previous life? In this life, I have lived such a chic life, and I even left so freely [dog head]

What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Even if you invite someone or go to a nursing home, the probability of the elderly with children being bullied will be smaller, and the role of children is here, not that they must be taken care of under their knees

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What should I do when I am old, have no children, no daughters, and no partner? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people