
After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

author:Half moon of summer

The founding of New China is the result of the efforts of countless predecessors. They shed their blood and worked together for the same great goal.

Among them is such a person, who has dedicated her life to the cause of education in the mainland and made great contributions to the establishment of New China.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Her husband was Chairman Mao's mentor, and in times of danger, she took great risks to protect the safety of the chairman's three sons, so that they could turn the crisis into safety.

The old man's name is Xiang Zhenxi, some people may not know her, her daughter is the revolutionary martyr Yang Kaihui, Chairman Mao's beloved wife.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

A girl from a scholarly family

The Xiang family is a big family with a long history in the local area, and most of the ancestors were scholars, who had been admitted to the Jinshi and became officials in the court. When her father's generation arrived, she gave up her great future as an official and began to engage in education instead.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Father Xiang is not a conservative person, he advocates that education should be equal between men and women, and both boys and girls have the right to receive education. Xiang Zhenxi grew up in such a family, and under the teaching of her father, she read poetry and learned many advanced ideas, which was also very rare at that time.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

As a progressive youth, Xiang Zhenxi also has a like-minded playmate, and the relationship between the two has always been very good, he is later Xiang Zhenxi's husband, Yang Changji.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

A young man with a long vision

The Yang family and the Xiang family can be said to be a good match, and there has always been a tradition between the two families, that is, they are married to their children, so they are very closely connected. In such a family, Yang Changji, of course, has also been studying since he was a child, and he is full of knowledge.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

He began to study at the age of 7, and the enlightenment teacher was his father, but the good times did not last long, and in the second year of enrollment, Yang Changji's father died of illness, and his mother became ill and soon died. But the young Yang Changji was not defeated by grief, and began his own long path of study.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Although the Yang family has changed, the old tradition of marriage has not changed, and this time it fell on Yang Changji and Xiang Zhenxi.

When it comes to marriage, many people think that it is a bad habit left over from feudalism. But this is actually a kind of luck for the two young people.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Because the two were originally cousins, they have been playing together since they were children, they are genuine childhood sweethearts, and the relationship between the two has always been very good, and the adults in the family are also happy to see it.

It was a match made in heaven, and the two young people walked into the palace of marriage together with the expectations and blessings of their families.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

If you are a mother, you are strong

The relationship between the two has been very good after marriage, and they have given birth to three children, one boy, two girls successively, but unfortunately, the eldest daughter Yang Qiong unfortunately died, leaving only Yang Kaihui and Yang Kaizhi.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Her husband, Yang Changji, is full of ambition and is heartbroken to see that his motherland has been violated, and he is ready to study abroad to find a way to save China, but he feels guilty about his wife.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

This woman who has been by her side since she was a child, she has worked hard since she married herself, she has never had a trace of complaints, she doesn't have to worry about things at home, she can always take care of it in an orderly manner.

In order to let herself study with peace of mind, she took the initiative to take on all the things at home. You must know that she was also a passionate progressive young woman back then, if it wasn't for herself, how could she work so hard.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

But Xiang Zhenxi's love for him is far more than that, after learning about her husband's thoughts, she chose to support him without hesitation, she said to Yang Changji: Don't worry about everything at home, let him rest assured to pursue his ideals boldly.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

But as a woman, her beloved is about to leave her homeland, this difference, I don't know when we will be able to meet, how can Xiang Zhenxi be willing to give up, she knows that her husband is not doing this for anything else, but for the rejuvenation of the country and the Chinese nation to stand up again.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Even if there is a lot of reluctance in her heart, Xiang Zhenxi also decided to sacrifice her small self and achieve her big self, she took her children and said goodbye to her husband in tears, Yang Changji's departure is nearly ten years.

During this period of time, Xiang Zhenxi pulled the family to barely survive, but she deeply understood a truth, poor nothing can be poor education.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

She resolutely sent her daughter Yang Kaihui to the girls' school, so that she could receive a good education and learn advanced knowledge, although this made her already poor life more compact, but she had no regrets.

Ten years in the flick of a finger, Yang Changji returned from study, and the husband and wife were finally reunited, in the past ten years, Xiang Zhenxi fulfilled her promise to her husband, things at home were in order, and a pair of children were also educated by her to become a positive and good young man.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Disillusioned with the state of government in China, Yang Changji plunged headlong into education and returned to Hunan to become a teacher at the Hunan No. 1 Public Normal School. Here, he became acquainted with the proudest student of his life, Mao Zedong.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Yang Changji often took Mao Zedong and other students to his home, and Xiang Zhenxi looked at this group of high-spirited young men, and he also liked it from the bottom of his heart.

Whenever these children come to the house, she is always busy cooking and entertaining, and her daughter Yang Kaihui often helps.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

But the good times did not last long, Yang Changji died in 1920, Xiang Zhenxi endured great grief to support her family, but she was still selfless dedication to the cause of education, and when Mao Zedong ran the Cultural Book Society, Xiang Zhenxi took out Yang Changji's funeral fee as support.

Since then, Xiang Zhenxi has lived with Mao Zedong and his daughter Yang Kaihui, taking care of everything in the family for them, so that they can devote all their energy to revolutionary work.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Later, Chiang Kai-shek openly betrayed the revolution and hunted down the Communists, Chairman Mao launched an uprising and established the famous Jinggangshan Base Area.

His wife returned to her hometown with her three young children, and she had no choice but to hide in the mountains in order to avoid arrest.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

For the sake of the three lovely little grandchildren, Xiang Zhenxi took out all his energy to take care of them, the children grew up day by day, and Xiang Zhenxi also got older day by day, but looking at the three children growing up, the smile on her face was sincere.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Although Yang Kaihui hid deeply, it was a pity that someone still leaked her traces, and in 1930, Yang Kaihui was unfortunately arrested.

"It's not a pity to die, but I hope that the Runzhi Revolution will succeed as soon as possible."
"When I die, please don't do the things of the laity."
After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

These were Yang Kaihui's last words, she was not afraid of the enemy's coercion and temptation, and she was brave and righteous.

When the news came, Xiang Zhenxi, who had lost her daughter, was devastated by the loss, but she knew that she could not fall down yet, and she had to transfer her three children to prevent them from being killed by the enemy.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

With the help of the organization, Xiang Zhenxi successfully escorted the three children to Shanghai on the grounds of stringing relatives, but he returned to Hunan, but after she returned home, all news was interrupted, and he could not contact his grandson or Mao Zedong.

She could only look at her daughter's pictures and spend every day in great pain.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

In this way, the day came, Changsha was peacefully liberated, and someone brought the news to her ears, and the great joy made her tears fall uncontrollably.

"I finally waited for this day, and Runzhi finally did it!"

The old lady who has worked hard all her life first thinks of her relatives.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

After learning the news of the old man, Chairman Mao was also very pleased, he immediately called back to greet her, and entrusted Zhu Zhongli to bring her a leather jacket.

Mrs. Yang: You're alright.

Now, Miss Toju, I have come to visit you. One fur coat was given to you by me, and two pieces of clothing were given to the Kaizhi couple.

Mao Zedong

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Although this letter is not long, it is deeply friendly, perhaps in Chairman Mao's heart, he has long regarded this weak old man as his own mother.

After that, Chairman Mao would often send some silver dollars to the old lady as a greeting, he often kept this matter in mind, and sometimes the secretary was busy with work and forgot about it, and he had to take the initiative to remind the secretary.

After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

But after all, the old man is old, in 1960, Xiang Zhenxi passed away, Chairman Mao who learned the news was very sad, and this kind old man still left him forever.

With tears in his eyes, he called:

Dedian was shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Yang, and was very sad. May you and your wife mourn. Send 500 yuan as a mourning. The funeral ceremony can be shared with Comrade Yang Kaihui and my dear wife. We are two of the same family, not each other. I hope you will mourn and change. ”
After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!

Today, we can hold our mobile phones and look at all kinds of information, all of which are made by these seniors with enthusiasm.

Here, with the highest respect, I will pay tribute to the old man Xiang Zhenxi and the revolutionary fighters who have fought all their lives for the establishment of New China!


Red Net: The legend of Yang Kaihui's grandmother's family - a century-old relationship between the Xiang family, the Yang family and the Mao family
After the liberation, Yang Kaihui's mother burst into tears: Runzhi has succeeded, I have finally waited for this day!


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